dimanche 11 septembre 2011

Psychiatry and laboratories: the macabre union

Psychiatry and laboratories: the macabre union
May 07, 2011 by Alain Tizioli

Money, lies and Psychiatry: when Psychiatry and Labs agree to our costs etc.

H1N1 flu a scandal? Just a peccadillo, a joke from the gigantic system developed by the pharmaceutical industry and Psychiatry to extort billions of euros each year to Governments and social insurance. A well-honed system raging since tens of years, but only to realize. What is this system that allows the world psychiatric industry to earn $ 330 billion each year?

For Philippe Even, former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Necker Hospital, things are clear. First, before promoting a drug, it must put it on the market, and therefore obtain permissions from the drug agencies, like the AFSSAPS in France. The experts who work for laboratories and experts must decide if a product can be offered for sale are often the same.

In the United States, the organization in charge of the authorization for placing on the market of medicines, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), all of the experts of a neuroleptic Evaluation Committee, a group of powerful psychiatric drugs, was linked to the pharmaceutical industry. Is - this different in France? Even Professor does not hesitate to involve directly the AFSSAPS, the French equivalent of the FDA experts.

70% of the experts recognize explicitly or implicitly ties with the pharmaceutical industry. 5% have shares in these companies. How therefore surprising that products that prove harmful to use easily pass the approval tests. In addition to the corruption of the experts, the results of studies by laboratories to assess the dangerousness of the drugs are often biased.

One of these strategies is to test the drugs only on men of average age in full physical form. This category is not very sensitive to side effects, the results appear positive while the same once prescription drugs will have significant adverse effects on children, the elderly or physically impaired persons.

Another strategy is to obscure results, the case of secondary effects on persons who have not completed the study. Thus, a former employee of a large laboratory says that in a study on an antidepressant, almost 30% of subjects had ceased to take their pill because of the felt side effects. In the conclusions, officially reported side effects did not reflect people having abandoned, which completely distorts the result.

Finally, there is a way commonly used to fool drug agencies. This method is simply to completely hide the negative studies. The U.S. laboratory Elly Lilly, who is talking about him at this time because a sulphurous video, e.g. hidden studies showing the dangerousness of its features, Prozac antidepressant. The psychiatrist David HEALY Director of the Department of medicine and psychology at the University of North Wales, showed that the firm was aware of suicidal risk before Prozac is placed on the market (1987 in the USA, 1989 in France).

In 2002, David HEALY claimed that 25,000 people were suicide because of the Prozac.

How many others have committed the irreparable since, without counting many crimes attributed to the effects of these molecules?

Thus emerges the anatomy of the Pact with the devil between psychiatrists and pharmaceutical laboratories: lies and corruption, the development in the marketing of dangerous products. Result, 76.000 deaths attributed to secondary effects of psychotropic drugs for 10 years according to a statistical study of the Commission of citizens for human rights from the percentage of deaths known to all of the requirements made.

There is another aspect in this Pact with the devil, yet much more dangerous and worrying for the future of our society. This aspect is conveyed by a well-known formula: selling a drug to sell a disease. Psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry have understood that if each behavior could be redefined as a mental illness, it would be possible to sell significant quantities of psychotropic drugs intended to change behaviours. So seen to multiply the number of "mental disorder". These last are listed since 1952 in DSM, Diagnostic Statistical Manual, a book published by the American Association of Psychiatry, real world bible of Psychiatry.

In 1952, the first version of the DSM identified 112 disorders. In 1968, a new edition had 182 disorders. Today, we are the Fourth Edition and 374 identified mental disorders.

Thus, for example, shyness has become social anxiety disorder (SAD) and there is of course an antidepressant supposed to treat it. This is only a beginning. In 2012, will leave the fifth edition of the DSM. New disorders should make their appearance. Thus, the compulsive buyer, parental alienation syndrome disorder, disorder intermittent explosive (anger), excessive eating disorder and relational disorder should all be part of mental disorders to treat.

Laboratories and psychiatrists join forces to promote these new "diseases" and offer lucrative a psychotropic "treatment". A U.S. psychiatrist received 1.6 million on the part of a big laboratory for having promoted the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Considered to be very rare in the DSM3, with 1 person affected 1000, oddly became very common with now 1 person out of 10 who would suffer. Can be led to think that there is an epidemic of mental illness. In fact, there is an epidemic of Psychiatry. Diseases are invented, promoted, drugs are tested and placed on the market in corruption and concealment, other psychiatrists promote disease and its treatment.

This is the Covenant with the devil the entire resulting in thousands of deaths each year for the greatest benefit of laboratories and psychiatrists. An evil system that will well take one day dismantle if it is not that life itself becomes a mental disorder and that we ourselves under chemical straitjacket. A nightmare that could become a reality.
source médiapart

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