jeudi 1 septembre 2011

Placement of Tom, victim of social assistance to childhood and judges hostage

Placement of Tom, victim of social assistance to childhood and judges hostage

Hearing on May 11, 2010: avoided stakeholders, or the decadence of the ASE and justice

stakeholders avoided, or the decadence of the ASE and justice
May 6, our daughter announces that she is convened may 11. It received its convening in recommended. The day before, we learn that this meeting is due to this blog and it will be question of our rights of visits. We learn elsewhere before the hearing that they will be cancelled. Knowing the judge, we are that has half surprised to not be summoned.

At this hearing, is called a daughter of this blog is not responsible for. And blackmail begins. If we remove our blog, Tom could get out of the home in a few months. If is not removed and that happens well with his father, we will be trustworthy third-party designated pas. Who's kidding this judge? While we provide all the conditions to be, it refused us on the grounds that it has invented, then why would it change? It is understanding our daughter should choose between us and the fireplace. Lamentable… While there is some time, we were in conflict, we would be today too close. This judge swimming in the absurd.

As always, ESA took advantage of our absence to release in our back and will participate to this blackmail. The father also small reflections, ira still not taking its responsibilities in the behavior of Tom, without moreover be taken up by the judge. It will be Tom 2 weekend per month. Tom will no longer have the right to come home and we will be "heard" when we will call him. The French judges would be they nostalgic of the practices used in another country a few years ago? Here are the "punishment" and the decision of the judge, at the risk of end to destroy Tom? But the susceptibility of the individual premium. It takes Tom hostage. It will assert that it us was not summoned, we receive but the next day a summons signed his hand, posted by ecopli that we do receive the time.

We expect the deliberations to see if it has the courage the mention the true reasons that motivated him or if it will use the sentences ready-made implemented has available? This behaviour encourages us to continue our fight and not to give in to this blackmail.

An hour after the end of this hearing, the head of the ESA, which always avoided us hearings, used to call us, jubilation, we announce it and say that it is effective for this weekend. When we say to him that it takes the written decision of the judge, she said her telephone call that faith. To say was how much these people believed themselves above all and above laws. This behavior or have no legal value, well proves that judges are puppets and ESA pulls the strings. That is what some judges have done of our justice. It tells us that the blog is not disturbed while an hour before, she was an accomplice of blackmail to remove. What credibility!


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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

Cédric Fleurigeon Nous demandons à tous pendant une journée, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 de changer la photo de votre profil par celle de Benjamin et de son fils Aureo Il serait bon de voir fleurir cette photo sur la toile que se soit sur Facebook, MySpace, MSN ainsi que sur tous les méd