mercredi 7 septembre 2011

Seven just incredible psychiatric treatment

a hrefSeven just incredible psychiatric treatment

September 7, 2011. " No. Comments"

What bothers me the most in psychiatric treatments are not that they are more crazy than the other because which, starting from nothing is not required to do experiments to move forward? Not is not it but rather than at each time psychiatrists top shouted and strong that they had found the solution, that alone held and they were to die of thousands of people, not to mention of course that they filled up the pockets.
Don't believe that today ' today is not the same thing, look at the shameless statements of Psychiatry on electroconvulsive therapy, lobotomy, which if it is more practiced in France still exists in Belgium among other; They sing at screamed that they have the solution while our psychiatric hospitals are more full in addition to "sick!"

Who's kidding frankly?

I wanted to just get a small summary of some methods of care all more aberrant than others that we promoted psychiatry.

The Webmaster

It is a reality: no one is really master of his brain. For decades, experts are working to understand and solve some of its shortcomings.
Who ever would have the absolute control of his brain, controlling his mind or emotions? This issue looks at several "therapies", surprising even completely crazy. Would the remedy be to treat the madness by madness?

Coma therapy

It has proved that plunge a patient in a coma was, in some cases, the cure of dependencies due to previous treatment.
It was in 1972 that this idea germinated, after Dr. Manfred Sakel gave by mistake an overdose of insulin to a diabetic patient. The response was brutal: he fell into a coma. Later, this person said having more no dependency to morphine, used in the treatment of diabetes. The accident it had thus healed of his addiction. Dr. Manfred Sakel turned to specialists that have successfully treated by this method of cases of schizophrenia. No scientific explanation has never validated this method eventually banned because of his dangerousness: 2% of patients were indeed never emerging from the coma.

Therapy by the trepanation

The trepanation is a perforation of the braincase.
On human beings alive or dead, this practice is to puncture the skull to cure various pathologies. To the Néolitique, from 5,000 to 2,200 years b.c., this extreme therapy was based a priori belief that insanity was caused by these demons in the skull. Develop a "exit door" was thus of the libérer… This method still courses, including among some tribes Peruvian or Colombian, but modern medicine condemns and today mainly used for ablation of tumors or brain hematoma evacuation.

Therapy of rotation

Erasmus Darwin (the grand father of the famous Charles of the same name, Editor's note) has developed, in 1750, consisting of therapy to the patient and to turn.
Erasmus Darwin, physician, philosopher and science, was thought to have found a way to cure his patients by turn. An American doctor, Benjamin Rush, used this method in Psychiatry: he thought that it would reduce the cerebral congestion, and, therefore, to treat certain mental illnesses. This theory was wrong, and was left abandoned.


This therapy was the 20th century, to cure patients of a psychiatric disorder with different techniques using water.
It plunged as hyperactive in water patients, while the lethargic received stimulating jets. This therapeutic method was intended to treat water or prevent any disease. Jets of water, baths, showers, vapours and compresses were thus used. Even today, in the terms or saunas, hydrotherapy help solve certain skin diseases or States of stress. On the other hand, its psychiatric benefits are non-existent.

Malaria therapy

Early last century, Von Jauregg found how to cure syphilis: by contaminating his patients with malaria.
At the time where one did not yet know penicillin, which prior to 1928, physicians had found how to treat syphilis. They were so their heaving malaria patient, then triggering it a high fever. Indeed, a high body temperature was the ideal cure against syphilis. The problem is obvious: despite its good results, this method had many risks. Still, its inventor, Von Jauregg, received a Nobel Prize for this discovery and the success of this therapy.

The phrenology therapy

If it is said that some have the "hump of math", is to echo this little known and outdated science.
The phrenology was to attempt to describe the personality and diseases related to an individual by looking at the shape of its skull. This theoretical science, exposed in 1920 by German Dr. Franz Joseph Gall, could not however that attempt a diagnosis and not care for someone. By observing a patient and the Moguls at the level of its cranial vault, the doctor thought it could describe his personality, and the source of his headaches. Although outdated, unproven, and even often derided scientifically, this practice still has a few followers.

Therapy by lobotomy

It was Egas Moniz, Portuguese neurologist, that is to be, in 1935, the idea that mental illnesses are caused by problems of infections and connections of these neurons in the frontal lobe.
This part of the brain located behind the front, consists of white substance, a set of nerve fibres. Infected and disconnected, neuronal circuits cause mental illness such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, migraines chroniques… Egas Moniz and other physicians believed that one could intervene on this area of the brain without altering the normal functioning of the patient, through lobotomy and the leucotomie. These practices are to cut and remove the part of the white substance which causes a dysfunction in the brain. Moniz was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1949 for his work. Is since forbidden because it is not without consequences

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