samedi 5 mars 2011

Death of the little Christopher: investigation dollar burdens of childhood centre

Death of the little Christopher: investigation dollar burdens of childhood centre

March 5, 2011 by lagazettedeputeaux


Death of the little Christopher: investigation dollar burdens of childhood centre

Jean-Marc Ducos

Christopher, 9 years, suffering from serious behavioural disorders, escaped Champhol Centre on October 29, 2010. He was found drowned in the Eure on 12 November, a few kilometres away. | lp/ALAIN auboiroux

There may be enough to close the grid in the Centre of Champhol (Eure-and-Loir) which was hosted Christopher Léger, 9 years, that this child suffering from serious behavioural disorders is not beyond.

On October 29, 2010, the boy placed in the centre of childhood had managed to escape from cycling through the main door left open wide. He will be found drowned in the Eure on 12 November, a few kilometres away, at Saint-Prest. The door has been closed until after the drama.

The investigation led by the brigade of minors of the Commissioner of Chartres and forwarded to the investigating judge Olivia Wingert reveals that the child had already escaped six times to the vigilance of educators, according to the "Parisien" - "today in France".

"Close the grid could be useful and prevent this tragedy".

All social workers had noted the "degradation" of the psychological state of the small Christopher. All still describes its recurrent desire to "see his real parents" or "relay family" allowing him from time to time. A child in need of affection. A point that educators report "may 11, 2010, on June 12, 2010, September 5, 2010, but also October 1, 2010, October 10, 2010, October 11, 2010", Christopher took the powder of buggered.

On 11 October, Christopher had recovered a bike in the Park of the centre of Champhol and was found in a café in Lèves. A scenario that is repeated on 29 October afternoon when returning from a trip, the child just a bike and dark through the Park and the open grid before seeding educators to his pursuit.

"May suggest that if this grid had been closed in the light of the history of this child, he could not escape and know a tragic end." "Christopher was a child difficult to manage despite the unparalleled devotion of the staff, but this simple precaution, within the Directorate, to close the grid could be useful and prevent this tragedy", indicates Mr. Emmanuel Riglaire, counsel for the child's family.

A Chamber stripped so that the child would endanger

The daily life of Christopher had become so difficult that the leaders of the centre of Champhol had requested his transfer to a médico-éducatif Institute. But without place on October 5, this Institute met the judge child who was following him that he could not make a charge.

Police also set up the State of the premises of the House of the child at the centre. A room stripped of everything or almost: "A mattress landed on the ground, a netting, two sheets, a pillow and a few toys." They also note in their synthesis that the door of the House is "down and repaired with boards." The violence of Christopher could be terrible. Educators were all removed room to avoid that he put in danger. A depressed child who is auto-mutile and so difficult to supervise that two educators specially dedicated to his case had finally throw the sponge. Others had taken the relay.

Is that on 3 November the Director of the centre, arriving the same day, had decided to close the grid during the day. The management had explained that he was not "a closed judicial centre".

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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

Cédric Fleurigeon Nous demandons à tous pendant une journée, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 de changer la photo de votre profil par celle de Benjamin et de son fils Aureo Il serait bon de voir fleurir cette photo sur la toile que se soit sur Facebook, MySpace, MSN ainsi que sur tous les méd