mardi 12 juin 2012

Marina, this child that nobody has defended

Marina, this child that nobody has defended Marina, this child that nobody has defended Marina, at the age of three and six years. (DR.) Delphine Pere in France, 98 000 children are in danger and two children a day die from abuse. The protection of minors has gaps. Symbol of the malfunctions of the system, the trial of the parents of the small Marina Sabathier, martyred for six years and whose body was found in a plastic sealed and filled with concrete Fund, opened Monday at le Mans (Sarthe) for the first time, four associations, "children and sharing", "The voice of the child", "The child blue" and "Innocence in Danger", are together civil for "type fist on the table" and "think about different procedures of research in". "responsibilities." Reports and alarming medical reports in the case of the eight year-old, who has been educated that one third of the school time, the witnesses are legion. "You know", "We had seen the bruises, injuries", doctors diagnosed traces of blows on the body and injuries to child abuse. Three reports were filed by three different schools, as the family kept moving. In autumn 2008, the Prosecutor's Office of le Mans has classified the case, following a preliminary investigation, despite the alarming report from a medical expert. In May 2009, the little girl was hospitalized five weeks for serious foot injuries, the medical profession advocates to the shelter. Las, Marina is made to his torturers. It disappears at an indefinite date of Summer 2009, until his body was discovered in a warehouse, packed in garbage bags. The child who has been gagged, attached, beaten, deprived of food and locked naked in the attic or cellar for six years, has completed the image of what his life has been. It was agony in a basement. "The revolt to the administrative delays in this folder, which queries the shortcomings of the protection minors, Christiane Ruel, President of childhood and sharing", denounced the administration delays, inconsistent with the tracking of tortured children. "It must be the children safe during the investigation, a mortal blow because soon arrives and after it is too late." Sébastien Gouhier, the Mayor of Ecommoy, last village of la Sarthe where moved the family of Marina, wondered "why this family known to social services arrived in the most complete anonymity. He deplored the absence of relay between the departmental services. Three years after the facts, he questions always the lack of reactivity of the General Council, responsible for the protection of minors. The mission of it? Collect the reports and suspicions of abuse, to transmit the elements to the Prosecutor's Office for an investigation. The trial in the Court of Assizes of Eric Sabathier and Virginia Darras, contains large holes that the jurors will explore until June 29. Step course as its result can be necessary for the better tracking learn.

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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

Cédric Fleurigeon Nous demandons à tous pendant une journée, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 de changer la photo de votre profil par celle de Benjamin et de son fils Aureo Il serait bon de voir fleurir cette photo sur la toile que se soit sur Facebook, MySpace, MSN ainsi que sur tous les méd