mardi 24 avril 2012

Here are the signatures of those involved obviously our children.

Here are the signatures of those involved obviously our children. You will notice that they are virtually the same signatures with a few variations. They are: Melle billiards; Ms. Martin; Ms. Potin and Mr Jouanno, who when they write, sign in different ways, that sleeping with? It is their problems. Only, there is theft of signatures as pewter signs to Billar; Martin signs for Jouanno; Jouanno signs to: Martin; Billiards and pewter. The head of the ASE sign to Mr Lorentz and Ms. Moreau.

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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

Cédric Fleurigeon Nous demandons à tous pendant une journée, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 de changer la photo de votre profil par celle de Benjamin et de son fils Aureo Il serait bon de voir fleurir cette photo sur la toile que se soit sur Facebook, MySpace, MSN ainsi que sur tous les méd