jeudi 31 mars 2011
Comunicado de imprensa do Conselho Constitucional em conformidade com a Constituição da lei orgânica sobre o defensor de direitos.
Comunicado de imprensa do Conselho Constitucional em conformidade com a Constituição da lei orgânica sobre o defensor de direitos.
Hôtel Matignon - 57, rue de Varenne 75007 PARIS
Paris, 29 de Março de 2011.
Primeiro-ministro François FILLON congratulou-se com a decisão terça-feira, 29 de Março a
Conselho Constitucional em conformidade com a Constituição da lei orgânica relacionadas com o
Defensor dos direitos.
Estabelecida pela revisão constitucional de 23 de julho de 2008, o defensor dos direitos é
permitir, pela facilidade de sua remessa e a extensão das suas competências, para reforçar a proteção
direitos e liberdades das pessoas.
Reunindo as habilidades actualmente dispersos entre o mediador da República,
o defensor das crianças, a alta autoridade contra a discriminação e de igualdade
(HALDE) e a Comissão Nacional de ética da segurança (CSDN), defensor da
direitos simplifica e esclarece o dispositivo atual para a proteção dos direitos para o benefício de um
única autoridade, cuja independência é garantida pela Constituição.
Para cumprir suas missões, o defensor dos direitos é assistido por três deputados, incluindo um
Assistente de advogado para crianças e três faculdades composto por personalidades reconhecidas.
Defensor dos direitos é nomeado por ordem no Conselho de Ministros, após aviso prévio e
comissões competentes permanentes da Assembleia nacional e o Senado.
Pressemitteilung vom Verfassungsrat auf Übereinstimmung mit der Verfassung des Grundlagengesetzes auf der Rechte Verteidiger.
Pressemitteilung vom Verfassungsrat auf Übereinstimmung mit der Verfassung des Grundlagengesetzes auf der Rechte Verteidiger.
Hôtel Matignon - 57, rue de Varenne 75007 PARIS
Paris, 29 März 2011
Dienstag, 29 März Entscheidung von Premierminister François FILLON begrüßt die
Verfassungsrat auf Übereinstimmung mit der Verfassung von der Organic Act im Zusammenhang mit der
Verteidiger der Rechte.
Gegründet durch die Verfassungsrevision von Juli 23, 2008, ist der Verteidiger der Rechte
zu ermöglichen, von der einfachen seine Referral und das Ausmaß ihrer Befugnisse, um den Schutz zu stärken
Rechte und Freiheiten der Personen.
Zusammenführung der Fähigkeiten derzeit verstreut zwischen der Mediator der Republik,
der Verteidiger der Kinder, die hohe Behörde gegen Diskriminierung und für die Gleichstellung
(HALDE) und der nationalen Kommission der Ethik der Sicherheit (NSVR), Verteidiger der
Rechte vereinfacht und klärt das aktuelle Gerät zum Schutz der Rechte zugunsten der ein
einzige Behörde, deren Unabhängigkeit von der Verfassung gewährleistet ist.
Um ihre Missionen zu erfüllen, wird der Verteidiger der Rechte von drei Stellvertreter, einschließlich unterstützt eine
Assistant Anwalt für Kinder, und drei Colleges bestehend aus anerkannten Persönlichkeiten.
Nach Mitteilung werden nach Reihenfolge im Ministerrat, Verteidiger der Rechte ernannt und
zuständigen Ausschüsse der Nationalversammlung und den Senat
PRESS release by the Constitutional Council on compliance with the Constitution of the organic law on the rights defender.
PRESS release by the Constitutional Council on compliance with the Constitution of the organic law on the rights defender.
Hôtel Matignon - 57, rue de Varenne 75007 PARIS
Paris, March 29, 2011
Prime Minister François FILLON welcomed Tuesday, March 29 decision by the
Constitutional Council on compliance with the Constitution of the Organic Act relating to the
Defender of rights.
Established by the constitutional revision of July 23, 2008, the defender of rights is
allow, by the ease of its referral and the extent of its powers, to strengthen the protection
rights and freedoms of persons.
Bringing together the skills currently dispersed between the mediator of the Republic,
the defender of children, the high authority against discrimination and for equality
(HALDE) and the National Commission of ethics of security (NSDC), defender of
rights simplifies and clarifies the current device for the protection of the rights to the benefit of a
single authority, whose independence is guaranteed by the Constitution.
To fulfill its missions, the defender of rights shall be assisted by three deputies, including a
Assistant advocate for children, and three colleges composed of recognized personalities.
Defender of rights shall be appointed by order in Council of Ministers, after notice and
competent standing committees of the National Assembly and the Senate.
mercredi 30 mars 2011
Overmanning in social workers
Overmanning in social workers
To obvious abuse of placements of children by social abuse, the Council of Europe has published a standard booklet "rights of children and at risk." There is found essentially that children should grow up in their families, a reminder to the principle of subsidiarity, which hold us dear and which the State cannot interfere in our life than absolute need to if. The conclusions of the Council of Europe are that even in these cases of necessity, the public authorities should implement the appropriate aid and not systematically resort to investments.
Let us be lucid, it is not necessary that families are aware of real problems so that interference is observed. It must be that officials of the social misery can work! They would therefore not hesitate to take office or malicious information for any abuse which the definition is extended to the extreme from the educator baffe to harassment to the duties of parents. Of course there are real cases of abuse where rapid intervention is essential, but social abuse professionals are unable to manage abuse organized in risk environments.
There are actually more simple situations and exposing them less. These situations led them with impunity to put 40 000 children in France for unjustified reasons. This is more than 10 years that the Inspectorate General of Social Affairs refers to this situation in its reports and that face-to-face social abuse unions put forward this precautionary principle rogue who would that doubt benefits investments.
Judicial proceedings take precedence over administrative procedures. And even these administrative procedures degenerate into judicial proceedings to the goodwill of social workers from which parents do not fairly quickly began to knees. Indeed, it is completely bewildering to see respectable parents to humiliate before some idiotic prying and authoritarian whose powers usurped in our society they sound like a social revenge for these ignored intelligence.
Once they have raised the infernal gear and sent their investigations to support on the basis of the risk any justified it, then the courts are seized in emergency and instruct on the only evidence to support. The outcome is the placement of the child in foster care or a measure of educational in an open environment (AEMO) assistance, in both cases the child is assumed in grave danger, so parents are regarded as unworthy! Thus to 40 000 children without justification can add the same number in family home or under freedom monitored in a "trusted third party" or in the family. It then reached the figure of at least 100,000 parents considered wrongly as unworthy!
The moral cost of such measures is impossible to quantify: depression, suicide, futures marred for children.
It is easier to encrypt the financial cost and identify recipients. So according to the association for the defence of children, the "wire of Ariane", the child in danger reporting procedure costs 5,000 euros in legal costs, as earned for judges. Placement which follows cost EUR 1 500 per month and child so much money earned in the business of host families to the community, or even double the 3,000 euros for a home placement, it is the business of educators (updated figures from the report of the Board of economic analysis by Evelyne Sullerot and Michel Godet in 2001).
We begin to better understand the interest of the abusive placements. How many position of educators, social workers would be deleted without them? And that would then become this plethora of employees much cannot hope better than a conversion in telephone marketing?
To go further:
Placements abusifs, un scandale dont on parle de plus en plus
Placements abusifs, un scandale dont on parle de plus en plus
26/09/2010 à 19h38 -
Si il existe une tradition française bien ancrée dans la population c’est la pratique de la dénonciation. On peut certainement blâmer là l’envie, un mauvais penchant de l’âme franchouillarde encouragé par nos institutions et nos media.
Quoi les voisins mangent du beurre, ils ont du café !? S’exclame la mère Frachon, c’est sûr ils font du marché noir et ce qui leur arrivera c’est bien fait, rajoutera-t-elle en envoyant sa lettre anonyme à la Kommandantur.
Tu sais ceux qui ont un piano, je suis sûr que c’est des Juifs, on n’en a pas nous un piano, on va le raconter à qui de droit, menace le père Lopez.
Pas plus la Kommandantur que le fisc ou les services sociaux ne font trop de détails, il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu et il faut bien justifier de l’activité de son personnel.
Mais le pire c’est de s’en prendre au sang plutôt qu’à l’argent. La fortune cela se refait, la famille non. Faute de Kommandantur, de Stasi ou de KGB le prolifique dénonciateur, jaloux du succès ou du bonheur de son voisin, va donc balancer aux services sociaux de l’enfance.
Certes ne jetons pas la pierre à tous les fonctionnaires de l’administration de l’aide sociale à l’enfance (ASE), si parmi eux ils s’en trouvent quelques honnêtes et dévoués à la cause de nos têtes blondes en détresse ils n’hésiteront pas à se manifester pour nous aider. Mais pour l’instant aucun n’a répondu à l’appel. N’en tirons pas des conclusions trop hâtives, contentons nous des faits car ceux-ci sont têtus, dixit Lénine, pour parler un langage qu’ils comprennent.
Les faits en l’occurrence sont qu’à la suite de calomnies ou d’une situation mal interprétée, ou encore déjà résolue, un enfant sur deux fait l’objet d’un placement abusif en foyer.
Oui, un enfant sur deux !!! Autrement dit, un papa et une maman sur deux ne peuvent rencontrer leurs enfants sous surveillance de garde-chiourmes qu’une fois par mois sans qu’ils soient le moins du monde dangereux pour leur progéniture. La question se pose alors de savoir comment cette relation anormale est vécue par les uns et les autres. En général, sûrs de leur bon droit les personnels de l’aide sociale à l’enfance et des associations stipendiées regardent avec suspicion les parents, et au mieux les traitent comme des incapables majeur.
Cette attitude est tout à fait désastreuse pour leurs enfants qui en viennent à avoir peur et penser qu’ils ont été enlevés à cause de leurs parents. Et effectivement, les jeunes raptés sont conditionnés pour intégrer que leur situation découle de l’anormalité du foyer parental, alors qu’a contrario leur situation en foyer serait, elle, tout à fait justifiée.
Il est nécessaire pour les sévices sociaux que l’enfant raisonne de la sorte. Faute de quoi l’enfant pourrait ne pas accepter la situation qui lui est faite et devenir une source de désagréments.
Maintenant comment peuvent réagir ces parents qui n’ont rien à se reprocher face à une telle situation ? La réponse à cette question n’est pas si compliquée car vous qui me lisez, vous vivez certainement au sein d’une famille qui n’a pas été séparée, vous ne subissez ni ne faites subir de maltraitances au sens où vous ne mettez pas en danger la santé physique ou mentale de vos enfants. Vous pouvez donc vous situer dans cette frange de parents attentifs au développement de vos enfants.
Alors imaginez que vous soyez placés dans le collimateur d’une organisation syndicale bien implantée dans les sévices sociaux, genre FSU, que votre bonheur conjugal en gêne certains, que les bons résultats des enfants et leurs capacités de travail inquiètent les biens-pensants de l’égalitarisme.
Bien sûr, vous n’êtes pas au courant de ce qui se trame dans votre dos, jusqu’au jour où l’ASE (nouveau nom de la DDASS) vous écrit et vous envoie un bouledogue en jupon, voire une ancienne activiste des brigades rouges (cela s’est vu), qui s’invite chez vous en vous expliquant que vous faites l’objet d’une assistance éducative en milieu ouvert.Pas de panique encore, ils ne vous enlèvent pas vos enfants, ils viennent juste les mettre en liberté surveillée sous votre propre toit. Le bouledogue en jupon qui a dû un jour être une femme vous expliquera, au besoin devant vos enfants, que vous n’êtes pas de bons parents. Elle sait comment on s’occupe des enfants, la preuve ce sont les siens qui viennent insulter les vôtres à l’école ou se moquer d’eux parce qu’ils n’aiment pas le rap et qu’ils prennent trop souvent la parole en classe. Ses enfants sont normaux pas les vôtres, soyez en convaincus. Et d’ailleurs si vous rechignez à la mise en place de cette mesure, vos enfants vous seront retirés pour être correctement conditionnés.
Imaginez-vous dans votre salon un peu trop coquet à son goût, elle regarde partout sans avoir l’air d’y toucher, ne peut réprimer une grimace quand elle voit des livres en anglais, voire en bulgare qu’elle doit confondre avec du russe, vous semblez lui étaler votre élitisme et la renvoyer à ses complexes. Elle fixe son regard sur un livre hommage à Ronald Reagan, vous avez de drôles de références pense-t-elle.
Elle s’inquiète donc de savoir si son intervention est perçue comme il se doit.
En fait je ne sais pas ce qu’il y a dans votre bibliothèque et si vous avez laissé traîné quelques numéros de l’Humanité Dimanche, elle devrait être plus souriante. Enfin autant qu’un bouledogue puisse l’être sans tacher votre persan d’une coulée de bave.
Je ne sais pas non plus comment vous allez réagir face à cette agression, vous serez peut-être tétanisés, incapables de dire un mot, paralysés par le choc, la peur de ce qui pourrait se passer pour vos enfants. Elle note mentalement tout cela, vous êtes là pour faire vos preuves de docilité et de résignation. Vous êtes là pour vous écraser à domicile. Vous n’êtes pas égaux en droit, vous qui l’avez laissé entrer oubliez tous les principes constitutionnels. Non, vous êtes un prévenu qu’on ne prévient pas, suspecté de quelque chose que vous ignorez, elle a l’autorité avec elle et vous de graves ennuis en perspective. En fonction de ce qu’elle verra, le vrai ou faux expert psy (cela s’est vu également) aura de quoi manger du caviar et des éléments pour son rapport à venir.
Vous sentirez vraisemblablement votre pied droit qui vous démange. Vous lutterez ardemment contre la pulsion difficilement répressible de raccompagner cette sale bonne femme par voie aérienne à grands de pompes dans le cul jusqu’à votre perron. Une pulsion libératrice et oh combien justifiée car de quel droit critiquer ainsi votre mode éducatif ?
J’ignore donc ce que vous auriez fait, mais je connais la façon de réagir d’un ami en suite à la dénonciation d’une voisine, vous savez une de celles qui se veulent « progressistes » et inspirent confiance aux pouvoirs publics par leur engagement dans des associations subventionnées. Je sais que mon ami a posé à raison qu’il était un bon père et sa femme une bonne mère, qu’en conséquence cette mesure ne s’imposait pas.
Je sais qu’il a critiqué l’institution française de l’aide sociale à l’enfance en comparant cette institution à celles de son pays d’origine, un pays communiste qui savait comment normaliser les comportements. Mon ami ne s’est laissé normaliser ni là-bas ni ici, il est demeuré debout en conservant sa dignité d’homme et de père, c’est pour cela que les sévices sociaux lui ont brisé sa famille.
Oui tout cela parce qu’il persiste à croire que la famille est le lieu idéal de développement des enfants. À le croire et à le dire, il sera jugé paranoïaque et inapte à une vie familiale tant qu’il n’aura pas renoncé « à ses convictions et certitudes ».
Mon ami aurait dû se soigner pour abandonner de telles convictions, il ne l’a pas fait et cela pèsera lourd dans la balance. Eh oui, pour les sévices sociaux nos convictions se soignent, on appelle cela de la rééducation il me semble. D’ailleurs il existe des camps pour cela, en France on les appelle des foyers. Faute de rééduquer le père, ce sont donc les enfants qui seront placés en foyer, puis dans des familles méritantes aux yeux de l’Etat. Ce placement durera aussi longtemps que le père ne fera pas son autocritique devant les sévices sociaux, leurs alliés associatifs stipendiés et ses propres enfants, tant qu’il n’avouera pas des difficultés familiales ou personnelles, oui cela est écrit noir sur blanc, je n’invente rien.
Il sera même reproché au père de parler à son fils de la médiatisation de cette affaire et d’ébranler la conviction implantée chez son enfant que ce qui lui arrive serait pour son bien. Face à cette volonté légitime d’agir pour conserver la confiance et la capacité de son fils à comprendre le drame vécu, les sévices sociaux puniront le père d’une peine supplémentaire d’un an d’éloignement et qualifieront son acte « d’incapacité de respecter le cadre posé pour préserver ses enfants ». Excusez moi de ne pas fournir les rires enregistrés tant cette situation est dramatique.
Cela se passe bien dans la France des sévices publics en 2010 et si il n’y a plus assez d’enfants pour maintenir l’emploi à l’ASE et dans les associations satellites, si vous ne plaisez pas à vos voisins progressistes, si vous ne reconnaissez pas que vos enfants appartiennent à la collectivité sociale avant d’appartenir à votre famille, si vous n’êtes pas prêts à vous humilier devant des parasites sociaux alors bientôt c’est votre famille qu’ils détruiront.
Undue investments, a scandal that is talked about more and more
Undue investments, a scandal that is talked about more and more
26/09/2010 at 19: 38-
If there is a French tradition well anchored in the population is the practice of the information. It is certainly here blame the envy, a bad penchant of the soul franchouillarde encouraged by our institutions and our media.
What neighbors eat butter, they have coffee! Exclaims mother Frachon, it is sure they are the black market and what will happen to them it is well done, rajoutera it by sending his anonymous letter to the Kommandantur.
You know those who have a piano, I am sure that it is Jewish, there is no us a piano, we will tell it to that law, threatens father Lopez.
No more the Kommandantur that the tax authorities or social services are too much detail, there is no smoke without fire and he must justify his staff activity.
But the worst is to blame in the blood rather than money. The fortune it gets, the family. Or Kommandantur, Stasi or KGB the prolific informant, jealous of the success or happiness of his neighbour, will swing to social services for children.
Certainly not tokens stone to all officials of the administration of social assistance to childhood (ASE), where among them they are a few honest and dedicated to the cause of our fair-haired heads in distress they will not hesitate to come forward to help us. But for the moment none responded to the appeal. Doing not too hasty conclusions, let us to the facts as they are persistently, dixit Lenin, to speak in a language they understand.
The facts in this case are that following slander or misunderstood, or even already resolved situation, a child out of two is an abusive home placement.
Yes, one child in two! In other words, a dad and a MOM on two cannot meet their children under supervision of custody-chiourmes that once a month without that they are the least dangerous world for their offspring. The question then arises whether how this abnormal relationship is experienced by each and the others. In General, confident of their correct personal welfare children and stipendiées associations watch with suspicion parents, and best dealt with as for major incapable persons.
This attitude is quite disastrous for their children who come to be afraid and thought that they were kidnapped by their parents. And indeed, the young raptés are conditioned to integrate that their situation arises from the abnormality of the parental home, while a contrario their home situation is fully justified.
It is necessary for the social abuse child reasoning so. Otherwise the child could not accept the situation that is made and become a source of inconvenience.
Now how can respond these parents that have nothing to blame such a situation? The answer to this question is not so complicated because you who read me, you certainly live in a family that has not been separated, you not suffer nor do suffer from abuse in the sense where you will put not endanger your child's mental or physical health. So, you can locate you in this fringe of parents pay attention to the development of your children.
Then imagine that you placed in the crosshairs of a well established in the social abuse, genus FSU trade union organisation, that your marital happiness bothers some, that the good results of the children and their ability to work concerned the thinking assets of egalitarianism.
Of course, you're not aware of what is happening in your back, to the day where the ASE (new name of the DDASS) you wrote and sends you a Bulldog in petticoat, or even a former activist of the Red brigades (it was)invites you in you explaining that you are the object of educational assistance in an open environment.No panic yet, they remove you not your children, they come just implement freedom monitored under your own roof. The Bulldog in petticoat which should one day be a woman will explain, as needed before your children that you are not good parents. She knows how it cares for the children, the evidence its own just insult your own school or making fun of them because they do not like rap and they too often take the floor in the classroom. His children are normal not yours, be convinced. And indeed if you rechignez to the implementation of this measure, your children you will be taken to be properly packaged.
Imagine yourself in your living room a little too coquet to his liking, she looks everywhere without the air of tamper, cannot repress a grimace when she sees books in English, even in Bulgarian to be confused with Russian, you seem to spread your elitism and return it to its complexes. She fixed her eyes on a book tribute to Ronald Reagan, you have funny references think.
It is therefore concerned about whether his intervention is perceived as it should.
In fact I don't know what there is in your library and if you left dragged a few numbers of humanity Sunday, it should be more smiling. Finally as much as a bulldog can be without stain your Persian of a flow of drooling.
I know not how you will react to this aggression, you'll perhaps paralysed, unable to say a Word, paralyzed by the shock, fear of what might happen to your children. She mentally note all of this, you are there to make your evidence of docility and resignation. You are there to crush you at home. You are not equal in law, you have let him enter forget all the constitutional principles. No, you are an accused that it does not, prevent suspected of something that you don't know, the authority with it and you serious troubles in perspective. Based on what it will be seen, the true or false expert psy (it has been also) what will eat caviar and elements for his upcoming report.
You will likely feel your right foot itch you. You lutterez fervently against the pulse hardly repressible of take home this dirty woman by air to large pumps in ass until your perron. A liberating drive and oh how justified because what right and criticize your educational mode?
I do not therefore know what you would have, but I know how to respond to a friend in suite to the denunciation of a neighbour, you know one of those who want to "progressive" and inspire confidence in public authorities by their commitment in subsidized associations. I know that my friend was asked why he was a good father and his wife a good mother, was that as a result this measure is not required.
I know that he has criticized the French institution of social assistance to childhood by comparing this institution to those of his country of origin, a Communist country who knew how to standardize behaviours. My friend is is left standardize neither there nor here, he remained standing by maintaining her dignity of man and father, this is why social abuse broke him his family.
Yes everything it because he continues to believe that the family is the ideal place for children's development. To believe and say, it will be judged unfit and paranoid to family life as long as he will not waive "his beliefs and certainties".
My friend should have to care for themselves to abandon such convictions, he has not done, and it weigh in the balance. EH Yes, social abuse our beliefs to treat, it's called the rehabilitation it seems to me. Indeed there are camps for this, in France called homes. Or re-educate the father, these are children who will be placed in the home, then in deserving families in the eyes of the State. This investment will last as long the father will not be his self-criticism before social abuse, hated associative allies and his own children, as he said not the difficulties family or personal, yes it is written black on whiteI invented nothing.
It will be even criticized the father to speak to his son, the coverage of this case and to undermine belief implanted in his child that what happens to him would be to his property. This legitimate desire to act to maintain the confidence and the ability of his son to understand the lived drama, social abuse will punish the father of an additional penalty of one year of remoteness and junior his act "of inability to meet the framework applied to preserve her children". I am sorry not to provide the registered both laughter this situation is dramatic.
This happens in the France of public abuse in 2010 and if there is more enough children to keep employment at the ESA and satellite associations, if you do not enjoy your progressive neighbors, if you do not agree that your children belong to the social community before belong to your familyIf you are not ready to you humiliate before social parasites then soon it is your family that they will destroy.
Diarrhea of the ASE
Diarrhea of the ASE
23/11/2010 at 11: 29 pm-
The site of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy surprises its small mainly to the detour of some fairly revealing judicial moral decisions.
Let me therefore synthesize S164 on January 21, 2009 decision following complaints from the services of children against a judge of the children.
Poor educators have complained of having been implicated by the judge at the hearings before families.
Reading of this case I am took me of interest to this judge of children whose name does not appear and knowing certain officials of children's services, I thought was well a few times that a woman to grip gives place full of incompetent fools stupidity the dispute of bad faith. I would be shocked that an educator will take a good blow of pump in the ass by a juvenile judge properly exercising its functions, this before the applause of parents who could understand finally that place were not there.
But then read on, it is worth!
Third party headed by a Director of AEMO ("Educational" in workplace open Action) against the judge in question were dated already for several years.
The zealous Director could not digest the mis en cause of the technical work of its protected before the families, and for good measure, he also denounced mistreatment of litigants. This is where that believed very strong. Since when educators are counsel for families, unless they are delinquent? We hear much, I do not say that it is impossible, but I expect to have so far heard examples speak in our association parents salis in hearing by a roquets which the maintenance of jobs depended of the explosion and families filling homes.
Questioning the technical work of educators seems also fall within the work of a judge of the children. I could indeed have copy any SERP (collection of socioeducative information) Narcotics of stupidity, dotted free assertions of conclusionary value judgments, of information deserves false nomination, of true rags have been described by parents and for which a judge of children faced with the inconsistency of a report claimed "her" educator.
What a relief to read then that somewhere a judge could "terrorize" educators from supporting their report before the Court for children.
What crisis laugh that browse these words of a Director of ESA (social assistance to childhood) crying on his poor social assistants, who I quote "three days before the hearing had insomnia and even...". "no this is too much," DIARRHEES!" »
Is it that they felt humiliated these educators, as it is written, humiliated in their youth, but is it so exceptional that one can hold it against this judge? After all this caste is not devoid of complex and hearing well a few lawyers evoke them, cannot speak of intellectuals in their regard.
But this judge was against it, wrongly or rightly, his colleagues and even the President of the git alerted by the services of the General Council, seized by oral and written social services information.
An auditor of justice had indeed been very conveniently in internship at the judge and could bring the coup de grace in evoking a particular animosity of guardian against the Director of the AEMO service and Director of the ESA.
The mass was therefore said to Judas, takes with impunity to parents who do not like social services, but even a judge cannot reciprocate.
For these facts qualified duty of delicacy and probity, the children judge was banned from performing his duties for 3 years and has been moved.
Bulletin legal of communities local No. 4/09 _ 273
Bulletin legal of communities local No. 4/09 _ 273
Local litigation
Edward Geffray, public rapporteur
This case will lead you to
specify, in a novel hypothesis
before you, the liability regime
no fault of the State for damage
caused by minors entrusted to help
social child within the framework of
Educational, including support measures
your decision GIE Axa broker 1 asked
the principles.
By order of 24 March 1995,
Judge Nancy children entrusted
Ms. Najet k., aged 17 years, the service
Social Affairs of the Department
of Meurthe-et-Moselle, in the framework
educational assistance measures
taken on the basis of 375 items
and following of the civil code. Nevertheless, there
issued the "desire" to see given the interested
Clairval home managed by the association
ACHIEVED, what did the Department.
On April 9, 1995, in a fugue,
the girl has caused a serious accident
While she was travelling on a
car stolen from the national Institute of
agronomic research (INRA), and
two pedestrians and seriously wounded. The victims
have requested compensation for the damage
in the title of the Act of 5 July 1985
(automobile liability) to INRA.
owner of the vehicle, as well as to the association
MADE called in guarantee
by INRA. By a judgment of 22 March
2001, the tribunal de grande instance of
Nancy condemned the INRA and held that
the association and its insurer were
liable in solidum to relieve and ensure
the INRA of all death sentences pronounced
against him in this
But at the same time the INRA had
applied to the administrative tribunal
Nancy, in February 2001, to condemn the
Department to pay the corresponding amount.
By a judgment of
15 April 2003, the administrative tribunal has
dismissed the motion on the ground that the judge
children having entrusted the infant to the
Department wishing his investment
home the association Clairval
ACHIEVED, "the burden of organizing, of".
direct and control the mode of life of
"the minor" had been transferred to the association
and not to the Department. On
INRA, the administrative court appeal
Nancy Appeal reversed this solution
in accepting the responsibility of
Department. It estimated - we
include - "only by reason of the powers"
the Department of which is invested
When a minor has been entrusted to a service
within its authority, its responsibility
is committed, even without
fault, damage to the
"third party by this minor", and that the circumstance
the judge child supplement ""
This placement of a "wish" with respect to
the establishment in which the minor
will be placed has no bearing on this
The Department regularly appeals
in cassation before you against
this judgment 2.
INRA brought an appeal in cassation
incident, discussed by
the suite.
1. As regards the appeal brought by the
The main issue is that of
whether the responsibility of the Department
must be disregarded when the order
placement at ESA has issued a
wish the institution of placement
not to impose it expressly.
Before you respond, you can easily
remove the other two arguments
of the appeal.
The decision is sufficiently reasoned. Unlike
has what is supported by the
Department, the Court, by serving as
the desire of the judge of the children had
not mandatory value, has sufficient
justified that the fact that the judge
children had wished to place the minor
in an unnamed private institution
designated has no bearing on the
responsibility of right of the Department.
We therefore come to the review of
means which justified that the matter be
subject to your training, taken from the error
law allegedly committed by the Court
in holding that the fact that the
children judge has issued a wish is
no impact on the responsibility of
right which is the responsibility of the Department
for the damaging facts committed
by the minor.
The Department is liable, even
without fault for the damages caused to third parties by
a minor whose custody has been entrusted to him by the judge
children, although even the latter have pre-paid
his decision to "wish" that the minor be placed
an organization private expressly designated.
Who is responsible for the damage caused by
a minor entrusted to social assistance to childhood?
Liability litigation _ Damage
caused by a minor entrusted to the departmental service
child welfare _ Responsibility
of the Department _ Yes.
This (3/8 SSR) February 13, 2009, Department of
meurthe-et-Mosellereq. # 294265 - Mr. Domino,
Rapp. -Mr. Geffray, Rapp. public - PCs Defrenois
Levis, SCP Ancel, Couturier-Heller, Av.
_ Decision which will be mentioned in the tables of
Recueil Lebon.
1 This S. 11 February 2005, req. No. 252169, concl.
Devys; R., p. 45, chron. AJDA 2005: ECR, p. 663
2 Commented on theAJDA 2006, p. 916
274 _ Bulletin legal of communities local No. 4/09
Regime of liability
Your jurisprudence and that of the Court
of cassation have concurrent manner.
the liability regime set
applicable in the matter.
The principle is that of liability
no fault, of right, in accordance with
in article 1384 of the civil code, of
the public or private to person
which a minor has been entrusted by the
j. as part of an assistance measure
educational 3 because of the damage
that it has caused 4. By the
decision GIE Axa, you thus judged
"that the decision by which the judge of".
children awarded custody of a minor.
as part of an assistance measure
educational decision-making under sections 375
and following of the civil code, to one of the persons
mentioned in article 375-3 of
same code, transfers to the person who
in is responsible for the responsibility to organize,
direct and control the life of
"minor" 5.
Therefore, the express decision of
Justice which has the effect of transferring to the
person in charge of the guard this responsibility
As reported by c. Devys in its
conclusions on this case, this "responsibility".
arises from the existence, non-
effective power of surveillance.
but rather a legal power, and
theoretical organization mode of
"life of the minor." In doing so, you you
were enrolled in the extension of
the case of Truchet of the Court of conflicts 7,
which clarifies the different paths of
remedies for placement
a minor in respect of assistance
Several assumptions must be
be distinguished for determining the person
responsible for. Children judge
has the possibility, pursuant to article
375 3 of the civil code, to entrust the minor
to the other parent, a member of the
family or a third party deemed worthy of
trust, a service or an institution
health or education, ordinary
or specialized, or "a" again
departmental service of welfare
"childhood". According to the case, the
person in charge is not the
Similarly, and the judge competent nor:
-When the children judge says
directly the minor service
private sector, the responsibility of the latter in
case of damage caused by the person concerned
can be sought on the civilian side
before the judicial judge 8 ;
-When the judge directly entrusts the
minor to a departmental service
the children's aid, the same case of
Court of Justice that the responsibility conflict
of the latter can be
searched to the administrative court.
This second hypothesis, which is here
ours, has several
declension according to the powers which
use the judge child. The judge may
indeed decide to entrust the minor to
without any indication on the ASE
instead of practical accommodation. The Department
can then decide for itself of
place the child in a private structure
9. Your GIE Axa jurisprudence
as the Court of cassation only
then hold that the responsibility of
Department, regardless of the place of home
strength decided by, therefore
that no judicial decision has suspended
or interrupted this educational mission
But the Court of cassation also has
admitted that the juvenile judge may decide,
not only assign a
minor to a departmental service,
but to impose its placement in a
identified private institution. Article
375 3 of the civil code in effect allows the
judge away a minor of his environment,
for the Entrust, by virtue of
4 ° the Department ASE service. In
virtue of 2(e) paragraph 375-4, it may impose
This investment "in the same terms".
under article 375-2, second
"paragraph", i.e. "make the".
maintenance of the child to obligations
specific such as that of attending
regularly a facility
health or education, ordinary or
"specialized". The Court of cassation
derived from the combination of these provisions
the judge, when he entrusted
a minor ASE may impose this
rehabilitation of a duty of investment
in such or such organization. The
responsibility is then transferred to the
last 11.
Desire of the judge
and transfer
of responsibility
Even to consider this solution
as to nearly stabilized - what is
discussed by the doctrine and is not totally
obvious once it is
always in the Department to take
some important decisions
in the life of the minor, such as those
relating to hospitalization or monitoring
minors placed in custody - the
dispute is submitted to you corresponds to
a similar hypothesis but clearly
more blurred, where the judge wished Guide
placement to a fixed institution,
not to impose
Here we must mention the order
children judge, who decides:
"Saw the urgency, entrust temporarily."
the minor to the departmental service
Social Affairs, wishing his
placement Clairval home; […] attach
the mother of visitation rights
the terms and conditions will be managed by the
departmental Affairs Branch
Note finally that the judgment of the Court of
June 15, 2000 Cassation sparked a
critical or reserved comments
among commentators notified. Thus,.
that's notes Mr. Huyette in its
comment by this decision 12 : "the".
judicial desire does not exist. […] The
judge imposes the home of the minor by such
fireplace or it does not impose it. But it does
may not legally simply one
wish, a term excluding any character
"binding". We fully share
This analysis. The jurisprudence
We thus seems to be based
to the legal ownership of the powers
custody of the minor, in accordance with
elsewhere in the aforementioned of conclusions
V. Devys under the GIE Axa decision.
However, how could we consider
that a simple wish has the effect of
transfer the workload and responsibility
a body, which has neither asked.
neither accepted the charge of the minor and not
could, if it was viewed as
a duty, asked to be withdrawn
We therefore offer you confirm
the principle of the responsibility of the
public person to whom the minor
is given, regardless of the claimant
to which it then uses, therefore
Local litigation
3 Sections 375 and s. Code civil.
4 See, in this sense, this s. 11 February 2005, GIE Axa
brokerage, Prev.; Cass. CRIM, 26 March 1997 : Bull.
Crim. No. 124
5 You have deducted the responsibility of full
law, even without fault of the person in
charge of the minor, aligning the scheme
compensation of damages caused
by child offenders placed (EC S.)
February 3, 1956, Thouzellier : ECR, p. 49), but in
basis of liability on the concept of custody.
6 See also in this sense, Cass crim.
October 10, 1996, Home saint Joseph : Bull Crim..
1996 No. 357; D. 1997.309, note Huyette.
7 TC 17 December 2001: ECR, p. 762
8 On this subject, see TC 17 December 2001, Truchet
c / Rector of the Academy of GrenoblePrev.
9 Family or agency, Cass. Civ. (1re c.)
January 3, 1980: Bull. Civ. I, no. 1
10 See for a case where the guardianship of a minor
assigned to a Department by the judge of
guardianship, which the has placed in an association:
Cass. Civ. (2e c.) October 7, 2004 No. 03 - 16 - 078
Judgment by which the Court of cassation quashes and
set aside a judgment of the Court of appeal for
the association from liability
which was placed the minor.
11 Cass. Civ. May 15, 90: Bull. Civ. 1; Cass. CIV. (1re)
c.) March 10, 1993: Bull. Civ. I, no. 104
12 Dalloz, 2001, no. 8
that the choice of it has not been
expressly imposed by the judge.
If you follow us, your decision not
will be however not without consequences
on the distribution of competences between
judicial justice and the administrative judge.
In fact, in the State of the authorities, the
victim may pursue a combination
before the judicial judge, is the
Department before the administrative judge,
even if the orders of judges
children making mention of a wish
are extremely rare in the
practice. In this case, the Court has also
sentenced the Department subject
It is subrogated to the same height
amount in rights that would
INRA competition of convictions
that the courts could
rule in its favour because
the appeal in guarantee that the Institute has
brought against the association and its insurer.
The ground of error of law as
rejected, you can reject the
appeal of the Department of Meurthe-and-
2. We can now come to the
Cross power formed by INRA before
After the accident, the judge hearing the application
of the tribunal de grande instance of
Nancy has therefore condemned, March 24
1995, INRA to pay victims a
aggregate of 156 465,55 €
(1026 346,70 F) as a reserve.
INRA then turned to the Department
then seized the administrative tribunal
on 22 January 2001, an application
to the conviction of the Department
to pay an equivalent amount.
But barely two months later, the
22 March 2001, the tribunal de grande instance
Nancy was pronounced permanently
on the amounts to be allocated to the
victims, which represented amounts
additional 75 231,19 €,
1 524,49 € and 304.90 €. It is only by
a supplementary factum of September 24
2001 affected by the judgment-
INRA has requested the Court
administrative to be reimbursed
These new amounts. It is
However not explicitly pronounced
on these findings, since he rejected the
Unfortunately for INRA, the
indemnity conclusions of his appeal
the administrative Court of appeal of
Nancy were the sum
initial 156 465,55 €. Error, without
doubt, but that fact that the INRA has finally
increased its claims that
in a memorandum of January 26, 2006.
a few days before the hearing. This
memory is not covered, and the Court has
ordered the Department to pay the
originally requested sum.
INRA form therefore an appeal in cassation
incident before you, you
requesting to cancel the judgment as it
has failed to rule on this application
The Department opposed an end of
bar to the appeal, on the ground that it
would be a separate issue. But such
is not the case here: the object of
case is the same, the only question
being that the level of compensation
13. The appeal is therefore admissible. It
is also based: INRA made
explicitly complementary findings,
that the judgment under appeal is
not and that he does not respond. You
can therefore set aside the judgment as it
not adjudicating claims for compensation
complementary formed
by INRA.
But you need to reject these findings
on appeal. You are in effect
constantly that, to be admissible
on appeal, the findings must have
presented before the administrative tribunal
and in the appeal 14. However, in
Here, the INRA has not reverted these conclusions
"complementary", yet presented
a few months earlier. We
We were tempted to make an effort in the
extension of your case-law of
Section of 8 July 1998, Department of
Isère. But, on the one hand, this decision
admits the admissibility of claims
Indemnitees higher appeal that
When the true extent of the consequences
harmful is known
that subsequent to the judgment of
first instance, which is not the case
here; on the other hand, the INRA has developed close
two years to remember these conclusions
; Finally, such an effort is compromised
by the same terms selected by INRA
before the Court. INRA has indicated
"complete his application" and challenged the
judgment of the tribunal in
as long as he had "failed to decide on the".
complementary application which was
"presented on 24 September 2001". In doing so,.
INRA is therefore placed on the ground
of the irregularity of the judgment in dispute,
means was a legal case
distinct from the subject of
submissions to the Court
by the introductory memorandum. We you
therefore propose to reject the conclusions
complementary as inadmissible
because late.
With regard to the conclusions presented
in the title of the article l. 761 - 1 of the code
administrative justice, you will be able
dismiss those presented by the Department,
losing party, within the framework of
main appeal. There is no place for
right to do so, in the circumstances of
this case, these conclusions presented
by INRA in defence of the main appeal.
and by the Department in response to the
And for these reasons, we conclude:
-to the rejection of the appeal of the Department of
-to set aside the judgment of the administrative court
of appeal in so far as it is not held
on the complementary findings
presented by INRA;
-to the rejection of the surplus of the finding of appeal
presented by INRA;
- and to the rejection of the findings presented
by the Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle
and the INRA in the title of the article l. 761 - 1 of
Code of administrative justice _
Bulletin legal of communities local No. 4/09 _ 275
Local litigation
13 Cf. a contrario : This January 10, 1962, Chauvey :
ECR, p. 22, for a cross-appeal held
inadmissible.See also this January 19, 1983, City
Mulhouse : T] ECR, p. 838, holding that if
the main appeal concerns the conviction
of a municipality to pay an agent
damages for wrongful dismissal, the
incidental findings tending to the payment
statutory benefits of notice and
dismissal are admissible (January 19, 1983)
City of Mulhouse : T] ECR, p. 838).
14 This February 28, 1958, General company of
Waters : ECR, p. 994; AJ 1958, 2, p. 123.
276 _ Bulletin legal of communities local No. 4/09
Local litigation
(Light, 1 °), the summary appeal and memorandum
further, registered on 12 June and
October 12, 2006 to the Secretariat of the litigation
of the Council of State submitted to the Department
Meurthe-et-Moselle, represented by the President
the General Council; the Department of
Meurthe-et-Moselle application to the Council of State:
(1 °) set aside the judgment of 10 April 2006 by which the
Nancy appellate administrative court has, on the
application of the national Institute of research
Agronomique (INRA), set aside the judgment of
April 15, 2003 by which the administrative tribunal
Nancy rejected the request of the latter tending
that he be sentenced to repair the consequences
damaging of the accident caused
the suite of his fraudulent subtraction
vehicle by a minor whose custody he had
assigned by the judge of the children and has
sentenced to pay the sum to the INRA of
156 465,55 € together with interest at the legal rate to
beginning December 26, 2000;
(2 °) adjusting the case on the merits, dismiss the appeal
formed by INRA;
(3 °) to INRA load the amount
4 000 € to the title of the article l. 761 - 1 of the code
administrative justice;
Whereas it appears from the record parts
subject to substantive, judges by order
March 24, 1995, the judge of the tribunal
de grande instance de Nancy entrusted to the
departmental service of social assistance to childhood
Meurthe-et-Moselle, on the basis of
Section 375 of the civil code, the custody of the young
minor Najet k. "wishing his placement in the".
"fireplace Clairval" managed by the association "Realizes";
that, on 9 April 1995, Miss k. seriously injured
two people while she was travelling on a
vehicle stolen belonging to the national Institute of
agronomic research (INRA); as a result
This accident, INRA, put in question its quality
owner of the vehicle, turned
against the Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle in
requesting, on the ground of liability
no fault, the reimbursement of the sum that it
had been ordered to pay to the victims of the accident
by the High Court of
Nancy; that, by the judgment attacked, against which the
Department appealed in cassation, the Court
administrative appeal condemned this community
to pay the sum of 156 465,44 INRA €
corresponding to payments made by the Institute,
together with interest at the legal rate
from December 26, 2000; that, by the way
the cross‑appeal, the INRA seeks annulment
the same case as the Court failed to
decide on its complementary applications
On the main appeal of the Department
of Meurthe-et-Moselle:
Whereas, in the first place, that to exclude
of estoppel raised before it by
the Department, the administrative Court of appeal has
have found, without altering the Scriptures of appeal which
were submitted, that the INRA had filed.
within the period of use, a memory in which
It does not merely refer to his writings
trial, but formulated a
criticism of the ground relied on by the first judges
to reject his application;
Whereas, secondly, that the decision
by which the children judge awarded custody
of a minor, as part of an assistance measure
educational decision-making under sections 375 and
following of the civil code, to one of the persons mentioned
Section 375-3 of the same code, transfers
the person who is responsible liability
to organize, direct and control the life of
minor; because of the powers which the Department
is thus vested when the minor
He has been entrusted, its responsibility is engaged.
even without fault, damage to the
third by this minor; that this responsibility
is likely to be mitigated or removed
only where it is due to a case of
force majeure or a fault of the victim; that the
fact that the judge child supplement "" its
decision of entrusting a minor to the custody of the service
departmental help the children of "wish".
«» this minor is placed in a body
private he designates has no bearing on the
transfer to the Department of responsibility
to organize, direct and control the life of the minor;
Thus, the Court whose judgment is sufficient
reasons on this point, was able, without error in law.
condemn the Department to repair the damage
caused by the young girl entrusted to his care;
Whereas it follows from the foregoing
that the Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle is
not founded to seek the annulment of the judgment that he
On the cross-appeal presented by
Whereas, in view of the argument
presented by the Department of Meurtheet-
Moselle in his appeal, which tends to
the principle of responsibility for the
harmful consequences of the accident caused
the cross-appeal presented by young Najet k.,
by INRA, which deals with the amount of
reparable harm as such, does not raise a
separate issue; by then, and contrary to this
supported by the Department, this cross-appeal
is admissible;
Whereas it appears from the record parts
submitted to justices of the substance, by a
additional memory recorded at the registry of
the administrative Court of appeal of Nancy on January 26
2006, INRA has increased the amount of its
submissions of the sums of 75 231,19 €,
1 524,49 €, and 304.90 € that he had been sentenced to
pay to victims in addition to the sum
of 156 456,55 € previously paid as
provision; only in not deciding on these
claims, the administrative Court of Appeal held
within the findings before it;
that its decision must be annulled as it
does not adjudicate these findings;
Considering that there is, in the circumstances
of the case, resolve, to that extent,
the case on the merits in accordance with the provisions of
article l. 821 - 2 of the code of administrative justice
Whereas if, by a recorded memory
January 26, 2006, before the administrative court
call Nancy, INRA has increased the amount
conclusions which it had submitted in its
brief recorded June 29, 2003 to
are 75 231,19 €1 524,49 €, and 304.90 €,
that he had been convicted, by a judgment of the Court
de grande instance de Nancy, to pay to victims
In addition to the sum of
156 456,55 € previously paid as
provision, it follows from the statement that he had already
presented at trial, a memory
recorded September 24, 2001, conclusions
tending to the updating of its claims to height
of these funds; lack of introducing,
in the time for appeal open to him to
conclusions to the conviction of the Department
to reimburse these amounts, it could
only be viewed as having abandoned these
claims on appeal; only thus, conclusions
that he presented January 26, 2006, to
new to the updating of the amounts claimed,
should be dismissed as inadmissible;
The findings presented in the title
Article l. 761 - 1 of the code of justice
Whereas these provisions preclude
that is made dependent on the INRA the
amount that the Department of Meurthe-and-
Moselle demand in its main appeal to the
exposed by him and not including costs
in costs; that there is no place, in the circumstances
in this case, to the conclusions
presented by INRA in
response to the appeal and on the other hand by
the Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle, in
response to the cross-appeal, to the payment
of amounts claimed in the same way;
Section 1ER : The appeal of the Department of
Meurthe-et-Moselle is dismissed.
Article 2: The decision of the administrative court
April 10, 2006 Nancy appeal is set aside
as long as it does not determines the conclusions of
INRA involving sums of 75 231,19 €,
1 524,49 €, and 304.90 €.
Section 3: The surplus of the finding of appeal
INRA is dismissed.
Section 4: The conclusions presented by the
Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle and by
the INRA in the title of the article l. 761 - 1 of the code of
administrative justice are rejected.
[…] _
Bulletin legal of communities local No. 4/09 _ 277
This decision was the occasion for the Council
State, to continue the clarification of the rules
applicable to liability
damage caused by a minor entrusted to the
départemental childhood, business support services
by a judgment of Section GIE Axa broker 15.
We know that the principle is that of a responsibility
no fault, of right, in accordance with
article 1384 of the civil code of the person
public or private to which the minor has been
entrusted, because of the damage it has caused.
This principle is also common to jurisprudence
Administrative and judicial. But the
problem was, in this case, the circumstance
that the judge had with its decision
of a "desire" to placement of the minor in
a private association that he had specifically
designated. However, in a judgment rendered on circumstances
similar, but remained isolated, the Court
of cassation had retained the responsibility of
association, and not the Department 16. Le
Council of State does not accept this solution, and
considers that only the Department is responsible for.
Three elements deserve to be underlined:
-on the one hand, the Council of State remains faithful to the principle
According to which the liability is based on
the legal ownership of the powers of custody of
minor and non-physical ownership or
effective, underlying the decision GIE Axa broker
-on the other hand, if the tour decision not
gives no scope, in terms of responsibility,
a simple "desire" expressed by the judge,
It decides on the hypothesis where it
decide specifically the placement of
minor entrusted to the Department in association
-Finally, the divergence of authority between the
Council of State and the Court of cassation should
have very limited effects: in addition to it is
not possible to infer a rule of
supra of the Court, in which assumptions
the Justice of children form a simple
"desire", a little surprising, are extremely rare. _
Local litigation
15 This S. 11 February 2005, req. No. 252169, concl. Devys.
16 Cass. crim. June 15, 2000: Bull Crim.. 2000, no. 233
At the age of 12, she giving birth during a school trip
At the age of 12, she giving birth during a school trip
29/03/2011 at 15: 43 - last updated 29/03/2011 at 16: 26. 28655 views. 64 responses
She was only 12 years old... from Groningen North of the Netherlands, she gave birth to a girl under quite specific conditions!
It is a quiet exit school that the girl felt severe pain in the stomach. An attendant immediately alerted the emergency services.
On-site they have had time to put it shelter in a building where it has developed the world her daughter.
And still more incredible" ,""both the teenager that his family were not made account of pregnancy, that no outward sign violated", said Cyriel Hamstra, spokesman for the local public health Service reports Le Figaro.
The mother and child are doing well. Already it is!
Nevertheless, the very young mother and her family are benéficier of a psychological and logistical support services to assist youth and childhood protection.
However... it remains a mystery to clarify! non?
Source: Le Figaro
A 12 ans, elle accouche pendant une excursion scolaire
A 12 ans, elle accouche pendant une excursion scolaire
29/03/2011 à 15h43 -
Elle n'a que 12 ans... originaire de Groningen au nord des Pays-Bas, elle a accouché d'une petite fille dans des conditions assez particulières!
C'est lors d'une tranquille sortie scolaire que la jeune fille a ressenti de violentes douleurs au ventre. Un accompagnateur a aussitôt alerté les services de secours d'urgence.
Sur place ils n'ont eu le temps que de la mettre à l'abri dans un bâtiment où elle a mis au monde sa petite fille.
Et encore plus incroyable ,"tant l'adolescente que sa famille ne s'étaient pas rendu compte de la grossesse, qu'aucun signe extérieur ne trahissait", a déclaré Cyriel Hamstra, porte-parole du Service local de santé publique rapporte Le Figaro.
La mère et l'enfant se portent bien. C'est déjà ça !
Neanmoins, la très jeune mère et sa famille vont benéficier d'un soutien psychologique et logistique de services d'aide à la jeunesse et à la protection de l'enfance.
Par contre... il reste un mystère à éclaicir ! non ?
Sources : Le Figaro
lundi 28 mars 2011
Is it a death?
Is it a death?
Social worker in a service for the protection of the child realizing measures of Investigation and guidance for educational (multidisciplinary Evaluation of a situation of danger to a child in its family environment ordered by a judge of the children), I am seriously worried!
I crossed a year marked by an alarming number of situations of children or adolescents in danger found in their family environment, for which a judge of the children, whereas this state of fact, ordered a measure of judicial placement not implement several months after the decision.
Ø P. 12 years ago, is déscolarisé and lives in Nantes only suburb with her mother. He opposed an all power exacerbated for it, characterized by frustration intolerance, which led him to ask acts of physical violence against his mother. P. lives found in his room, his only activity is turned to the practice of video games in a manner addict. Multidisciplinary assessment that we conducted proposes the implementation of a measure of judicial placement in parallel to therapeutic care. The establishment of a mother/son distance is an absolute priority to an easing of tensions.
In this situation, children judge will order a measure of AEIMF (accompanying educational intensive in environment family), rather than a measure of investment, decision taken by default (and named as such), the possibilities of a home being non-existent in the medium term.
Ø Y a 15 years old, is pregnant and resides with his father who lives alone. In February 2010, the children judge ordered IOE measure, and the placement of this girl at the service of the ASE (social assistance to childhood), insofar as the father cannot guarantee an educational framework by a respected authority. This brings including y. to run away from the family home during the night.
In April 2010, the family informs us have had no contact with the services of ESA since the hearing of the magistrate, or two and a half months earlier. Finally, it will succeed in an educational institution in August 2010.
Ø T. was 16 years old. His parents are separated and face one and the other to an alcohol problem. A maternal aunt has, a time, attempted to relay the maepi of this girl, in vain. The behavior of the girl, disrupted by a complex family history, conflicts of loyalty and a parental substitute place too long assumed, was more educational support sufficiently secure. The judge ordered a placement measure judicial mid October 2010.
Three and a half months after the decision of the magistrate, she still lives with his uncle and aunt. This situation could be supported in (appointment of a referent) by the services of the ESA in December 2010.
Ø B. is 12 years old and suffers from psychological problems. His parents, who are separated, have appointed the children judge the immediate prospect of their violence against their son. The magistrate then ordered in July 2010 a measure of judicial placement. In this month of February 2011, the young person is always ignored in charge by the General Council of Loire-Atlantique, as it should. Complex and particularly inappropriate editing to the problem of the minor, in the opinion of all professionals, has developed structures and families relay of the MDPH (House Départementale of persons with disabilities), in the expectation of a family home that could arise in a long-term framework.
These four situations of children, which I am directly involved, are a little illustration, seen by the end of my telescope of departmental reality. I do not have all reported and each stakeholder of the protection of the child is in ability to date to the same dismal findings.
According to the sources (ASE or judge), between 70 and 130 children who are now entrusted to the Council General of Loire-Atlantique, lack of home solutions. They remain in their family environment, even though a court decision has come to mean danger for them to remain there.
Me, I tell you what:
-A the mother of P. who would tell me: " last night, my son planted me a knife in the thigh" ?
-To the father of y which interpellerait me on the death of his daughter which occurred in the previous night while she was in the back of a scooter?
-A the aunt of t. which seems to me that her niece is in the hospital in a State of severe accident of car as his father, drunk, driving?
In this story, who is responsible?
Me, as well as all those who know but do nothing to make things change. All, professionals, know that devices exist and that they are working. Do not mistake kills these young people, is the lack of means.
This me out, but I am afraid I anticipate that only the fact of a dramatic event occurring wake up consciences.
We, professional service Investigation, believe that colleagues of the social assistance to childhood services are struggling to exercise the references assigned to them, even though they are not the means. We do not tokens stone field professionals who do what they can with the means by which they are given. But, to play with this, there is the risk of saturation, risk taking and therefore the faute… to the dramatic impact that anyone can imagine. But in fact, the fault that?
It is more time to raise awareness. Each worker sector, more or less near field, knows this sad reality. It seems que claims or alert sounds are not relayed to a certain level, that we do not know, on the other hand. We see just that nothing will change.
Moreover, we, in the framework of our professional year, are responsible for assessing situations of danger on the order of a judge of the children, it announces that devices evolve. We exercise until of IOE (Investigations and guidance education) and social investigations, measures which will now be replaced by (Judicial Investigation Educative measure) MJIE. Do you know what it returns? No! We provide you so: the objective of this measure is to allow better characterize a situation of danger to which we adhere, obviously. On closer examination, the budget we the will not: coaching time decrease, Secretariat. Concretely, each of us will evaluate a number more important situations of minors while ensuring the same protection but also the respect of their family! But who cares t - on?
We note that the judges of the children of the Department, these assessment measures authorising, recognize, a priori, the specificity and richness of these tools to the decision that is the IOE and social survey. For how long yet?
Our question is this: officials fear speak taking them translate posteriori by beatings with sticks, the lowering of the means, mutation, disqualification… type? They know that this posture translates on the ground by the suffering of abuse, violence. Speaking of dedication, work ethic?
Any t - it not that we take care of our youth?
The reduction of expenditure, said RGPP (revision General of public policy), can wash their hands to visit responsible for such violence for families?
It is our responsibility denounce the inexorable depletion of the protection of the child where this policy leads to us: " are given less means, they do not react, therefore, there was reason to give them less;" The protection of the child did not need! ».
Cécile, Secretary, Valérie, specialized educator, Véronique, psychologist, Marie-France, Secretary, Sonia, Secretary, Jacky, child psychiatrist, Jennifer, educator specializing, Guillaume, educator specializing, Danielle, social Assistant, Claire, psychologist, Murielle, specialized educator, Pauline, student social Assistant, Noémie, social Assistant, Vanessa, specialized educator and Saâdia, a psychologist of the Investigation Service of the AAE 44.
February 16, 2011.
Elle étrangle son fils de 4 ans et se suicide
Elle étrangle son fils de 4 ans et se suicide
24/03/2011 à 17h58 - mis à jour le 24/03/2011 à 18h11 | 25633 vues | 37 réactions
Il était aux environs de 22h, mercredi soir, quand cette mère de famille, âgée de 30 ans, a étranglé son fils de 4 ans, à son domicile à Isles-lès-Villenoy, près de Meaux, en Seine-et-Marne.
Puis la mère de famille s’est suicidée avec une arme à feu, indique Le Parisien.
L’enquête sur ce drame a été confiée à la gendarmerie de Meaux.
Ce jeudi, l’inspection académique a dépêché un psychologue à l’école maternelle où était scolarisé le jeune enfant.
Chroniqueur invité
Sources : Le Parisien
Un bébé de 4 mois écrasé par un camion
Un bébé de 4 mois écrasé par un camion
27/03/2011 à 09h43 - mis à jour le 27/03/2011 à 09h48 | 19788 vues | 8 réactions
Samedi après-midi, plusieurs individus s’affairaient sur un camion, sur le terrain d’une maison à Plan-d’Orgon, dans les Bouches-du-Rhône, quand, pour une raison encore inexpliquée, le véhicule s’est déplacé.
Un bébé de quatre mois a alors été écrasé par ce camion.
Malgré l’intervention rapide des secours, le nourrisson est décédé sur place.
La thèse de l’accident est privilégiée par les enquêteurs.
L’enquête a été confiée à la gendarmerie d’Orgon et à la brigade de recherche de la gendarmerie de Salon-de-Provence.
Chroniqueur invité
Sources : Le Dauphiné Libéré
dimanche 27 mars 2011
(D)ilícito filho portal-to-portal
(D)ilícito filho portal-to-portal
· Por laurence.teboulmayer 23/01/11
2010-769 Agir n ° 9 de julho de 2010, reforçou a proibição de qualquer saída do território francês da criança sem o consentimento de ambos os pais que foi destituída de efeitos por agora, a decisão de sair da proibição do território, ordenada pelo juiz será encaminhada ao Procurador da República para efeitos de registo da proibição do arquivo de pessoas procuradas.
Com efeito, a antiga ordem de saída do território foi ineficaz desde o decreto de 30 de Dezembro de 2005, que o menor deve ter seu próprio passaporte, desde a proibição aplicada somente para a inclusão da proibição no passaporte dos pais. Além disso, no caso de um passaporte estrangeiro, o juiz fez não o poder de ordenar a aposição da referida referência.
As novas medidas devem ajudar ao rapto de forma mais eficaz de combate
D)portal-to-portal ilícito infantil
(D)portal-to-portal ilícito infantil
· Por laurence.teboulmayer 23/01/11
Ley n ° 9 de julio de 2010 2010-769, ha fortalecido la prohibición de salida del territorio francés al niño sin el consentimiento de ambos padres que fue carente de efecto por ahora, la decisión de salir de la prohibición de territorio ordenada por el juez se reenviará a la fiscal de la República a los fines de registro de la prohibición en el archivo de personas buscadas.
De hecho, la antigua orden de salida del territorio era ineficaz desde el decreto de 30 de diciembre de 2005, que el menor debe tener su propio pasaporte, desde la prohibición aplica sólo a la inclusión de la prohibición en el pasaporte de los padres. Además, en el caso en el caso de un pasaporte, el juez hizo no la Facultad de ordenar la colocación de la mencionada referencia.
Las nuevas medidas deben ayudar a secuestros de niños combatir más eficazmente
(د)الطفل غير المشروعة بورتالتوبورتال
(د)الطفل غير المشروعة بورتالتوبورتال
· ب laurence.teboulmayer 23/01/11
قانون رقم 9 تموز/يوليه 2010 2010 769، عززت حظر أي إخراج الأراضي الفرنسية للطفل دون موافقة الوالدين التي كانت خالية من أثر في الوقت الراهن، قرار بالخروج من إقليم الحظر أمر من القاضي أن تحال إلى المدعي العام للجمهورية لأغراض التسجيل للحظر المفروض على الملف من الأشخاص المطلوبين.
والواقع أن النظام القديم للخروج من الأراضي غير فعال منذ المرسوم الصادر في 30 كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2005، أن القاصر يجب أن يكون جواز السفر الخاص به، ولأن حظر لا تنطبق إلا على إدراج الحظر على جواز السفر للوالدين. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فعل القاضي في القضية بالنسبة لجواز سفر أجنبي، لا سلطة الأمر بتحديد المرجع المذكور.
ينبغي أن تساعد التدابير الجديدة إلى اختطاف الأطفال مكافحة أكثر فعالية
(D)illegalen Kind portal-to-portal
(D)illegalen Kind portal-to-portal
· Von laurence.teboulmayer 23/01/11
Handeln n ° 9 Juli 2010 2010-769, stärkte das Verbot jeder Ausgabe des französischen Territoriums, das Kind ohne die Zustimmung der beiden Eltern die war frei von Effekt für jetzt, wird die Entscheidung, das Territorium Verbot durch den Richter bestellt verlassen an die Staatsanwaltschaft der Republik für die Zwecke der Registrierung des Verbots die Datei der weitergeleitet gesuchter Personen.
In der Tat war die alte Reihenfolge der Ausfahrt aus dem Hoheitsgebiet unwirksam seit das Dekret vom Dezember 2005, dass der Minderjährige seinen eigenen Pass, seit das Verbot nur auf die Aufnahme des Verbots der Reisepass der Eltern angewendet haben muss. Darüber hinaus hat der Richter im Fall für einen ausländischen Reisepass nicht die Befugnis, die Anbringung des genannten Verweises.
Die neuen Maßnahmen sollte helfen, eine wirksamere Bekämpfung Kindesentführungen
(D)illicit child portal-to-portal · By laurence.teboulmayer 23/01/11 Act n ° July 9, 2010 2010-769, has strengthened the prohibition of any output of the French territory to the child without the consent of both parents which was devoid of effect for now, the decision to exit from the territory ban ordered by the judge will be forwarded to the Prosecutor of the Republic for the purposes of registration of the ban on the file of wanted persons. Indeed, the ancient order of exit from the territory was ineffective since the Decree of December 30, 2005, that the minor must have its own passport, since the prohibition applied only to the inclusion of the prohibition on the passport of the parents. In addition, in the case in the case of a foreign passport, the judge did not the power to order the affixing of the said reference. The new measures should help to more effectively combat child abductions
vendredi 25 mars 2011
Sur Facebook, la police se fout de ta gueule
23/03/2011 18H47
Crédits photo: Capture d'écran.Voir les 1 photos
.Photos d’interpellations ou de manifestants, commentaires moqueurs et légendes “lol”: certains policiers fiers de leurs exploits aiment rigoler de leurs administrés sur le Net.
Nous relations ici-même les avertissements de la hiérarchie policière à ses troupes, parfois peu au fait des règles élémentaires de confidentialité. Les fonctionnaires de police ou de gendarmerie laissent traîner sur les réseaux sociaux leur nom, leur poste, parfois des photos de leur femme ou de leurs enfants sans réaliser les risques d’identification et, peut-être, de représailles.
Dans l’autre sens, la prudence vaut aussi. Des policiers qui postent des photos d’interpellations ou de manifs, avec des citoyens parfaitement reconnaissables, ça existe. La pratique est particulièrement gênante quand elle s’accompagne de commentaires désobligeants (sans grand respect de la grammaire, mais c’est un autre problème). Nous avons flouté le visage des personnes reconnaissables.
En quelques minutes et dans un seul groupe Facebook, on trouve une dizaine de clichés de ce genre, où le physique, la motivation ou la couleur de peau des citoyens photographiés fait l’objet d’une franche rigolade. Certaines photos et commentaires sont postés par des policiers, d’autres par leurs proches.
Cliquer sur l'image ci-dessous pour faire défiler le diaporama
Un homme menotté encadré par deux CRS. En légende : “fallait être sage”.
Une femme et un enfant noirs passent à côté d'un CRS. Dans les commentaires : "je dirais bien un truc mais c'est pas bien". "J'ai deviné lol idem mais je me tais".
Au loin, une manif vue par le viseur d'un flashball. "Occupation de petits collégiens... Cours d'instruction civique lol".
Nul doute que l'institution policière, si prompte à protéger ses employés quand ils sont photographiés et dénigrés, ne tardera pas à s’opposer à ce genre de loisirs.
Camille Polloni
23/03/2011 18H47
Crédits photo: Capture d'écran.Voir les 1 photos
.Photos d’interpellations ou de manifestants, commentaires moqueurs et légendes “lol”: certains policiers fiers de leurs exploits aiment rigoler de leurs administrés sur le Net.
Nous relations ici-même les avertissements de la hiérarchie policière à ses troupes, parfois peu au fait des règles élémentaires de confidentialité. Les fonctionnaires de police ou de gendarmerie laissent traîner sur les réseaux sociaux leur nom, leur poste, parfois des photos de leur femme ou de leurs enfants sans réaliser les risques d’identification et, peut-être, de représailles.
Dans l’autre sens, la prudence vaut aussi. Des policiers qui postent des photos d’interpellations ou de manifs, avec des citoyens parfaitement reconnaissables, ça existe. La pratique est particulièrement gênante quand elle s’accompagne de commentaires désobligeants (sans grand respect de la grammaire, mais c’est un autre problème). Nous avons flouté le visage des personnes reconnaissables.
En quelques minutes et dans un seul groupe Facebook, on trouve une dizaine de clichés de ce genre, où le physique, la motivation ou la couleur de peau des citoyens photographiés fait l’objet d’une franche rigolade. Certaines photos et commentaires sont postés par des policiers, d’autres par leurs proches.
Cliquer sur l'image ci-dessous pour faire défiler le diaporama
Un homme menotté encadré par deux CRS. En légende : “fallait être sage”.
Une femme et un enfant noirs passent à côté d'un CRS. Dans les commentaires : "je dirais bien un truc mais c'est pas bien". "J'ai deviné lol idem mais je me tais".
Au loin, une manif vue par le viseur d'un flashball. "Occupation de petits collégiens... Cours d'instruction civique lol".
Nul doute que l'institution policière, si prompte à protéger ses employés quand ils sont photographiés et dénigrés, ne tardera pas à s’opposer à ce genre de loisirs.
Camille Polloni
jeudi 24 mars 2011
Seine-et-Marne : une mère se suicide après avoir tué son filsmars
Seine-et-Marne : une mère se suicide après avoir tué son filsmars 24, 2011 par lagazettedeputeaux
Seine-et-Marne : une mère se suicide après avoir tué son fils
Une mère s’est donnée la mort après avoir étranglé son fils âgé de 4 ans. LP/Arnaud Journois
Une femme mariée âgée de 30 ans a étranglé son fils de 4 ans avant de se donner la mort avec une arme à feu mercredi soir vers 22 heures. Le drame s’est déroulé à Isles-lès-Villenoy, un village de 890 habitants faisant partie de l’agglomération de Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), au domicile de la mère. Un psychologue dépêché par l’inspection académique était présent aujourd’hui à l’école maternelle que fréquentait l’enfant.
Les gendarmes de la brigade de recherches de la compagnie de Meaux sont chargés de l’enquête.
Le Parisien
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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)
Cédric Fleurigeon Nous demandons à tous pendant une journée, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 de changer la photo de votre profil par celle de Benjamin et de son fils Aureo Il serait bon de voir fleurir cette photo sur la toile que se soit sur Facebook, MySpace, MSN ainsi que sur tous les méd