mardi 21 mai 2013

Today we had an appointment at Nanterre.

Today we had an appointment at Nanterre. I strongly recommend to all those who want to make the Same thing as the President of SEFCA Europe to do so. We had a hearing at Bobigny 25/04/13, or we had a Rather good judgment, but there is always the other side. The judge imposed At that the ESA grants us the right to visit, without condition, ors ESA of 92, do not want to Hear what our their say. Things deteriorating, as Vice-President of the House of Ms. Agostini Council, calls us for a measure of adoption of our son Christian, we have never had judgments and we have never heard. Counsel for the C.G.92, Mr. Cohen, she developed a majority of mail of the ESA, whereas the half was virtual. More seriously, this magistrate, Mr Philippe Leclerc's mistress, and his wife Nathalie Leclerc of absolutely stronger, given testimony against us, while these guys are sought by lawyers for non-payment of fees. Magistrates, in France but also in Switzerland. These people have made an association absolutely stronger, with two headquarters, these two addresses are fictitious, since they live in a car in Belgium, visibly counsel to their phone or their address where they reside in cache. This woman wanted to publish a book with real names and ESA of 92, their has given several mails, thus violating professional secrecy. This morning SEFCA EUROPE president went to the registry of the judge's children, to rip this judgment, which does not take place since our visiting rights are not respected, and telling them that they will be tried by a competent court. And then we went to Nanterre, we RDV 10 h 00, but we were there at 12 pm. We saw black dresses that marraient in an Office we have toqués at the door, and then surprise, they greeted us with a big smile. We apologized for the delay. They invited us to sit down and the Vice President to want ranting his speech, we have begun to say that counsel Attorney Cohen introduced fake in scripts, fake fake uses, disclosures of mail for the purpose of harm us, and the Vice President when we showed him the mails that are in the book, this is said : "This concerns you?" ben no, y ' has just our name, the name of our children, our old address. Then, president of SEFCA EUROPE, it pissed and to is a lesson in history. President to speak of 39/40 when the Germans invaded the France and Hitler. A very informative book of Hitler, which says how to destroy: "the Socialists; the Communists and the travellers' Pétain made proposals at the time by saying the higher interests of the child. ORS we see that oblige it to give, the Jews of France to wear the yellow star, including children. It was necessary in a downbeat separated children from parents sending them to Drancy...Children are more registered a star yellow, but files at the level of our social security card. The safeguarding of the rights of man and fundamental freedoms, as amended by Protocol No. 11 and no. 14. ROM? 4 XI.1950.Whether it's Bobigny and Nanterre, they have refused to consulted our folder. SEFCA EUROPE President talking about B.K. which has been dealing with the same individuals, they have so damaged that he found himself interned 6 to 8 weeks. One thing is sure, they repeated their mistakes with us. There was a silence. We will give you a date in a month for consulted the record, and we reject the hearing next month. SEFCA EUROPE president, told them that he should not push the audience as they listened to the unnecessary blablas of ESA of 92, through counsel. The vice - President, told us that if we wanted to, they could we given a lawyer of your choice. Then there SEFCA EUROPE Vice-President, told him: Me Eric Dupont-Moretti, then here they have knocked their pens, and told us that this was not possible. It was then that the President of SEFCA EUOPE, told them that he had to be public, view that is the criminal see foundations. ESA of 92, did the alienation on our children, but the ESA to is also false signatures, of having falsified papers of the social security system. We will put the book of Nathalie Leclerc, and the documents that concern us. I would advise parents who are engaged with the ASE or magistrates, not to do what did the President of SEFCA EUROPE, taking the top on the magistrates. JDE of Bobigny is granted the right to search my husband. This reminded me of the film "La Rafle" or Jews were trying to hidden their jewels.

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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

Cédric Fleurigeon Nous demandons à tous pendant une journée, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 de changer la photo de votre profil par celle de Benjamin et de son fils Aureo Il serait bon de voir fleurir cette photo sur la toile que se soit sur Facebook, MySpace, MSN ainsi que sur tous les méd