mercredi 18 mai 2011

Case DSK: the alleged victim denies any relationship "consented"

Case DSK: the alleged victim denies any relationship "consented"


This is counsel for the cleaning woman who accuses Dominique Strauss-Kahn said it: his client denied any sexual relationship "agreed" with the pattern of the IMF, reports BFM

You did nothing followed in the case of DSK? The récap is here

You are lost by the info/day 12,000 on DSK? Breathe a great blow, made the point here.

The facts
The new falls on the night of Saturday to Sunday: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF Managing Director, is arrested by the police of New York while he was on a plane about to take off. Police blamed for having assaulted a woman in house of the Sofitel hotel where he would be down. The young woman would entered in his hotel suite while he was taking his shower. After the young woman, DSK would be left bare his shower and allegedly sexually assaulted it. For after the pattern of the IMF, which pleads not guilty, the demoiselle was consenting. This is the line of defence counsel for DSK according to the New York Post.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is now in prison (and not the Nice, Rikers Island, a nightmarish), submitted to antisuicide proceedings, and preparing his defence with his tenors of the bar.
The Chambermaid, whose identity has not been officially disclosed, does not communicate. Shocked, she is "in a safe place". It is his brother and his counsel who speak in his place.

The investigation
It revolves around several critical points
- the time of the crime (if there is a crime): DSK says leaving Hotel between 11 p.m. and 12: 30 pm. Receiving surveillance cameras show making its key at 12: 28 pm. House wife says she was assaulted around noon.
- DSK was pressed to leave his room? Yes, said the Prosecutor leading the investigation against him. No, explains the DSK clan. He had a lunch with his daughter, a student at New York. There is a surveillance camera that would have filmed the corridor outside the House of DSK: these images could tip the balance on one side or the other.
- the relationship was forced (see counts, rather sordid) or granted, as consider it advocates of DSK? Investigators conducted sampling DNA to try to learn more.
– House wife knew DSK? She says no, but one of her colleagues explained that there was a briefing on his coming, and that the photo of the pattern of the IMF was hung in the dressing rooms.

The judicial procedure
As it is in the US, it is time to leave your knowledge acquired by your series US over-consumption. It began with a preliminary hearing Monday. DSK is placed in detention while he had requested to be released on bail (syndrome Roman Polanski?). The President of the IMF will be back before the judge Friday: a jury will determine if there is reason to open a trial or not.

Collateral damage
- policies
Necessarily, PS, it changes the deal, six weeks of the date in the primary deadline. DSK, favourite of polls, out, it benefits François Hollande and it might decide Martine Aubry to embark. Attention to not appear as a default candidate... Right, it amused under cape.
- Media
Journalists, with a step back, start to evokethe runner Petticoats of DSK side. With buried anecdotes, memories a bit embarrassed, and debate on privacy policies.
- legal
Is the right to broadcast the photo of DSK handcuffs? Doubt around rest, even if the CSA seeks to go mollo.
- economic
The IMF also is the confusion. DSK in prison, his job is provided by number 2, John Lypsky... who was on the departure. In anticipation of the resignation of DSK, Europeans rise to the niche that the new IMF boss also come to the Continent.
- complotistes
Although 57% of the French and some Socialists believe that it is mounted, for the moment, the conspiracy theory is not the road.

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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

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