Didier, father without family
He wants to review her three children.
Society. Didier, father without family MDD
"Today is father's day, but I even do not receive a phone call." 38 Years, Didier is part of these fathers, increasingly many refuse to see their children as a result of a divorce. Separated from his wife in 2003, divorced since 2007, Didier did just share that small 100 days with her children aged 6, 8 and 10 years for five years. It has however succeeded on several occasions before the tribunal facing his former girlfriend who regularly accuses him of sexual touching and abuse on children. June 27, the correctional tribunal of Rodez deems the complaint libel suit filed by father desperate to try to restore his honor flouted and ultimately obtain custody of her children. Yesterday morning, Didier that has lived long in Toulouse to be transferred to Dakar in Senegal, had given appointments press to shout his helplessness. Because despite spent considerable sums in justice and judgments which are regularly favourable Didier expense has little legal means to recover children domiciled in Loire-Atlantique. Because children passed away five years ago end and grow away from the absent father they are deliberately cut. "I'm on my fifth year of non-paternité." I can longer, I even wrote to the President of the Republic, as should bear in mind that society is evolving and that a huge injustice is made to the divorced fathers. »
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