jeudi 12 mai 2011

Ritalin limited Switzerland and france

Ritalin limited Switzerland and france

by Emeric Lorentz, Thursday, may 12, 2011, 10: 10

12 May 2011.

We can see that the Switzerland arises the right questions about Ritalin. Would we be the strongest and the most intelligent of the world to continue in the France to refuse to see the inevitable or this blindness would have a direct relationship with the intrinsic links that maintain our policies with pharmaceutical manufacturers?

The Webmaster

In March 2011, we learned that the FOPH (Federal Office of public health) Switzerland wants to limit the prescription of Ritalin, a drug used to treat children with hyperactivity (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder. Pushed through parliamentary interventions, the Federal Office is concerned about the improper use of this substance, under the pretext that it allows to be more concentrated during a review. According to the Swiss daily Tages-Anzeiger, surveys have shown that students consume more of psychostimulants containing methylphenidate like Ritalin ®. Swissmedic (Swiss Institute for therapeutic products) must be a re-evaluation of these substances which may be currently prescribed by any doctor.

In France, Ritalin is not part of drugs under special surveillance, it is even considered as an essential drug. The psychostimulant amphetamine is ordered in the case of the inability to focus attention deficit disorders, emotional instability, impulsivity, hyperactivity moderate or severe. However, some children of less than six years are thus treated, although the initial treatment is subject to an annual hospital prescription of services of Neurology, psychiatry and Pediatrics, but it may be renewed by any physician on submission of the initial prescription. As early as 1997, Novartis laboratories had sold 28 127 boxes in our country. In 2004, sales were multiplied by six. Today, more than 10,000 children consume this poison to improve their concentration and their docility, and calm their impulsiveness. You need to know that Ritalin is an amphetamine effects are comparable to those of cocaine.The drug prescription is so dangerous that the US Army refuses to enlist young people who have been treated by this drug before the age of twelve years.

The Vidal noted nervousness and insomnia among frequent adverse reactions, and a decrease in appetite. During prolonged treatments, there is also a slowing of weight gain, sometimes a slight delay of growth. These effects may seem insignificant, but the Vidal also indicates that "the available data do not extrapolate the liver carcinogen risk seen with methylphenidate in animals to humans, without however formally exclude it." Indeed, the poison causes cancer of the liver in laboratory mice. If the company Novartis was perfectly satisfied the safety of its product, it certainly does not employ formulas such as "could cause" or "there is no evidence" or well "is not exactly his action on the human". And if one ignores this action on the adult, it is certain that it further ignores it in children, especially in the long term. Similarly, "its teratogenic potential was not clearly established." In addition, since the legal drug is an amphetamine, it corresponds to the definition of illegal drugs and obviously generates a habituation, form of child abuse.

In summary, the manufacturer admits clearly that its researchers have not pushed investigation far enough to ensure the safety of the product or even its effectiveness. Exactly, it ignores its action on the man, his liver carcinogen risk and its teratogenic potential. In truth, he knows little about a product which he sought and obtained the authorization for placing on the market. And if the manufacturer laboratory did not pursue his work far enough, which will be? Who can guarantee better than him there will be no serious side effects? However, it is also possible that these works have been made, but that laboratory prefers not to keep the results. Also, how some doctors dare say that Ritalin ® is a "very safe medicine"?

The most incredible is that nobody is able to demonstrate that this kind of drugs improves school performance of children so treated. The only "beneficial" effect is to allow management in the short term of hyperactivity and facilitate the lives of parents and teachers than children who might, someday, to pay very expensive recklessness of certain families and physicians. In his book the inventors of diseases, manoeuvres and manipulations of the pharmaceutical industry, Jörg Blech calls it the "pill of obedience". Chemical treatment is a double-edged weapon. It may, indeed, allow these hyperactive children to integrate into the current standards and thereby reassure parents, and on the other hand, as all drugs of this kind, it generates a certain euphoria which allows consumers to forget their difference and their other complexes. However, in parallel to these theoretical advantages, it destroys the personality, the spontaneity of these children and, without doubt, their physical health. In any event, despite the safe scientists of their knowledge, there is no test to confirm that ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a disease. There is no more scientific evidence showing that an imbalance of the brain is responsible for the symptoms attributed to the ADHD. Yet that is what many psychiatrists make to forcing treatment on Ritalin.

Since almost twenty years, a significant change occurred in Psychiatry, with the massive influx of drugs in the taking in charge of mental disorders. There is almost no straitjackets, they have been replaced by chemical camisoles. Most "developed" countries have experienced alarming increases in consumption, except for the United Kingdom, where instances of health found the inefficiency of this drug in the age of 18 years and the increase of the number of suicides. This country has thus taken, in 2003, the decision to ban this type of drugs below this age group. September 22, 2005, Inserm published a report on conduct in the child and adolescent disorders which may later lead to delinquency. Experts recommend detect disorders of behavior in a systematic manner at the age of 36 months, and propose to train teachers to increase the efficiency of the procedure. This expertise of more than 400 pages was commissioned by the National Fund for the self-employed health insurance for the purpose "to improve detection, prevention and support" future offenders, revolting against "social norms". Dependent on the security policy, it refers to the data of the international scientific literature, and explains how to treat these disorders, sometimes with drugs. The pharmaceutical lobby had already medicalized almost all periods and events of life, he was finally able to medicalize delinquency in the framework so dear to our elected officials: prevention.

This study of Inserm is bread blessed for the manufacturer of Ritalin. It advocates "tracking of the crèche and kindergarten behavior disturbances." For the experts, the anger and acts of disobedience from the first three years of life are pathological and "predictive" of delinquency, and a few traits of characters, such as the docile, impulsivity, frustration intolerance, and even the "not our language". Thus, this "scientific surety" can blame practices of care of child and adolescent psychiatry for purposes of security and public order. The systematic detection of "agitated" in nurseries and kindergartens children may turn these facilities based for home and education in yards for "future offenders." These experts do know that quantity of scholars and famous thinkers were bad students, disobedient, outraged, refusing to enter into the mould sought to impose on them. Einstein was a perfect example. Number of physicians, paediatricians, child psychiatrists, neuropsychiatres, anthropologists and sociologists have revolted by this expertise. In their eyes, extreme médicalisant educational, psychological and social phenomena, stigmatizing any bright manifestation of opposition inherent psychic development of the child, by isolating the symptoms of their significance in the course of each, the expertise of Inserm maintains the confusion between social malaise and psychic sufferingdenies the first of the development of singular human beings and "robotic" health care thinking.

Child psychiatrist Marcel Rufo violently insurgent against this expertise: "Soyons Asterix." Let the last resistance in France for a medicine of the subject and not of the body, a medicine of psychic structure, not the symptom. "Expertise made in 2003 by the Inserm without epidemiological investigation, one 8 children suffering from mental disorder and 5.9% of 15 year olds would be met from"conduct disorder ". Laurent Mucchielli, Director of the centre of sociological research on the law and penal institutions, commented on this expertise: "And next to the proposals to better train professionals, requests for funding for pharmacological research found!". He deplored that this expertise totally ignores everything that concerns the social factors of group. "There is nothing to give means to labs in pharmacy or for research on mice, while there is a need of psychs of orderlies, to educators, all these people who are working around the child." This report therefore reflects mainly the influence of the biologists lobby, which is very strong, at the expense of the social aspects. "It is permitted to bring this attitude of what is already happening in the United States.

To the United States, the Department of education and the national Institute for mental health (NIMH) grows the use of Ritalin with as much force as the producer of the drug, often using words even more enthusiastic than those that Novartis can afford without falling into the illegality. Thus, in Illinois, health services have decided to take in hand the mental health of children in the State, from birth to 18 years, without admitting any exemption. This project is shared by many other States, but Illinois is the first to put him in place, and Patti Bellock, Member of Parliament and an active member of a group of intervention, will not hesitate to resort to this special brigade, the Task Force. Patti Bellock is launched in this process because studies show that one in six children suffers from depression, and depression "affects the ability of a child to learn and increases its propensity for violence, alcohol and generates other delinquent behaviour". The assessment of mental health will be therefore added on certificates of health examinations and all children in Illinois, except those who will have a religious exemption, will be to their balance sheets of their vaccinations and health day to enter class. Pregnant women will be reviewed and monitored for one year after the birth of the baby. The only mandatory review will cost some 10 million dollars. "If anyone thinks to escape this, because her child is not in a public school, it is wrong", said Paul Schneider after the hearings. He is violently insurgent against the project: "If the family refuses to accept the assessment of mental health by the school, what recourse will have." Who will pay and who will determine who is mentally healthy or not? ». He rightly believes that the pharmaceutical companies will strongly benefit from the explosion of regarded as hyperactive children to which it will order of Ritalin. For its part, Karen Hayes, Co-Director of the Association Concerned Women for America-Illinois, said members of the Group: "This is not a benefit for children, or for taxpayers to request the Government bureaucracy to decide on the standards of mental health." May I suggest that the mental health of the authors of this concept is assessed? "Karen Hayes is very shocked that important legislation has passed on the sly.

Must confess that this process resemblance to everything that we have read in books of science fiction such as we others Eugene Zamyatin, the best of worlds of Aldous Huxley, or George Orwell's 1984. It is unfortunate that the France, which claims to a country of freedom and the best defender of the human rights - although no one believes more-, seeks to emulate a country that also was a defender of freedom, but where freedom is reduced every day be a shrinking. Our society has institutionalized abuse of drugs among our children. Worse still, we maltraitons our children with drugs instead of making an effort to better meet their needs. In the long term, we give a very bad lesson to our children in grows that drugs are the answer to their emotional problems.

Also, instead of placing these children under high surveillance, it would be preferable that our company arises the right questions: are the standards we impose them compatible with current life? are they valid in our society that is going to fail? Is our modern civilization a good example of happiness on the planet well ill? And the future that we prepare them is a sign of evolution of our society and our conscience either blatant evidence of our lapse?

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