mercredi 30 mars 2011

Diarrhea of the ASE

Diarrhea of the ASE

23/11/2010 at 11: 29 pm-

The site of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy surprises its small mainly to the detour of some fairly revealing judicial moral decisions.

Let me therefore synthesize S164 on January 21, 2009 decision following complaints from the services of children against a judge of the children.

Poor educators have complained of having been implicated by the judge at the hearings before families.

Reading of this case I am took me of interest to this judge of children whose name does not appear and knowing certain officials of children's services, I thought was well a few times that a woman to grip gives place full of incompetent fools stupidity the dispute of bad faith. I would be shocked that an educator will take a good blow of pump in the ass by a juvenile judge properly exercising its functions, this before the applause of parents who could understand finally that place were not there.

But then read on, it is worth!

Third party headed by a Director of AEMO ("Educational" in workplace open Action) against the judge in question were dated already for several years.

The zealous Director could not digest the mis en cause of the technical work of its protected before the families, and for good measure, he also denounced mistreatment of litigants. This is where that believed very strong. Since when educators are counsel for families, unless they are delinquent? We hear much, I do not say that it is impossible, but I expect to have so far heard examples speak in our association parents salis in hearing by a roquets which the maintenance of jobs depended of the explosion and families filling homes.

Questioning the technical work of educators seems also fall within the work of a judge of the children. I could indeed have copy any SERP (collection of socioeducative information) Narcotics of stupidity, dotted free assertions of conclusionary value judgments, of information deserves false nomination, of true rags have been described by parents and for which a judge of children faced with the inconsistency of a report claimed "her" educator.

What a relief to read then that somewhere a judge could "terrorize" educators from supporting their report before the Court for children.

What crisis laugh that browse these words of a Director of ESA (social assistance to childhood) crying on his poor social assistants, who I quote "three days before the hearing had insomnia and even...". "no this is too much," DIARRHEES!" »

Is it that they felt humiliated these educators, as it is written, humiliated in their youth, but is it so exceptional that one can hold it against this judge? After all this caste is not devoid of complex and hearing well a few lawyers evoke them, cannot speak of intellectuals in their regard.

But this judge was against it, wrongly or rightly, his colleagues and even the President of the git alerted by the services of the General Council, seized by oral and written social services information.

An auditor of justice had indeed been very conveniently in internship at the judge and could bring the coup de grace in evoking a particular animosity of guardian against the Director of the AEMO service and Director of the ESA.

The mass was therefore said to Judas, takes with impunity to parents who do not like social services, but even a judge cannot reciprocate.

For these facts qualified duty of delicacy and probity, the children judge was banned from performing his duties for 3 years and has been moved.

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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

Cédric Fleurigeon Nous demandons à tous pendant une journée, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 de changer la photo de votre profil par celle de Benjamin et de son fils Aureo Il serait bon de voir fleurir cette photo sur la toile que se soit sur Facebook, MySpace, MSN ainsi que sur tous les méd