mardi 28 juin 2011

Amélie 257 days deprive of it is parents

Amélie 257 days deprive of it is parents

letter sent to the no ases not the gestapo of the time modern should know that the 92 is the laboratory of the kidnapping.The mail just to receive us surprised greatly, since we their requested on several occasions the dates and times visits, and contact information. the most serious we have sent to soft toys and clothes for our child, since we cannot see it, this returned us. When we requested the record as by enchant our daughter health book is inéxistant, in this record, they have immités and infringing our signature also diverting the family booklet. This is not my signature

Mr and Mrs Lorentz Moreau

3 Pole solidarity roses residence

92800 Puteaux Service territorial social assistance to children (ASE5)

The responsible for Mr Olivier Oger attention

the Bourets 18 Street

92150 Suresnes

Puteaux, on June 28, 2011



Wellwe received your letter dated 23 June 2011 to simple. Our Council will be seized as soon as possible, and our Council will seize the children Ms. Novella judge as quickly as possible. In your letter, Mr Oger you, I site your words : " you have not given effect to the appointment fixed by the service." You have no relationship with Amélie and you have not seen him since the 23 September 2010" " I would like to report that you have given us that a single appointment in your local mail dated October 22, 2010, for an appointment as the Mardin 02 November 2010 to sign your investment project, if you regardiez one can better the record you would have seen that we have never signed your projects of investment for some of our childrenIt is not for Amélie that we will start. On the other you just told us that she was in the Plessis-Robinson, off the Plessis-Robinson is at the other end of the 92, that we are not mediated, and moreover saw that my state of health is deteriorating in seen eye because of your services, certificate established by my doctor and copy the folder of the judge, stating that I can't make long journeys. We you had requested that the visits when you decide to pass, this pass closer to our home. Overall, our email unanswered no of your by. I still note that as of October 18, 2010 you have sent us an application for leave to make vaccines for our daughter Amélie, which I have signed the rest leave of vaccines of Dr. Braun pediatrician is dated October 02, 2010, in the same mail you stipulate that Mrs. Moreau did not exercise these rights of tours on Tuesdays and Fridays from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. right granted by the juvenile judge, this order we were notified Thursday, October 21, 2010, or until the day of today we have never had a mail of your by indicating me that I could met Amélie visits publicized with a near our home address. We have also seized your master Gracia lawyer dated April 11, 2011, for the information of your behaviour, which relates to the behaviour of the gestapo. Because as of Thursday, September 23, 2010, you have a rape of our daughter Amélie Lorentz, illegally, since the judge had to hear us within 8 days and this was not the case, we have heard only in January 2011. And yes how do you want to us to be present at the hearing of 04 October 2010, then the calling we do received it on October 08, 2010. I wish to you report that a person who is part of the Association SEFCA PUTEAUX, and is located in the East of the France alerted us to the fact that it to view our daughter Amélie Lorentz with Ms. Cabioc'h, the person who made a rape of our daughter to maternity. There is nothing to our daughter Amélie which is called Lorentz and Moreau, because you'll have to make to my husband. There are no presentations of children complaints filed to the Commissioner, but the Prosecutor's Office directly. Note that tomorrow we have appointments with several UMP senators who follow our case, and there it will be another song. In the record that you have made us reach, there is no copies of the health of our daughter Amélie Lorentz record, to which is very strange do you have things to hide on the State of health of Amélie, and that you do not want that as parents we know are passing.

Mr Lorentz Mme Moreau

PS : With the mail that you just US Envoy, nowant we know your intentions to all our children. Indicatively, we had sent clothing and toys for Amélie Lorentz, and it was returned to us.

CI joins that long mail received

Amélie 257 jours priver des c'est parents

Amélie 257 jours priver des c'est parents

lettre envoyée aux N'ases non la gestapo des temps Moderne il faut savoir que le 92 est le laboratoire des rapts d'enfants .Le courrier que nous venons de recevoir nous surprends grandement ,puisque nous leurs avons demandés à plusieurs reprises les dates et heures des visites, ainsi que les coordonnées . le plus grave nous avons envoyés des doudous et des vetements pour notre enfant ,puisque nous ne pouvons pas la voir, cela nous est revenu. Lorsque nous avons demandés le dossier administratif , comme par enchantement le carnet de santé de notre fille est inéxistant, dans ce dossier administratif ,ils ont immités et contrefaits notre signature , en détournant également le livret de famille. ceci n'est pas ma signature

Mr et Mme Lorentz Moreau

3 Résidence des Rosiers Pole Solidarités

92800 Puteaux Service Territoriale de l’Aide Sociale à l’Enfance (ASE5)

A l’attention de Mr Olivier Oger responsable

18 rue des Bourets

92150 Suresnes

Puteaux, le 28 juin 2011



Nous avons bien reçu votre courrier daté du 23 juin 2011 en simple. Notre conseil va être saisi le plus vite possible, et notre conseil saisira le juge des enfants Mme Novella le plus rapidement possible. Dans votre courrier, Mr Oger vous dite, je site vos mots : « Vous n’avez pas donné suite au rendez-vous fixés par le service. Vous n’avez pas de relation avec Amélie et vous ne l’avez pas vu depuis le 23 Septembre 2010. » Je tiens à vous signalez que vous nous avez donné qu’un seul et unique rendez-vous dans vos locaux courrier daté du 22 Octobre 2010 pour un rendez-vous en date du Mardin 02 Novembre 2010 pour signer votre projet de placement, si vous regardiez un peux mieux le dossier vous auriez vu que nous n’avons jamais signé vos projets de placements pour aucuns de nos enfants, ce n’est pas pour Amélie que nous allons commencer. D’autre par vous nous avez simplement dit qu’elle se trouvait au Plessis-Robinson, hors le Plessis-Robinson est à l’autre bout du 92 , que nous ne sommes pas véhiculés , et de surcroit vu que mon état de santé se dégrade à vu d’œil à cause de vos services , certificat établi par mon médecin traitant et copie dans le dossier du juge , stipulant que je ne peux pas faire de long trajets. Nous vous avions demandés à ce que les visites lorsque vous serez décider à nous les transmettes, ce passent le plus près de notre domicile. Hors, nos courriers restent sans aucunes réponses de votre par. Je vous signale encore qu’en date du 18 Octobre 2010 vous nous avez envoyé une demande d’autorisation de faire des vaccins pour notre fille Amélie, que j’ai signée, du reste l’autorisation des vaccins du Dr Braun Pédiatre est datée du 02 octobre 2010 , dans ce même courrier vous stipulez que Mme Moreau n’a pas exercer ces droits de visites les mardis et vendredis de 15 heures à 16 heures ,droit accordé par le juge des enfants , Cette ordonnance nous a été notifié le Jeudi 21 Octobre 2010, or jusqu’au jour d’aujourd’hui nous n’avons jamais eu de courriers de votre par m’indiquant que je pouvais rencontrée Amélie en visites médiatisé avec une adresse proche de notre domicile. Nous avons également saisi votre avocat Maitre Gracia en date du 11 Avril 2011, pour la tenir informer de votre comportement, qui se rapporte aux comportements de la gestapo. Car en date du jeudi 23 septembre 2010, vous avez fait un rapt de notre fille Amélie Lorentz, en toute illégalité, puisque le juge devait nous entendre sous 8 jours et cela n’a pas été le cas, nous avons été entendu seulement au mois de Janvier 2011. Et oui comment voulez-vous que nous soyons présents à l’audience du 04 octobre 2010, alors que la convocation nous ne l’avons reçu que le 08 octobre 2010. Je tiens à vous signalez qu’une personne qui fait partie de l’Association SEFCA PUTEAUX, et qui se trouve dans l’Est de la France nous a alertés sur le fait qu’elle à vue notre fille Amélie Lorentz avec Mme Cabioc’h, la personne qui a fait un rapt de notre fille à la maternité. Qu’il n’arrive rien à notre fille Amélie qui s’appelle Lorentz et non Moreau, car vous aurez à faire à mon mari. Il y a des plaintes pour non présentations d’enfants qui ont été déposées non pas au commissariat, mais directement au Parquet. Sachez que demain nous avons rendez-vous avec plusieurs Sénateurs UMP qui suivent notre affaire, et là ce sera une autre chanson. Dans le dossier administratif que vous nous avez fait parvenir, il n’y a pas les copies du carnet de santé de notre fille Amélie Lorentz, se qui est très étrange avez-vous des choses à cacher sur l’état de santé d’Amélie, et que vous ne voulez pas qu’entant que parents nous sachions se qui passent.

Mr Lorentz Mme Moreau

PS : Avec le courrier que vous venez de nous envoyé, maintenant nous connaissons vos intentions envers tous nos enfants. A titre indicatif , nous avions envoyés des vêtements et des jouets pour Amélie Lorentz , et cela nous a été retourné.

ci joint le courrier que long n'a reçu

samedi 25 juin 2011


Roumanie: “cobayes thérapeutiques” dans un hôpital psychiatrique

Le Conseil de l’Europe s’est dit “vivement préoccupé” par l’administration de médicaments psychotropes pour des essais thérapeutiques dans un hôpital psychiatrique, à des patients qui n’en étaient pas véritablement informés, en Roumanie.

Lors d’une visite d’experts en juin 2006, le Comité anti-torture (CPT) du Conseil de l’Europe a découvert que des programmes de recherche biomédicale (essais de médicaments psychotropes) étaient menés sur des patients et sur des cas sociaux sans qu’ils en soient véritablement informés à l’hôpital psychiatrique d’Oradea (nord ouest).
Dans un pavillon de cet hôpital, trois malades psychiatriques et deux hommes non malades mais souffrant d’un degré moyen d’arriération mentale, décrits comme des “cas sociaux chroniques”, avaient signé un document de consentement pour cette expérience.
Mais ils étaient convaincus de se voir administrer des “médicaments spéciaux de l’étranger” bien supérieurs “aux médicaments ordinaires de Roumanie”, indique le rapport publié à Strasbourg avec le consentement de la Roumanie.
Le directeur de l’hôpital n’avait aucune information sur le protocole en cours et ne savait même pas s’il avait reçu l’agrément - obligatoire - d’un comité d’éthique.
Ces cobayes thérapeutiques faisaient partie d’un groupe de 11 personnes (sept hommes et quatre femmes) internés de manière “volontaire” dans cet hôpital comme “cas sociaux”, et sans figurer sur les listes de patients.
Ils y effectuaient de menus travaux et plusieurs d’entre eux n’étaient pas autorisés à sortir seuls de l’hôpital, selon le CPT qui s’inquiète du statut juridique de ces patients/résidents.
Le rapport indique par ailleurs qu’une proportion non négligeable de détenus a déclaré avoir subi des mauvais traitements lors des interrogatoires par la police de Bucarest et celle du département de Bacau (est du pays).
Il s’agissait des coups de poing, de coups de matraque en caoutchouc, avec une batte de base-ball ou encore la crosse d’un pistolet.
Une détenue mineure a également fait état d’attouchements.
Dans les prisons, le CPT a constaté un surpeuplement général avec des détenus obligés de partager des lits dans des espaces resserrés avec un manque quasi-total d’activités hors cellule et des services de santé surchargés.
Dans certaines cellules des prisons de Bacau, les conditions de détention “pourraient à juste titre être qualifiées d’inhumaines et dégradantes” selon le rapport.
Dans les centres de rétention, le CPT a appris qu’il n’était pas rare que des ressortissants étrangers placés à l’isolement soient menottés et enchaînés à une barre de métal fixée dans le mur (à une hauteur d’environ 50 cm) dans la cellule d’isolement



Romania: "therapeutic subjects" in a psychiatric hospital

The Council of Europe said he is "deeply concerned" by the administration of psychotropic drugs for treatment in a psychiatric hospital teststo patients who were not really informed, in Romania.
During a visit of experts in June 2006, the Committee unhesitatingly (CPT) of the Council of Europe has discovered that programs in biomedical research (testing of psychotropic medications) were conducted on patients and social unless they are truly informed to the psychiatric hospital cases from Oradea (North West).
In a pavilion of the hospital, three psychiatric patients and two men sick but with a moderate degree of mental retardation, described as "chronic social cases", had signed a document of consent for this experience.
But they were convinced to administer "special medicines from abroad" much higher "to Romania ordinary drugs", the report published in Strasbourg with the consent of the Romania.
The Director of the hospital had no information on the current Protocol and did not even know if he had received the - mandatory - approval of an Ethics Committee.
These therapeutic guinea pigs were part of a group of 11 people (seven men and four women) interned "voluntarily" in the hospital as"social", and without appear on the lists of patients.
They performed menial work and many of them were not allowed to leave only the hospital, according to the CPT is concerned about the legal status of these patients/residents.
The report further States that a non-negligible proportion of inmates said avoir suffered ill-treatment during questioning by the police of Bucharest and avoir Department of Bacau (East of avoir country).
He was beaten with fists, truncheons, rubber, with a baseball bat or the butt of a pistol.
A minor detainee made State of touching.
In prisons, the CPT noted a general overcrowding with inmates forced to share beds in spaces tightened with a near-total lack of cell activities and overburdened health services.
In some cells of the Bacau prison, detention conditions "could rightly be characterized as inhuman and degrading" according to the report.
In the detention centres, the CPT has learned that it was not uncommon that foreign nationals placed in solitary confinement are handcuffed and chained to a metal bar set in the wall (at a height of about 50 cm) in the isolation cell



Roumanie: “cobayes thérapeutiques” dans un hôpital psychiatrique

Le Conseil de l’Europe s’est dit “vivement préoccupé” par l’administration de médicaments psychotropes pour des essais thérapeutiques dans un hôpital psychiatrique, à des patients qui n’en étaient pas véritablement informés, en Roumanie.

Lors d’une visite d’experts en juin 2006, le Comité anti-torture (CPT) du Conseil de l’Europe a découvert que des programmes de recherche biomédicale (essais de médicaments psychotropes) étaient menés sur des patients et sur des cas sociaux sans qu’ils en soient véritablement informés à l’hôpital psychiatrique d’Oradea (nord ouest).
Dans un pavillon de cet hôpital, trois malades psychiatriques et deux hommes non malades mais souffrant d’un degré moyen d’arriération mentale, décrits comme des “cas sociaux chroniques”, avaient signé un document de consentement pour cette expérience.
Mais ils étaient convaincus de se voir administrer des “médicaments spéciaux de l’étranger” bien supérieurs “aux médicaments ordinaires de Roumanie”, indique le rapport publié à Strasbourg avec le consentement de la Roumanie.
Le directeur de l’hôpital n’avait aucune information sur le protocole en cours et ne savait même pas s’il avait reçu l’agrément - obligatoire - d’un comité d’éthique.
Ces cobayes thérapeutiques faisaient partie d’un groupe de 11 personnes (sept hommes et quatre femmes) internés de manière “volontaire” dans cet hôpital comme “cas sociaux”, et sans figurer sur les listes de patients.
Ils y effectuaient de menus travaux et plusieurs d’entre eux n’étaient pas autorisés à sortir seuls de l’hôpital, selon le CPT qui s’inquiète du statut juridique de ces patients/résidents.
Le rapport indique par ailleurs qu’une proportion non négligeable de détenus a déclaré avoir subi des mauvais traitements lors des interrogatoires par la police de Bucarest et celle du département de Bacau (est du pays).
Il s’agissait des coups de poing, de coups de matraque en caoutchouc, avec une batte de base-ball ou encore la crosse d’un pistolet.
Une détenue mineure a également fait état d’attouchements.
Dans les prisons, le CPT a constaté un surpeuplement général avec des détenus obligés de partager des lits dans des espaces resserrés avec un manque quasi-total d’activités hors cellule et des services de santé surchargés.
Dans certaines cellules des prisons de Bacau, les conditions de détention “pourraient à juste titre être qualifiées d’inhumaines et dégradantes” selon le rapport.
Dans les centres de rétention, le CPT a appris qu’il n’était pas rare que des ressortissants étrangers placés à l’isolement soient menottés et enchaînés à une barre de métal fixée dans le mur (à une hauteur d’environ 50 cm) dans la cellule d’isolement

vendredi 24 juin 2011

Peter Falk, l'inspecteur Columbo, est mort L'acteur américain est décédé à l'âge de 83 ans

L'acteur américain Peter Falk, qui interprétait l'inspecteur Columbo dans la célèbre série télévisée, est décédé à l'âge de 83 ans, a annoncé, vendredi, un membre de la famille sur la radio californienne KNX. L'acteur, immortalisé par son imperméable élimé et sa célèbre phrase "Juste une dernière chose...", souffrait de démence depuis plusieurs années et avait été placé sous la curatelle de sa femme Shera Falk, avec qui il était marié depuis 34 ans.

Peter Falk a incarné le lieutenant Columbo dans quelque 70 téléfilms diffusés entre 1968 et 2003. Mais il avait déjà une longue carrière derrière lui avant d'enfiler le fameux imperméable. Il fut notamment sélectionné deux fois aux Oscars dans la catégorie du second rôle, en 1961 et 1962.

Né en septembre 1927 à New York, Peter Falk, était devenu borgne à l'âge de trois ans des suites d'un cancer et avait commencé à travailler à la télévision en 1957. Il fut aussi l'un des acteurs fétiches de John Cassavetes, avec qui il a tourné six films.

Peter Falk restera pour beaucoup l'inoubliable inspecteur Columbo...

Peter Falk restera pour beaucoup l'inoubliable inspecteur Columbo... © - / AFP

Peter Falk restera pour beaucoup l'inoubliable inspecteur Columbo... © - / AFP
À ne pas manquer

L'acteur américain Peter Falk, qui interprétait l'inspecteur Columbo dans la célèbre série télévisée, est décédé à l'âge de 83 ans, a annoncé, vendredi, un membre de la famille sur la radio californienne KNX. L'acteur, immortalisé par son imperméable élimé et sa célèbre phrase "Juste une dernière chose...", souffrait de démence depuis plusieurs années et avait été placé sous la curatelle de sa femme Shera Falk, avec qui il était marié depuis 34 ans.

Peter Falk a incarné le lieutenant Columbo dans quelque 70 téléfilms diffusés entre 1968 et 2003. Mais il avait déjà une longue carrière derrière lui avant d'enfiler le fameux imperméable. Il fut notamment sélectionné deux fois aux Oscars dans la catégorie du second rôle, en 1961 et 1962.

Né en septembre 1927 à New York, Peter Falk, était devenu borgne à l'âge de trois ans des suites d'un cancer et avait commencé à travailler à la télévision en 1957. Il fut aussi l'un des acteurs fétiches de John Cassavetes, avec qui il a tourné six films.


(Jean-Hugues COLONNA Takladia 20130 Cargèse / / 04 95 26 46 57.)


Au lendemain du verdict qui condamne Yvan Colonna à la perpétuité, beaucoup se sentent saisis par la colère et l'indignation... Et la compassion pour les parents, l'épouse, le fils...
Certains commentaires disent "la cour n'a pas été convaincue par...". Cela laisse entendre qu'elle aurait pu l'être. Que tout fonctionne normalement dans ce meilleur des mondes sarkozystes.
Stéphane Durand-Soufflant, le chroniqueur du Figaro est beaucoup plus avisé quand, faisant allusion à cette "lettre" de menaces qu'Yvan Colonna aurait écrite à Alessandri, il conclut : elle "ne prouve rien mais crée un malaise parce qu'elle renforce l'impression qu'un torrent souterrain gronde sous les pieds de la cour et que d'autres en commandent les digues". Tout est dit là : sur l'indépendance et la sérénité de la justice, sur la séparation des pouvoirs exécutif et judiciaire.
Pourquoi ces dérives liberticides ? Si on est optimiste, on se rappellera la quasi incapacité des juges et des policiers à reconnaître qu'ils se sont trompés. Dans la sphère antiterroriste on préfère manifestement la forfaiture à la défense de la vérité.
Si on est pessimiste on se demandera quels intérêts conduisent l'exécutif et la justice à s'opposer à toute recherche dans une direction manifestement interdite. Celle de ces complices et concepteurs de l'attentat dont tout démontre l'existence. Quel réseau a-t-il voulu la suppression de ce préfet, serviteur fidèle de la loi, opposé à des projets illicites mais juteux ? Le saura-t-on jamais ?

Il faut s'intéresser aux motivations exprimées par la cour « spécialement composée » de juges professionnels (désignés par le pouvoir) pour justifier la perpétuité.
Beaucoup sont tout simplement péremptoires. Ainsi est-il dit qu'Y.C. faisait "à l'évidence" partie du groupe des anonymes. C'est une affirmation gratuite et contraire à la plupart des faits.
D'autres sont de véritables dénis de réalité. On nous dit que les accusations contre Yvan sont "précises, circonstanciées et cohérentes". En fait, elles sont tellement contradictoires qu'elles s'annulent d'elles-mêmes. Exemple : Jeanne Ferrandi affirme qu'Y.C. est chez elle (à Ajaccio) du vendredi soir 6 février 98 au samedi midi alors que la femme de Maranelli le voit chez elle ( à Cargèse) le samedi matin à 7 h 30. La cour dit que, pour préparer sa fuite, Y.C. a levé 30 000 F à sa banque de Cargèse le vendredi 21 mai 99. Lui dit que 24 000 F sont pour le restaurant de sa compagne et 6000 F pour des travaux qu'il fait faire chez lui. Or on a retrouvé les 6000 F dans sa maison. Et, d'autre part, chacun sait que pour retirer une somme importante à la banque il faut la prévenir 48 heures à l'avance. Le 19 mai, personne ne savait que le commando serait arrêté le 21. Quant aux alibis d'Y.C. ils sont confirmés par sa famille, et par TOUS les autres témoins.
Enfin, le comble. Ce troisième procès a apporté un scénario très crédible qui explique les accusations, leur long maintien et les rétractations souvent ambiguës : Y.C. a été puni par le commando parce qu'il avait refusé de participer à l'attentat et pour le soupçon qui a pesé sur lui d'avoir été l'informateur du préfet Bonnet. Pour évacuer cette information décisive, la cour a recours à un argument incroyable : Y.C. dit-il qu'il a refusé d'intégrer le groupe des anonymes ? Le jury lui reproche de ne pas avoir d'"explication plausible" à ce refus. Il faudrait donc maintenant donner des justifications "plausibles" quand on refuse de commettre un crime !
Le commando Erignac est arrêté pour l'essentiel le vendredi 21 mai 99 à partir de 6 heures du matin. Dans Cargèse, dès le milieu de la matinée, tout le monde est au courant. Y.C., lui, continue de vaquer normalement à ses occupations : traite des chèvres, fabrication du fromage, tournée du brocciu, etc. Comme un homme qui n'a rien à se reprocher ? Erreur ! La cour nous explique qu'il « simule ». Ces juges ont le don de seconde vue. Sans commentaire.
Mais puisque la cavale joue un rôle privilégié dans les fantasmes sur la culpabilité, arrêtons-nous un instant sur ce point.
Habituellement un coupable qui veut échapper à la justice s'enfuit toutes affaires cessantes dès qu'il pense être en danger d'arrestation. Et il s'enfuit le plus loin possible, la plupart du temps dans un pays où les procédures d'extradition n'existent pas. Que fait Y.C., cet étrange « fuyard » ? Il ne change rien à ses habitudes ; à midi, il déjeune chez ses parents. L'après-midi, il va à la banque ; le soir, il trait ses chèvres ; le lendemain, même programme ; joint par une équipe de TF1, il accepte de répondre à une interview le samedi soir ; il va manger une pizza avec les journalistes, ensuite ; il leur annonce son départ aux chèvres le lendemain matin aux aurores (il s'agissait de retrouver des bêtes égarées. Lui et son associé, Alex, y montaient alternativement tous les 15 jours. C'était facile à vérifier). Les juges décrètent sans raison particulière qu'il est parti en cavale à ce moment-là alors qu'il affirme qu'il ne s'est enfui que le 26 après la lecture de France-Soir qui titrait sur toute la page, au-dessus de sa photo, "Wanted, tueur de préfet". Le 23 ou le 26, cela ne change rien au fond des choses : Y.C. n'est pas parti immédiatement. Le 24, on lance un mandat d'arrêt international contre lui. Sans qu'on sache s'il s'est enfui ou non. Le lundi, donc, personne ne peut assurer qu'il est en fuite. Pourquoi, alors, n'a-t-on pas envoyé des policiers à sa recherche ?
On sait, que par la suite, il a refusé d'être exfiltré par le groupe qui l'aidait à se cacher.
Si la culpabilité d'Y.C. était si évidente, pourquoi la cour se donnerait-elle tant de mal pour faire défiler autant d'affirmations gratuites et censurer autant de vérités ? On en revient au chroniqueur du Figaro. On voit bien que tout cela n'est qu'une construction totalement artificieuse pour satisfaire ces "autres qui commandent les digues". L'acharnement contre Y.C. veut complaire ou obéir à celui qui a déclaré au soir du 4 juillet 2003 "La police française vient d'arrêter l'assassin du préfet Erignac, Yvan Colonna". Au mépris de la présomption d'innocence. Le problème de fond est bien celui de la séparation des pouvoirs. Mais il ne suffira pas de changer de président en 2012 pour que ces problèmes-là soient réglés. C'est un vieux mal français que l'assujettissement contraint ou volontaire de beaucoup de magistrats au pouvoir politique. Yvan Colonna est condamné une troisième fois par la volonté du pouvoir politique et nous sommes tous vaincus avec lui. C'est donc sur le terrain de l'opinion qu'il faudra désormais mener l'essentiel du combat. Il faudra en appeler à toutes les bonnes volontés et aux grandes voix. Il faudra fédérer toutes les énergies d'où qu'elles viennent. Les causes comme celle-ci relèvent de la responsabilité de tous. Beaucoup de temps a déjà passé (8 années de prison pour rien !) mais tout peut être encore gagné.
(Texte extrait du blog de l'écrivain Roland LAURETTE dans Mediapart)



(Jean-Hugues COLONNA Takladia 20130 Cargèse / / 04 95 26 46 57.)



In the aftermath of the verdict which condemns Yvan Colonna to life imprisonment, many feel seized by anger and indignation... And sympathy for the parents, wife, son...

Some of the comments say "the Court was not satisfied by...". This suggests that it could have been. Everything is working normally in the best of worlds sarkozystes.

Stéphane Durand-/ H, the chronicler of the Figaro is much more circumspect when referring to this "letter" of threats Yvan Colonna would have written to Alessandri, he concludes: it "proves nothing but creates discomfort because it strengthens the impressiona underground torrent thunders under the feet of the Court and toother control dykes". It is said: on the independence and the serenity of justice on the separation of Executive and judicial powers.

Why these liberticidal excesses? If it is optimistic, it will be recalled almost the inability of judges and police officers to recognize that they are mistaken. In the anti-terrorism sphere is clearly preferred the forfaiture to the defence of the truth.

If one is pessimistic is asked what interests lead the Executive and the justice to oppose any research in a clearly forbidden direction. One of these accomplices and designers of the attack which all demonstrate. What network he wanted the removal of the prefect, faithful servant of the Act, opposed to illicit but lucrative projects? It never will know?


It requires looking at the reasons expressed by the Court "specially composed" of professional judges (appointed by the authority) to justify imprisonment.

Many are simply peremptory. Thus it is said that Y.V. was "obvious" part of the anonymous group. It is a contention free and contrary to most of the facts.

Others are genuine denial of reality. We are told that the charges against Yvan are "precise, detailed and consistent". In fact, they are so contradictory that they cancel out themselves. Example: Jeanne Ferrandi says that Y.C. is at it (Ajaccio) Friday night 6 February 98 to Saturday noon while the Maranelli woman shown in it (in Cargèse) on Saturday morning at 7: 30. The Court said that, in preparing his escape, Y.C. lifted 30,000 F to its Bank of Cargèse Friday, May 21, 99. He said that 24 000 F for the restaurant of his companion and 6000 F for work done at home. Gold was found by the 6000 F in his house. And, on the other hand, everyone knows that withdraw a large sum to the Bank to prevent 48 hours in advance. May 19, nobody knew that the commando would be arrested the 21. As alibis to Y.C. they are confirmed by his family, and all the other witnesses.

Finally, the fills. This third trial has made a very credible scenario that explains the charges, maintaining them long and often ambiguous retraction: Y.C. commando was punished because he had refused to participate in the attack and on the suspicion that has weighed on him to have been the informer of the prefect Bonnet. To remove this critical information, the Court has recourse to an incredible argument: Y.C. said that he had refused to include the anonymous group? The jury blamed of having no "plausible explanation" for this refusal. It would therefore now give "plausible" justifications when it refuses to commit a crime!


Commando Erignac was arrested for the most part Friday 21 May 99 from 6 o'clock in the morning. In Cargèse, as early as the middle of the morning, everyone is aware. Y.C., he continues normally go about his business: deals with goats, cheese making, tour the brocciu, etc. As a man who has nothing to be blamed? Error! The Court explains that it "simulates". These judges have the gift of second sight. Without comment.

But since the run plays a privileged role in the fantasies on guilt, we stop a moment on this point.

Usually a culprit who wants to escape justice fled postpone all other cases as soon as he thought to be in danger of arrest. And he ran as far as possible, most of the time in a country where extradition procedures do not exist. As Y.C., this strange "runner"? It does not detract from its habits; at noon it lunch with his parents. In the afternoon, he goes to the Bank; in the evening, he related his goats; the next day, same program; joined by a team of TF1, he agrees to meet an interview Saturday night; It will eat a pizza with journalists, then; their announced his departure to the goats the next morning at the lights (he was found wandering cattle.) He and his partner, Alex, there were alternately every 15 days. (It was easy to verify). The judges provide no particular reason that it went on the run at the time there while he says that he does fled that 26 after France-evening reading that headline on any page, above his picture, "Wanted, prefect killer". 23 Or 26, this does not change the substance of things: Y.C. is not party immediately. 24, It launches an international warrant against him. Without that we know whether or not he fled. On Monday, so no one can ensure that it is on the run. Why, then, has it not sent police officers to his research?

It is known, that subsequently, he refused to be exfiltré by the group that helped him hide.


If the guilt of Y.V. was so obvious, why the Court to give so hard to scroll as much free statements and censor all truths? It comes back to the editor of le Figaro. It is clear that this is a totally disingenuous to meet construction these "others that require the dikes". Hard against Y.C. want to luxuriate or obedience to that stated on the evening of July 4, 2003, "the French police comes to stop the assassin of prefect Erignac, Yvan Colonna". Contrary to the presumption of innocence. The fundamental problem is that the separation of powers. But it won't change of President in 2012 so that these problems are addressed. It is an old French that imposing forced or voluntary of many judges to political power. Yvan Colonna is sentenced a third time by the will of the political power and we are all defeated him. It is therefore of the view should now carry out most of the combat field. The need to appeal to all the good wishes and the voices. Need to federate all energies wherever they come. Cases like this are the responsibility of all. Much time has already passed (8 years in prison for nothing!) but can still be won.

(Text from the blog of writer Roland LAURETTE in Mediapart)

mardi 21 juin 2011

マイナーと陪審員人気: 改革の議論

マイナーと陪審員人気: 改革の議論

投稿者: FTV (afp 通信) と

テキストは、7 月 14 日前に投票する必要があります。

Afp 通信 - ステファン ・ Sakutin のメンバーの確認今日人気の陪審員と少年司法の再設計のビル
5 月の上院での採択後は、議論は、正義のフランス語をめぐってこのテキスト ニコラス Sarkozy での加熱、「近い」ものを発表します。

このトートバッグ プロジェクトによって左非難は、正義と子供の専門家。

7 月 14 日前に投票する必要があります、テキスト、2 つの重要なコンポーネントは、1 つ未成年者、矯正の裁判所に専念しています。

「判断の時間の短縮」「少年非行、犯罪の応答を適応」、多くの場合として、より多くの若いを提示し、、ますます暴力的なテキストを提供、とりわけインター: レコードの作成、「1 つの人格の「マイナー、教育センターの可能な配置のため閉鎖罰せられる犯罪刑務所のではなく 7) または作成は未成年者の裁判所の 5 年以上の繰り返しの犯罪者 16 歳のためおよび 3 年間に加え罰せられる犯罪刑務所での。


少年の正義は、1945 年 2 月 2日「非行子」の順序で参照のテキストこの改革によって再度既に 30 回改正後を受けます。

矯正法廷」市民の査定」はペナルティ以上五年以下の懲役で罰せられる犯罪の判断に参加することができますを開く、法案を確立します。現在、人気の陪審員は、犯罪を考える Assizes の裁判所に座っています。

テキストも罰則のアプリケーションのための意思決定の刑事司法の査定の市民が参加できることになります。さらに、アセンブリ委員会では簡易裁判所 - 3 人の裁判官と - 15 から 20 の犯罪の懲役刑の罰のため、3 つの陪審員を作成する修正案を採用しました。

「すべてを沈殿 [...]"。「少し扇動不十分に開発」、開催火曜日朝にジェネラル ・ カウンセル、控訴裁判所のパリ、フィリップ ・ Bilger について。「何私は、裁判官は、同じままになります手順を決定する 2 つの陪審員は失われた見当違いの、ことと最終的には恐怖電源希望が逆それら影響を与える判事ステップ」と付け加えた。

Minor und Juroren beliebt: die Reformdebatte

Minor und Juroren beliebt: die Reformdebatte

Von FTV (mit AFP)

Der Text sollte vor dem 14. Juli abgestimmt werden.

AFP - Stéphane Sakutin Mitglieder heute untersuchen den Gesetzentwurf über die beliebte Jury und die Neuordnung des die Jugendgerichtsbarkeit
Nach ihrer Verabschiedung durch den Senat im Mai announce die Debatten erhitzt Autour dieses Textes von Nicolas Sarkozy und soll "Closer", um die Franzosen ihre Justiz.

Dieses Tote-Projekt ist von der linken beklagt, die von Gerechtigkeit und Kind-Profis.

Der Text, der vor dem 14. Juli abgestimmt werden sollte, hat zwei wesentliche Komponenten, einem Minderjährigen, die andere den Justizvollzugsanstalten Gerichten gewidmet.

A Revision of juvenile justice
", Wodurch die Zeit des Urteils" und "anpassen die kriminelle Reaktion auf Jugendkriminalität", oft als mehr und mehr junge präsentiert und zunehmend gewalttätige, den Text bereitstellt, unter anderem: die Schaffung eines "einzelnen Datensatzes Persönlichkeit" des Minderjährigen, die möglichen Platzierung in Bildungszentren geschlossen für strafbare Handlungen für fünf Jahre im Gefängnis (anstelle von sieben) oder auch die Schaffung eines Gerichts für Minderjährige, für mehr Täter von 16 Jahren wiederholen und für strafbar Straftaten in drei Jahren im Gefängnis.

Dieses Projekt provoziert den Zorn der Kindheit-Profis, die ihm die repressive überschreiben Vorwurf und Beengtheit auf die educational. "Es ist die Gerechtigkeit der Jugendschutz ermordet wurden," sicher so in einem kollektiven Forum veröffentlicht Dienstag in der Tageszeitung Befreiung. "Das erklärte Ziel der Reform ist die Unterdrückung der Jugendkriminalität durch die Aufrechterhaltung der Illusion, dass die Angst vor einer stärkeren Sanktion würde, magische Art und Weise stärken, andernfalls Jugendliche für eine Passage dem Gesetz entmutigen" beklagen die Unterzeichner.

Der Text des Verweises auf die Jugendgerichtsbarkeit, die Reihenfolge der Februar 1945 auf "delinquent Kind", ist durch diese Reform beeinflusst, wieder nach bereits 30 Mal geändert haben.

"Bürger Assessoren."
Der Gesetzentwurf legt fest, Justizvollzugsanstalten Gerichte offen für "Bürger Assessoren", die an das Urteil des Straftaten eine Strafe, die gleich oder größer als fünf Jahren Haft geahndet teilnehmen können. Derzeit, sitzen die beliebten Juroren in Gerichte der Assisen, die die Verbrechen zu halten.

Der Text gibt auch, dass Assessoren Bürger an dem Criminal Justice in Entscheidungen für die Anwendung von Sanktionen teilnehmen können. Darüber hinaus die Assembly im Ausschuss einen Änderungsantrag angenommen die bietet eine vereinfachte Court - drei Richtern und drei Juroren - für die Ahndung von 15 bis 20 Verbrechen Freiheitsstrafe zu erstellen.

"Alles wird gefällt, [...]". "ein wenig demagogisch, schlecht entwickelt", fand Dienstagmorgen Chefsyndikus über das Berufungsgericht von Paris, Philippe Bilger. "Was ich fürchte, dass die beiden Juroren, die zusammen mit den Richtern in einem Verfahren entscheiden wird, die das gleiche bleiben verloren und fehl am Platze sind und dass letztlich es ist Ihnen beeinflussende Staatsanwälte, als macht Hoffnung, aber das Gegenteil Schritt", fügte er hinzu.

未成年人和受歡迎的陪審員: 改革辯論

未成年人和受歡迎的陪審員: 改革辯論

由嫦 (與急性弛緩性麻痹)

文本應在 7 月 14 日之前投贊成票。

法新社-Sakutin 成員斯特凡今日審議條例草案大眾陪審團與少年司法的重新設計
後 5 月參議院通過,辯論其司法法國宣佈加熱 autour 此文本的尼古拉 · 薩科齊和打算"接近"。


文本,應投票前 7 月 14 日,有兩個關鍵要素,一個用於其他懲教法院的未成年人。

"減少的判斷時間"和"適應未成年人犯罪的刑事回應",經常提出隨著越來越多的年輕人和日益激烈,文本提供,除其他外: 為更多的重複 16 年的罪犯的懲罰的罪行,五年的監獄 (而不是七) 或甚至設立未成年人法院關閉"單個記錄的人格"的未成年人,可能安置在教育中心的創作和懲罰的罪行,以及三年在獄中。

這項計畫引發憤怒的童年專業人士指責他重寫壓制性和約束條件下的教育。"這是未成年人司法人被殺害,"因此確保在解放日報刊登星期二的集體論壇。"改革的既定的目標是保持更強的制裁的恐懼會幻想、 神奇的方式加強未成年人犯罪的抑制,勸阻青少年通過法案,否則"遺憾的簽字國。

少年司法,令"違法的孩子",1945 年 2 月 2 參考文本是已經修正了 30 倍後再次受這項改革。

條例草案規定懲教法院開放"公民陪審員"可以參加罪行判處刑罰等於或大於 5 年監禁的判決。目前,人民陪審員坐在認為犯罪的巡迴法院。

文本還提供了陪審員公民可以參與刑事司法中的罰則申請的決定。此外,委員會在大會通過了一項修訂,提供了創建簡化的法院三名法官和三個陪審員-15 至 20 犯罪的監禁處罰。

"一切都沉澱,[… …]"。"有點蠱惑,開發了",星期二上午舉行總法律顧問有關的巴黎,菲力浦 · 比爾熱上訴法院。"我怕的是將決定連同法官,在過程中將保持不變,兩個陪審員都失去了和放錯了地方,並且最終是加強他們的影響裁判,作為電源的希望,但相反,"他補充說。

Minor and jurors popular: the reform debate

Minor and jurors popular: the reform debate

By FTV (with AFP)

The text should be voted before 14 July.

AFP - Stéphane of Sakutin members examine today the Bill on the popular jury and the redesign of the juvenile justice
After its adoption by the Senate in may, the debates announce heated autour of this text by Nicolas Sarkozy and intended to "closer" to the French of their justice.

This Tote project is decried by the left that of justice and child professionals.

The text, which should be voted before July 14, has two essential components, one devoted to minors, the other to the correctional courts.

A revision of the juvenile justice
"Reducing the time of judgment" and "adapt the criminal response to juvenile delinquency", often presented as more and more young and increasingly violent, the text provides, inter alia: the creation of a "single record of personality" of the minor, the possible placement in educational centres closed for punishable offences for five years in prison (instead of seven) or even the creation of a court for minors for more repeat offenders of 16 years and for punishable offences in addition to three years in prison.

This project provokes the wrath of childhood professionals who reproach him to override the repressive and confinement on the educational. "It is the justice of the minors were murdered," ensure thus in a collective Forum published Tuesday in the daily newspaper Liberation. "The stated objective of the reform is to strengthen the Suppression of juvenile delinquency by maintaining the illusion that the fear of a stronger sanction would, magical way, discourage failing adolescents for a passage to the Act," deplore the signatories.

The text of reference on the juvenile justice, the order of 2 February 1945 on "delinquent child", is affected by this reform again after having already amended 30 times.

"Citizens assessors."
The Bill establishes correctional courts open to "citizens assessors" who can take part in the judgment of offences punishable by a penalty equal or greater than five years ' imprisonment. Currently, the popular jurors sit in courts of Assizes which deem the crimes.

The text also provides that assessors citizens can participate in the criminal justice in decisions for the application of penalties. Furthermore, the Assembly adopted in Committee an amendment which provides to create a simplified Court - three judges and three jurors - for the punishment of 15 to 20 crimes of imprisonment.

"Everything is precipitated, [...]". "a little demagogic, poorly developed", was held Tuesday morning General Counsel about the Court of appeal of Paris, Philippe Bilger. "What I fear is that the two jurors who will decide along with the judges, in a procedure which will remain the same, are lost and misplaced, and that ultimately it is step them influencing magistrates, as power hope, but the reverse", he added.

Mineurs et jurés populaires: la réforme en débat

Mineurs et jurés populaires: la réforme en débat

Par FTV (avec AFP)

Le texte devrait être voté avant le 14 juillet.

AFP - Stéphane de Sakutin Les députés examinent aujourd'hui le projet de loi sur les jurés populaires et la refonte de la justice des mineurs
Après son adoption par le Sénat en mai, les débats s'annoncent houleux autour de ce texte voulu par Nicolas Sarkozy et destiné à « rapprocher » les Français de leur justice.

Ce projet fourre-tout est décrié autant par la gauche que par les professionnels de la justice et de l'enfance.

Le texte, qui devrait être voté avant le 14 juillet, comporte deux volets essentiels, l'un consacré aux mineurs, l'autre aux tribunaux correctionnels.

Une refonte de la justice des mineurs
Pour « réduire les délais de jugement » et « adapter la réponse pénale à la délinquance des mineurs », souvent présentés comme de plus en plus jeunes et de plus en violents, le texte prévoit, entre autres: la création d’un « dossier unique de personnalité » du mineur, le placement possible en centres éducatifs fermés pour des infractions passibles de cinq ans de prison (au lieu de sept) ou encore la création d'un tribunal correctionnel pour mineurs pour les récidivistes de plus de 16 ans et pour des délits passibles de plus de trois ans de prison.

Ce projet provoque la colère des professionnels de l'enfance qui lui reprochent de faire primer le répressif et l'enfermement sur l'éducatif. « C'est la justice des mineurs qu'on assassine », assurent-ils ainsi dans une tribune collective publiée mardi dans le quotidien Libération. « L'objectif avoué de la réforme est de renforcer la répression de la délinquance des mineurs en entretenant l'illusion que la crainte d'une sanction plus forte suffirait, de façon magique, à dissuader des adolescents déstructurés d'un passage à l'acte », déplorent les signataires.

Le texte de référence sur la justice des mineurs, l'ordonnance du 2 février 1945 sur « l'enfance délinquante », se retrouve à nouveau touché par cette réforme après avoir déjà été modifié une trentaine de fois.

Des « citoyens assesseurs »
Le projet de loi instaure des tribunaux correctionnels ouverts à des « citoyens assesseurs » qui pourront participer au jugement des délits punis d'une peine égale ou supérieure à cinq ans d'emprisonnement. Actuellement, les jurés populaires ne siègent que dans les cours d'assises qui jugent les crimes.

Le texte prévoit aussi que des citoyens assesseurs pourront participer à la justice pénale en matière de décisions d'application des peines. Par ailleurs, l'Assemblée a adopté en commission un amendement qui prévoit de créer une cour d'assises simplifiée - trois magistrats et trois jurés - pour les crimes punis de 15 à 20 de réclusion.

« Tout ça est précipité, [...] un tantinet démagogique, mal élaboré », a jugé mardi matin l'avocat général près de la cour d'appel de Paris, Philippe Bilger. « Ce que je crains c'est que les deux jurés qui vont statuer aux côtés des magistrats, dans une procédure qui restera la même, soient perdus et égarés, et qu'en définitive ce ne soient pas eux qui influencent les magistrats, comme le pouvoir l'espère, mais l'inverse », a-t-il ajouté.

Mineurs et jurés populaires: la réforme en débat

Mineurs et jurés populaires: la réforme en débat

Par FTV (avec AFP)

Le texte devrait être voté avant le 14 juillet.

AFP - Stéphane de Sakutin Les députés examinent aujourd'hui le projet de loi sur les jurés populaires et la refonte de la justice des mineurs
Après son adoption par le Sénat en mai, les débats s'annoncent houleux autour de ce texte voulu par Nicolas Sarkozy et destiné à « rapprocher » les Français de leur justice.

Ce projet fourre-tout est décrié autant par la gauche que par les professionnels de la justice et de l'enfance.

Le texte, qui devrait être voté avant le 14 juillet, comporte deux volets essentiels, l'un consacré aux mineurs, l'autre aux tribunaux correctionnels.

Une refonte de la justice des mineurs
Pour « réduire les délais de jugement » et « adapter la réponse pénale à la délinquance des mineurs », souvent présentés comme de plus en plus jeunes et de plus en violents, le texte prévoit, entre autres: la création d’un « dossier unique de personnalité » du mineur, le placement possible en centres éducatifs fermés pour des infractions passibles de cinq ans de prison (au lieu de sept) ou encore la création d'un tribunal correctionnel pour mineurs pour les récidivistes de plus de 16 ans et pour des délits passibles de plus de trois ans de prison.

Ce projet provoque la colère des professionnels de l'enfance qui lui reprochent de faire primer le répressif et l'enfermement sur l'éducatif. « C'est la justice des mineurs qu'on assassine », assurent-ils ainsi dans une tribune collective publiée mardi dans le quotidien Libération. « L'objectif avoué de la réforme est de renforcer la répression de la délinquance des mineurs en entretenant l'illusion que la crainte d'une sanction plus forte suffirait, de façon magique, à dissuader des adolescents déstructurés d'un passage à l'acte », déplorent les signataires.

Le texte de référence sur la justice des mineurs, l'ordonnance du 2 février 1945 sur « l'enfance délinquante », se retrouve à nouveau touché par cette réforme après avoir déjà été modifié une trentaine de fois.

Des « citoyens assesseurs »
Le projet de loi instaure des tribunaux correctionnels ouverts à des « citoyens assesseurs » qui pourront participer au jugement des délits punis d'une peine égale ou supérieure à cinq ans d'emprisonnement. Actuellement, les jurés populaires ne siègent que dans les cours d'assises qui jugent les crimes.

Le texte prévoit aussi que des citoyens assesseurs pourront participer à la justice pénale en matière de décisions d'application des peines. Par ailleurs, l'Assemblée a adopté en commission un amendement qui prévoit de créer une cour d'assises simplifiée - trois magistrats et trois jurés - pour les crimes punis de 15 à 20 de réclusion.

« Tout ça est précipité, [...] un tantinet démagogique, mal élaboré », a jugé mardi matin l'avocat général près de la cour d'appel de Paris, Philippe Bilger. « Ce que je crains c'est que les deux jurés qui vont statuer aux côtés des magistrats, dans une procédure qui restera la même, soient perdus et égarés, et qu'en définitive ce ne soient pas eux qui influencent les magistrats, comme le pouvoir l'espère, mais l'inverse », a-t-il ajouté.

lundi 20 juin 2011




Article 5(1) of the Convention:

"Everyone has the right to liberty and security." No person shall be deprived of his liberty, except in the following cases and legal:

a / if it is regularly held after conviction by a competent court;

b / if it was the subject of an arrest or detention regular for disobedience to an order made under the Act, by a court or in order to guarantee the performance of an obligation prescribed by law;

c / if he was arrested and detained to be brought before the competent judicial authority, when there are plausible to suspect that he committed an offence or that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the need to prevent him from committing an offence or fleeing after the fulfilment thereof;

d / if it comes to the detention of a minor, decided for his reformatory or detention regular, to translate it before the competent authority;

e / if it comes to the detention of a person capable of spreading a communicable disease, an insane man, an alcoholic, a drug addict or a vagabond;

"f / whether the arrest or the detention of a person to prevent him from improperly entering the territory or against whom a deportation or extradition procedure is in progress"

Here you will find:

-Freedom is the rule, the detention the exception

-The detention is possible only if it is consistent with domestic law

-Detention is possible only if a less severe measure has been previously discussed

-The detention of security is consistent with the Convention

-The national Act on detention must conform to section 5 of the Convention

-Psychiatric confinement is subject to section 5 of the Convention

-The case law of the ECHR against the French-speaking States




Article 5§1 de la Convention:

"Toute personne a droit à la liberté et à la sûreté. Nul ne peut être privé de sa liberté, sauf dans les cas suivants et selon les voies légales:

a/ s'il est détenu régulièrement après condamnation par un tribunal compétent;

b/ s'il a fait l'objet d'une arrestation ou d'une détention régulières pour insoumission à une ordonnance rendue, conformément à la loi, par un tribunal ou en vue de garantir l'exécution d'une obligation prescrite par la loi;

c/ s'il a été arrêté et détenu en vue d'être conduit devant l'autorité judiciaire compétente, lorsqu'il y a des raisons plausibles de soupçonner qu'il a commis une infraction ou qu'il y a des motifs raisonnables de croire à la nécessité de l'empêcher de commettre une infraction ou de s'enfuir après l'accomplissement de celle-ci;

d/ s'il s'agit de la détention régulière d'un mineur, décidée pour son éducation surveillée ou de sa détention régulière, afin de le traduire devant l'autorité compétente;

e/ s'il s'agit de la détention régulière d'une personne susceptible de propager une maladie contagieuse, d'un aliéné, d'un alcoolique, d'un toxicomane ou d'un vagabond;

f/ s'il s'agit de l'arrestation ou de la détention régulière d'une personne pour l'empêcher de pénétrer irrégulièrement dans le territoire, ou contre laquelle une procédure d'expulsion ou d'extradition est en cours"

Vous trouvez ici :

- La liberté est la règle, la détention l'exception

- La détention n'est possible que si elle est conforme au droit interne

- La détention n'est possible que si une mesure moins grave a été préalablement examinée

- La détention de sûreté est conforme à la Convention

- La loi nationale sur la détention doit être conforme à l'article 5 de la Convention

- L'internement psychiatrique est soumis à l'article 5 de la Convention

- La jurisprudence de la CEDH contre les Etats francophones

samedi 18 juin 2011

présentation SEFCA PUTEAUX

Vendredi à Marseille, une femme de 36 ans a été poignardée à plusieurs reprises en pleine rue.


Vendredi à Marseille, une femme de 36 ans a été poignardée à plusieurs reprises en pleine rue.

La victime a dit à un témoin qu'elle connaissait son agresseur avant de tomber dans le coma. Elle est décédée à l'hôpital.

Des premiers éléments recueillis, il semble qu'un homme ait pris la fuite en voiture après avoir donné 10 coups de couteau à la jeune femme. Le mari de cette dernière, qui ne supportait pas leur séparation, est recherché, dans ce qui pourrait être un piège tendu par des membres de sa famille, écrit La Provence.

Un homme de 21 ans, qui tentait de s'échapper, a été interpellé à proximité du lieu de l'agression mortelle et a été placé en garde à vue

Aperitivo gigante en Montpellier: tres jóvenes acusaron de violación

Aperitivo gigante en Montpellier: tres jóvenes acusaron de violación

Aperitivo gigante en Montpellier: tres jóvenes acusaron de violación

Acusado de violación en un aperitivo gigante en Montpellier, tres jóvenes fueron colocados bajo custodia. (ILUSTRACIÓN/LP/GUILLAUME ROUJAS)

Tres jóvenes sospechosos de violar a una noche de viernes irlandés de 17 años, en Montpellier, en un "aperitivo gigante" organizado a través de Facebook fueron detenidos, anunció el sábado el Director de la Oficina del prefecto del Hérault, Pierre Maitrot.

Aperitivo gigante en Montpellier, Francia: policía detenido por tres jóvenes acusaron de violación
"Aperitivo gigante" en Montpellier, Francia: policía detenido por tres jóvenes acusaron de violación

Detenido en las indicaciones de la niña, se les acusa de tocar en el menor a 23: 30 en las mismas instalaciones del aperitivo, el lugar de Europa, un gran césped de buceo en la oscuridad en lugares. Dos individuos, un mayor y menor de edad, estaban todavía en custodia el sábado mañana a la policía de hotel de Montpellier, dijo en la Dirección Departamental de seguridad pública (DDSP) de l ' Hérault. Una tercera fue lanzada, la víctima se hace con no lo identificó como uno de los atacantes, presuntamente en la confrontación.

Esta chica, Estancia lingüística con un grupo de 15 irlandés, dijo que los investigadores han sido atacados por tres hombres, "dos que bloqueó y uno el haber agredido", después de perder a sus amigos en un movimiento de multitud.

Paso de precisión sobre la naturaleza de la presunta agresión sexual

Servicios de policía no quisieron especificar la naturaleza de la presunta agresión sexual. Dos sospechosos niega los hechos, por otra parte se dijo. Pruebas de ADN fueron en marcha el sábado por la tarde.
El fiscal de la República fueron decidir el sábado "en la tarde" como un posible aplazamiento de los dos asaltantes sospecha ante un juez.

"El análisis forense de la joven no muestra golpes contra él". "Ella fue capaz de liberarse de sus tres asaltantes presuntamente de alerta inmediatamente los policías presentes en la escena", añadida de TI. "Eso no significa, por supuesto, que ella no fue agredida", subrayó la misma fuente.

Unas 5.000 personas participaron en este "gigante aperitivo" autorizado por la Prefectura y colocado bajo alta vigilancia, un poco más de un año después de una primera edición, entonces prohibido, que atrajo a 10,000 participantes.

Una década de personas altamente alcohólicas apoyados por servicios a domicilio de socorro desplegada. El evento terminó en la noche, sobre las 2 de la mañana. Unos 60 oficiales de policía fueron presente y un equivalente de personal de CRS y gendarmes el número de móvil. Cuarenta bomberos fueron el equipo de rescate acuático y movilizados.

Giant Aperitif in Montpellier: drei junge beschuldigt, Vergewaltigung

Giant Aperitif in Montpellier: drei junge beschuldigt, Vergewaltigung

Giant Aperitif in Montpellier: drei junge beschuldigt, Vergewaltigung

Wegen Vergewaltigung in einen riesigen Aperitif in Montpellier, standen drei junge Menschen in Haft. (LP/ILLUSTRATION/GUILLAUME ROUJAS)

Drei Jugendlichen des Raubens einer 17-jährigen irischen Freitagabend in Montpellier, in eine "riesige Aperitif" organisiert über Facebook verdächtigt wurden verhaftet, verkündet Samstag der Direktor des Amtes des Präfekten des Hérault, Pierre Maitrot.

Giant Aperitif in Montpellier, Frankreich: Polizeigewahrsam für drei junge Vergewaltigung angeklagt
"Giant Aperitif" in Montpellier, Frankreich: Polizeigewahrsam für drei junge Vergewaltigung angeklagt

Hinweise auf das Mädchen verhaftet, werden sie beschuldigt berühren auf der Minderjährige bis 23: 30 auf dem gleichen Gelände der Aperitif, der Ort Europas, eine grosse Liegewiese Tauchen in der Dunkelheit an Orten. Zwei Personen, eine große und a-Moll, waren Samstag in Haft späten Vormittag Hotel Montpellier Polizei, sagte bei der departmental Direktion der öffentlichen Sicherheit (DDSP) l ' Hérault. Eine dritte erschien, das Opfer tut mit nicht identifiziert ihn als einen der Angreifer, Verdacht in der Konfrontation.

Dieses Mädchen, sprachliche Aufenthalt mit einer Gruppe von irischen 15, sagte Ermittler haben von drei Männern angegriffen worden "zwei, die blockiert und eine haben angegriffen", nach dem Verlust seiner Freunde in einer Menge Bewegung.

Schritt Präzision über die Natur der angeblichen sexueller Übergriffe

Polizeidienste wollten nicht die Art der angebliche sexuelle Übergriffe angeben. Zwei verdächtige verweigern die Fakten, hieß es auf der anderen Seite. DNA-Tests wurden im Gange Samstag Nachmittag.
Der Staatsanwalt der Republik wurden als eine mögliche Stundung der zwei Angreifer vermutet vor einem Richter zu entscheiden, Samstag "am Nachmittag".

"Die forensische Analyse auf das junge Mädchen zeigt keine Schläge gegen ihn." "sie war in der Lage, sich von seinen drei Angreifer vermutet, um sofort Alarmieren Sie die Polizisten an der Szene zu befreien", It hinzugefügt. ", Die, natürlich, bedeutet nicht, dass sie nicht angegriffen wurde", betonte die gleiche Quelle.

Etwa 5.000 Personen haben an diesem "giant Aperitif" autorisiert von der Präfektur und hohe Überwachung, ein wenig mehr als ein Jahr nach eine Erstausgabe, dann verboten, unterstellt, die 10.000 Teilnehmern.

Jahrzehntelange hoch alkoholische Nachtschwärmer wurden von Relief bereitgestellt vor-Ort-Services unterstützt. Das Ereignis endete in der Nacht, 2 Uhr morgens. Einige 60 Polizeibeamten wurden Gegenwart und eine Entsprechung der persönlich von CRS und Gendarmen Handynummer. Vierzig Feuerwehrleute wurden mobilisiert und aquatische Rettungs-Team.

Giant aperitif in Montpellier: three young accused of rape

Giant aperitif in Montpellier: three young accused of rape

Giant aperitif in Montpellier: three young accused of rape

Accused of rape in a giant aperitif in Montpellier, three young people were placed in custody. (LP/ILLUSTRATION/GUILLAUME ROUJAS)

Three youths suspected of raping a 17-year old Irish Friday evening in Montpellier, in a "giant aperitif" organized via Facebook were arrested, announced Saturday the Director of Office of the prefect of the herault, Pierre Maitrot.

Giant aperitif in Montpellier, France: police custody for three young accused of rape
"Giant aperitif" in Montpellier, France: police custody for three young accused of rape

Arrested on indications of the girl, they are accused of touching on the minor to 23: 30 on the same premises of the aperitif, the place of Europe, a large lawn diving in the dark in places. Two individuals, a major and a minor, were still in custody Saturday late morning at the hotel of Montpellier police, said at the departmental Directorate of public security (DDSP) of l ' Hérault. A third was released, the victim does with not identified him as one of the assailants, suspected in the confrontation.

This girl, linguistic stay with a group of Irish 15, said investigators have been assaulted by three men, "two the who blocked and one the having assaulted", after losing his friends in a crowd movement.

Step precision about the nature of the alleged sexual assault

Police services did not wish to specify the nature of the alleged sexual assault. Two suspects deny the facts, was on the other hand said. DNA tests were underway Saturday afternoon.
The Prosecutor of the Republic were to decide Saturday "in the afternoon" as a possible deferral of the two assailants suspected before a judge.

"The forensic analysis on the young girl shows no blows against him." "She was able to free himself from his three assailants suspected to immediately alert the police officers present at the scene", it added. "That does not mean, of course, that she not was assaulted", underlined the same source.

About 5,000 people participated in this "giant aperitif" authorized by the prefecture and placed under high surveillance, a little more than a year after a first edition, then banned, that attracted 10,000 participants.

A decade of highly alcoholic revellers were supported by relief deployed on-site services. The event ended in the night, about 2 o'clock in the morning. Some 60 police officers were present and an equivalent of personal of CRS and gendarmes mobile number. Forty firefighters were mobilized and aquatic rescue team.

Apéro géant à Montpellier: trois jeunes accusés de viol

Apéro géant à Montpellier: trois jeunes accusés de viol

Accusés de viol lors d'un apéro géant à Montpellier, trois jeunes ont été placés en garde à vue. (LP/ILLUSTRATION/GUILLAUME ROUJAS)

Trois jeunes soupçonnés d'avoir violé une Irlandaise de 17 ans, vendredi soir à Montpellier, lors d'un «apéro géant» organisé via Facebook, ont été interpellés, a annoncé samedi le directeur de cabinet du préfet de l'Hérault, Pierre Maitrot.

Apéro géant à Montpellier: garde à vue pour trois jeunes accusés de viol
"Apéro géant" à Montpellier: garde à vue pour trois jeunes accusés de viol

Arrêtés sur les indications de la jeune fille, ils sont accusés d'avoir pratiqué des attouchements sur la mineure vers 23h30 sur les lieux mêmes de l'apéro, la place de l'Europe, une grande pelouse plongée dans l'obscurité par endroits. Deux individus, un majeur et un mineur, étaient toujours en garde à vue samedi en fin de matinée à l'hôtel de police de Montpellier, a-t-on précisé à la direction départementale de la sécurité publique (DDSP) de l'Hérault. Un troisième a été relâché, la victime ne l'ayant pas identifié comme étant l'un de ses agresseurs présumés lors de la confrontation.

Cette jeune fille, en séjour linguistique avec un groupe d'une quinzaine d'Irlandais, a affirmé aux enquêteurs avoir été agressée par trois hommes, «deux l'ayant bloquée et un l'ayant agressée», après avoir perdu ses amis dans un mouvement de foule.

Pas de précision sur la nature de l'agression sexuelle présumée

Les services de police n'ont pas souhaité préciser la nature de l'agression sexuelle présumée. Les deux suspects nient les faits, a-t-on en revanche indiqué. Des analyses ADN étaient en cours samedi après-midi.
Le procureur de la République devait se prononcer samedi «dans l'après-midi» quant à un éventuel déferrement des deux agresseurs présumés devant un juge.

«L'analyse médico-légale opérée sur la jeune fille montre qu'il n'y a pas eu de coups portés à son encontre. Elle a pu se libérer de ses trois agresseurs présumés pour alerter immédiatement les policiers présents sur les lieux», a-t-on ajouté. «Ce qui ne veut pas dire, bien sûr, qu'elle n'a pas été agressée», a souligné la même source.

Environ 5 000 personnes ont participé à cet «apéro géant» autorisé par la préfecture et placé sous haute surveillance, un peu plus d'un an après une première édition, alors interdite, qui avait attiré 10 000 participants.

Une dizaine de fêtards fortement alcoolisés ont été pris en charge par les services de secours déployés sur place. La manifestation s'est terminée dans la nuit, vers 2 heures du matin. Une soixantaine de fonctionnaires de police étaient présents ainsi qu'un nombre équivalent de personnels de CRS et gendarmes mobiles. Une quarantaine de pompiers étaient également mobilisés, de même qu'une équipe de secours aquatique.

vendredi 17 juin 2011

Dominique Baudis, prochain Défenseur des Droits

Dominique Baudis, prochain Défenseur des Droits
Dominique Baudis adoubé Défenseur des Droits : La proposition de nomination de Dominique Baudis au poste de Défenseur des Droits a été approuvée par les commissions des lois du Sénat et de l'Assemblée Nationale le 15 juin 2011. Les parlementaires pouvaient s'opposer à la proposition du chef de l'Etat en réunissant une majorité des 3/5e. Cette nomination devrait être confirmée en Conseil des Ministres mercredi 22 juin 2011.
L'audition de Dominique Baudis devant la Commission des Lois de l'Assemblée Nationale est d'ores et déjà disponible en vidéo ici. Son audition devant la Commission des Lois du Sénat sera prochainement visible en vidéo sur le site du Sénat.
Source :
voir l'audition Dominique Baudis video

jeudi 16 juin 2011

Les gardes à vue sans avocat antérieures au 15 avril peuvent être contestées

Les gardes à vue sans avocat antérieures au 15 avril peuvent être contestées

La Cour de cassation s'est prononcée mardi en faveur de l'annulation des actes de nombreuses gardes à vue menées hors de la présence de l'avocat avant le 15 avril 2011.AFP/FRANCOIS GUILLOT

La Cour de cassation a estimé mardi 31 mai que les gardes à vue menées sans assistance de l'avocat avant le 15 avril 2011 pouvaient être annulées. À cette date, la Cour de cassation avait décidé d'autoriser, avec effet immédiat, la présence d'avocats lors des interrogatoires des mis en cause. Cette décision signifie que dans le cadre d'une instruction, les personnes concernées vont pouvoir plaider la nullité des procès-verbaux d'audition réalisés en garde à vue au cours des six derniers mois s'ils n'ont pu être assistés d'un avocat.

Des milliers de procédures pourraient ainsi être remises en cause, ce qui ne signifie pas que l'ensemble des poursuites seraient invalidées car il peut exister à l'encontre d'un suspect d'autres éléments de preuve que les actes issus de la garde à vue. De plus, toute demande d'annulation ne sera pas automatiquement recevable, puisque les dossiers criminels faisant déjà l'objet d'une ordonnance de renvoi devant la cour d'assises ne sont pas touchés.

Les dossiers déjà jugés en première instance et devant être revus en appel ne sont pas concernés non plus. De plus, les annulations directes sont limitées aux procès-verbaux d'audition des suspects et ne touchent pas, par exemple, les perquisitions. Mais si des éléments d'enquête découlent des auditions, ils pourront aussi être déclarés nuls.


Cette décision intervient à la veille de l'entrée en vigueur définitive de la réforme de la garde à vue rendant obligatoire la présence de l'avocat, avec présence aux interrogatoires et accès au dossier. Jusqu'ici il ne pouvait voir son client que trente minutes au début de la garde à vue, sans accès au dossier. Le 15 avril, l'assemblée plénière de la Cour avait en effet décidé d'une application immédiate des garanties posées par la Convention européenne des droits de l'Homme pour un "procès équitable", prévoyant notamment la présence d'un avocat et le droit de garder le silence. Cette décision a conduit à une mise en oeuvre immédiate des principales dispositions de la loi réformant la garde à vue "à la française", adoptée trois jours plus tôt par le Parlement.

Pour les avocats, tous les actes (déclarations, aveux...) consignés lors de gardes à vue antérieures au 15 avril hors de leur présence sont entachés de nullité. Cette décision de la Chambre criminelle de la Cour de cassation intervient après examen de deux dossiers portant sur des affaires de stupéfiants.

Me Patrice Spinosi, avocat d'un des deux dossiers, avait demandé à la Cour de rendre une décision détaillée, en mesure de "servir de grille, de guide, pour les juridictions du fond" d'ores et déjà saisies de demandes d'annulation. Il faut pouvoir dire "quels actes peuvent faire l'objet de nullité, quels actes rejeter, quels actes conserver", avait-il plaidé. Après la décision de la Cour, Me Spinozi a salué "une décision d'une importance capitale" et "l'aboutissement du mouvement entamé depuis des mois pour faire entrer le droit en garde à vue".


Détention policière coercitive qui peut aller jusqu'à 48 heures en droit commun, quatre jours en matière de trafic de drogue, crime organisé et terrorisme, la garde à vue s'est banalisée ces dix dernières années, passant de 336 000 en 2001 à plus de 792 000 en 2010, sans compter les infractions routières. Dans une série d'arrêts, la Cour de cassation déclare que cette méthode policière, fondement quasi unique de plus de 95 % des dossiers pénaux en France, n'est pas conforme à la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme.

A partir du 1er juin, la présence de l'avocat sera en théorie obligatoire, mais la réforme est déjà remise en cause, d'autant que les moyens font défaut pour les justiciables les plus pauvres. Les syndicats de magistrats et d'avocats critiquent les dérogations qui laissent beaucoup de latitude aux procureurs pour tenir les avocats à l'écart, ainsi que l'insuffisance des moyens financiers pour l'aide aux justiciables pauvres. Le fait que l'autorité de contrôle de la garde à vue soit le procureur, magistrat lié au pouvoir politique par son statut, est aussi critiqué.

Prior to April 15 guards to view without a lawyer may be challenged

Prior to April 15 guards to view without a lawyer may be challenged

The Court of cassation ruled Tuesday for the annulment of the acts of many guards to view conducted without the presence of counsel before April 15, 2011.AFP/FRANCOIS GUILLOT

The Court of cassation found Tuesday 31 May that the guards to view conducted without assistance of counsel before April 15, 2011 could be cancelled. At this date, the Court of cassation had decided to authorize, with immediate effect, the presence of counsel during interrogation of the mis en cause. This decision means that in a statement, the persons concerned will be able to plead the nullity of the minutes of the hearing made in custody in the last six months if they could not be assisted by a lawyer.

Thousands of procedures could be questioned, which does not mean that all of the prosecution would be invalidated because there may be from a suspect to evidence that the actions from custody. Moreover, any request for cancellation is not automatically admissible, since criminal records already the subject of a removal order to the Court of Assizes are not affected.

Records already tried in first instance and to be reviewed on appeal are not affected either. In addition, direct cancellations are limited to the minutes of the hearing of the suspects and are not, for example, searches. But if elements of investigation result of the hearings, they can also be declared void.


This decision comes on the eve of the final implementation of the reform of custody making the presence of counsel, with presence mandatory interrogation and access to the file. So far he could not see his client only thirty minutes at the start of the custody without access to the folder. April 15, the plenary Assembly of the Court had decided an immediate application of the guarantees laid down by the European Convention of human for a "fair trial"rights, including the presence of a lawyer and the right to silence. This decision led to an immediate implementation of the main provisions of the act reforming custody "à la française", adopted by Parliament three days earlier.

For lawyers, all acts (statements, confessions...) recorded at guards to view prior to April 15 out of their presence are tainted void. This decision of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of cassation occurs after examination of two records on Narcotics Affairs.

Me Patrice spinosi, lawyer of one of the two records, had asked the Court to make a decision detailed, able "serve as a grid, guide, for the courts of the bottom" already seized of cancellation requests. Must be able to say "what acts may be subject to nullity, reject what acts, what actions keep", he pleaded. After the decision of the Court, Mr. Spinozi welcomed "a decision of vital importance" and "the culmination of the movement started for months to bring the law in custody".


Coercive police detention which may be up to 48 hours in common law, four days for drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorism, custody unmarked these past ten years, from 336 000 in 2001 to more than 792 000 in 2010, excluding traffic offences. In a series of cases, the Court of cassation States that this police method, almost unique basis of more than 95% of criminal cases in France, is not in conformity with the European Convention on human rights.

From June 1, the presence of counsel will be theoretically compulsory, but reform is already questioning, so that the means are lacking for the poorest. Trade unions of magistrates and lawyers criticize the derogations which leave much latitude to prosecutors for lawyers, and the inadequacy of financial resources for aid to the poor litigants. The fact that the authority of custody control Prosecutor, magistrate linked to political power by its Statute, is also criticized.

mercredi 15 juin 2011

Ouverture du mariage aux couples de même sexe : l’Assemblée nationale dit non !

Ouverture du mariage aux couples de même sexe : l’Assemblée nationale dit non !
Écrit par centregaux. Posté le Mercredi 15 juin 2011 @ 21:22:48 par centregaux
PARIS, le 14 juin 2011

Ouverture du mariage aux couples de même sexe : l’Assemblée nationale dit non !

L’Assemblée nationale a rejeté ce jour, par 293 voix contre 222, la proposition de loi du groupe SRC, portée par Patrick Bloche (PS), visant à ouvrir le mariage aux couples de même sexe, sans discrimination. Les députés ont malheureusement choisi cet après-midi de maintenir en l’état les articles du Code civil qui interdisent aux couples de même sexe de se marier.

Sans surprise, les députés de gauche ont voté en faveur du texte, appuyés par quelques députés centristes, radicaux et UMP ; sans surprise, la majorité parlementaire a massivement voté contre.

CENTR’ÉGAUX regrette profondément l’abstention des députés MoDem, qui contredit le principe d’égalité de droits et de devoirs pour tous les couples, inscrit dans le Projet Humaniste adopté lors du dernier congrès (décembre 2009).

La République française accuse désormais un retard d’autant moins justifiable que les Français sont depuis longtemps favorables à l’ouverture du mariage à tous les couples. De nombreux pays ont montré le chemin pour cette égalité devant la loi. L’exemple a été donné par des pays aussi lointains que l’Afrique du sud, l’Argentine, le Canada ou plus proche de nos frontières comme la Belgique, l’Espagne, l’Islande, la Norvège, les Pays-Bas, le Portugal et la Suède.
CENTR’ÉGAUX restera mobilisée dans la perspective des prochaines élections présidentielle et législatives pour que l’égalité des droits et des devoirs deviennent enfin réalité.

Contact Presse : Frédérick GETTON, Président : 0677993651

CENTR’ÉGAUX, association à but non lucratif (loi 1901) créée en janvier 2006, regroupe des femmes et des hommes de sensibilité politique centriste et démocrate.
CENTR’ÉGAUX milite pour l’égalité des droits entre les citoyens hétérosexuels, homosexuels et transsexuels, lutte contre l’homophobie et toutes les formes de discriminations dont sont victimes les personnes LGBT.
CENTR’ÉGAUX est adhérente de l’Inter-LGBT , d’Arc-en-Ciel – Toulouse, de l’ÉGIDE - Lille et de GIROFARD – Bordeaux.

mardi 14 juin 2011




ORDER NO. 02-062/P-RM OF 05 JUNE 2002
bearing protection del code' child


Having regard to the Constitution;
Having regard to the Act N ° 02-012 03 June 2002 authorising the Government to take certain measures by orders;
Seen the Decree N ° 02-132/P-RM of 18 March 2002 on the appointment of the Prime Minister;
Seen the Decree N ° 02-135/P-RM of 19 March 2002 appointing the members of the Government, amended by the decrees N ° 02-160/P-RM of March 30, 2002, N ° 02-211/P-RM of 25 April 2002;

The Supreme Court heard;





ARTICLE 1er : In the Malian national identity and consciousness of belonging to the civilization, this code is designed to achieve the following objectives:

has) promote child in a manner which takes into account its specificities and in relation to its physical potential, his emotional tendencies, his intellectual capacities and know-how. In short, to establish a protection mechanism that ensures the preparation of future generations by taking care of children.

b) Raising the child in the sense of national identity and citizenship, fidelity and loyalty to Mali, land, history and achievements, and in the sense of belonging to a set of positive values of civilization at the national, subregional, regional and global level. In short, give to the child education permeates our culture humanistic and incorporates the opening to another, according to the requirements of scientific educational orientations.

c) Prepare the child for a free and responsible life in a solidary civil society, based on the indissolubility of the awareness of the rights and duties, in which the values of fairness, tolerance, participation, justice and peace prevail.

d) Enter the rights of the child, including its right to protection in the context of major national policy options, which are indispensable to the development of human potential of respect for human rights of every Malian, therefore a determining factor of national development.

e) Disseminate the culture of the rights of the child, make known its intrinsic features to ensure harmony and balance of his personality and develop his sense of morality, the meaning of respect for his parents, his family and social entourage.

f) Respect and strengthen the rights of the child, taking account of its interests in such a way that it acquires the virtues of the work of the initiative, the values of personal effort, the meaning of auto liability and responsibility vis-à-vis parents, society and the family group and ensure, by appropriate means, its participation in all respect.

ARTICLE 2: Child is, within the meaning of the present code, any human person less than eighteen years and which has not yet reached the age of majority by special provisions.

Section 3: The best interests of the child must be paramount in all of the measures taken in his regard by the courts, administrative authorities, public and private social protection institutions

Must be taken into consideration, with the child, physical and emotional needs his age, his State of health, the family environment and different aspects of his situation.

Section 4: Every child has the right to an identity from birth and to registration of his birth.

The identity is incorporated, first name, name, family, date of birth and nationality.

Section 5: Any child has the right to respect for private life, without prejudice to the rights and responsibilities which are licensees, under the Act, the parents or those who load.

ARTICLE 6: In all measures taken against the child, the action of prevention in the family must be a primary consideration to preserve the family role and strengthen the responsibility of the parents or guardian or custodian, in the education of the child, education and guidance by a protection necessary to its natural development,.

Section 7: Any decision taken should seek to maintain the child in its family environment and avoid the separation of his parents, except if it appears to the judicial authority that such separation is necessary to safeguard the best interests of the child.

The said decision must guarantee the child the right to continue to benefit from the different living conditions and services adapted to its needs, its age and compatible with the normal family environment.

Section 8: In all measures taken against the child, one who has the responsibility to intervene, informs the child and its parents or those in charge, the detailed content of the different stages and all rights and guarantees enshrined in the law in their favour, including their right to be assisted by counsel or request the revision or the information of the decisions taken in the matter.

ARTICLE 9: Every child has the right to freely express their opinions should be taken into consideration in accordance with his age and maturity. To this end, will be given to the child a special opportunity to express its views and be heard in all judicial proceedings and social and educational measures concerning his situation.

Section 10: Every child separated from his parents or of one of them, has the right to remain in regular contact and maintain personal relationships with both parents as well as with the other members of his family, unless the competent court decides otherwise in view of the best interests of the child.

Section 11: Any offender, child has the right to benefit from a treatment that protects his honour and his person.

Section 12: The present code, based on humanitarian principles and fairness, States, on the phenomenon of child offenders, adequate solutions prior to the intervention of the organs of criminal justice. Priority is given to preventive and educational means. It is recommended to avoid as far as possible recourse to custody, pre-trial detention as well as the deprivation of liberty.

ARTICLE 13: This code establishes the referral and the procedure for oneself through mediation, as well as the participation of the services and institutions concerned with children in the decision-making and in the choice of measures compatible with the best interests of the child.

ARTICLE 14: The child placed in an educational institution of protection or re-education, within the meaning of article 65 of this code, or in a place of detention, is entitled to health, physical and moral protection. He also has right to social assistance and education, while considering its age, its sex, its potential and its personality.

Section 15: During the execution of preliminary detention or sentence in an institution, the child is entitled to a periodic and limited permission will be granted given her best interests and in accordance with the texts that govern the institution concerned.

ARTICLE 16: The disabled child has the right, in addition to the rights recognized to children, protection and medical care as well as a degree of education and training that strengthens its management supports and facilitates its active participation in social life.

ARTICLE 17: The child enjoys all the guarantees of international humanitarian law cited by the conventions ratified.

Il is prohibited to engage or involve the child in armed conflict, or him enlist in the forces and armed groups before the age of 18.

ARTICLE 18: It is prohibited to carry the child in the various forms of crime, including the fact of him charge fanaticism and hatred and encourage him to commit acts of violence and terror.

Section 19: Children with father, mother or ascending to which it can use or that are totally abandoned by their parents or ascending are placed under the responsibility of competent State services which cater to their education and their care.

In addition to the educational institutions of protection or re-education public, they may be entrusted to families, in the absence, admitted to educational institutions for the protection or re-education private for children.

They can also be the subject of national or international adoption. Any authorization of international adoption ensures that the best interests of the child is paramount in the circumstances.

ARTICLE 20: Every child has the right to:

has) a school attendance of a minimum of nine years. The application of this law will need to be the Act of orientation on education and its subsequent texts;

b) employment fifteen years in accordance with the relevant provisions of the labour code and its subsequent; texts

c) immunization against diseases of the expanded programme of immunization. This obligation, whose precise by regulation, the modalities of implementation is the responsibility of the parents and the State;

d) protection against any publication or distribution of its image that would not its integrity, its honour and privacy;

e) a substantial food hygiene.


Chapter 21: Every child has duties towards his parents, his family, society, the State and any other community legally recognised as well as to the international community.

The child, according to its age and its capabilities, and subject to the restrictions contained in this code, has the duty:

has) to respect his parents, superiors and older persons in all circumstances and, if necessary, to assist;

b) to respect the identity, language and national; values

c) to respect the environment and the quality of life for all;

d) to respect the constitution and laws of the Republic;

e) to respect the rights, reputation and honour of others;

f) to work for the cohesion of his family and for the good of the national community by placing its capacity physical and intellectual at his disposal;

g) to work for compliance with the rights of man and of the rights of the child;

h) to work for the preservation of public order, health and morality in public;

i) to work towards the preservation and strengthening of the solidarity of society and the nation;

j) to work for the preservation and strengthening of national independence and the territorial integrity of the country;

k) to contribute to the best of his abilities, in all circumstances and at all levels, to promote and to the achievement of the unit. African




ARTICLE 22: Within the meaning of this code refers to:

has) "because of disability": because there are alleged or real, current or previous, one of the following assignments:

- any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement due to injury, congenital abnormality or disease, and, in particular, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, any degree of paralysis, amputation, motor incoordination, blindness or Visual impairment, deafness or hearing impairment, muteness or a disorder of speech, or even the necessity of a guidea wheelchair or other apparatus or device patch.

- A State of disability or mental impairment;

- An injury or disability for which permanent care are required;

- A mental disorder;

- A learning or dysfunction of the spoken language, one or more of the processes of understanding or the use of symbols;

b) "equal": subject to all requirements, qualifications and considerations that are not a prohibited ground of discrimination.

c) "family status": being in a parent-child relationship.

d) "marital status": fact of being married, single, widowed, divorced or separated.

e) "harassment": for a person to make remarks or vexatious management when it knows or reasonably ought to know that these gestures or remarks are unwelcome.

f) "sex": the right to equal treatment without discrimination based on sex includes the right to equal treatment without discrimination based on the fact that a woman is pregnant or may become.

g) "discrimination": any distinction on grounds relating to personal characteristics of an individual or group of individuals in order to impose this individual or group of individuals of the burdens, obligations or disadvantages not imposed upon others.

h) "direct discrimination": Discrimination on a prohibited ground of distinction.

i) 'indirect discrimination': Discrimination arising from the consequences of a lawful ground of distinction, not the ground itself. Discrimination which lies not in the required quality or the required test but that resulting from the consequences of their application.

j) 'discrimination for reasons based on the association': Discrimination against a person because of his association, relationship, or his company with an individual or group of individuals who is the subject of a distinction for a reason. illicit

k) "public to infringe a right intention": fact to publish or to expose or to publish or exhibit in public an opinion, a sign, a symbol, an emblem or other similar representation that indicates the intention to infringe a right under this title or is designed to encourage the infringement of such right.


ARTICLE 23: Any child has the right to services, goods or facilities equal treatment without discrimination based on race, place of origin, colour, social origin, citizenship, belief, sex, age, marital status, family status or handicap.

Section 24: Any child regardless of his physical or mental state must constitute a ground of discrimination of his parents in the occupation of a dwelling.

Section 25: Occupier of housing children have the right to live there without be harassed by the owner or his agent or an occupant of the building for reasons based on race, place of origin, colour, social origin, citizenship, belief, age, marital status, family status, State of social assistance or a disability.

ARTICLE 26: Any child aged sixteen or seventeen years, with parental, permission has left the home or the family home has, by way of derogation, of legal capacity for contracts of accommodation, without discrimination based on the fact that it has less than eighteen years.

Section 27: A housing entered into by a child sixteen or seventeen years of age who, with parental, authorization has left the home or the family residence is enforceable against that child as if it had eighteen years.

Section 28: The occupant of housing less than 18 years has the right to live without be harassed by the owner or his agent or an occupant of the building because of the sex.

Section 29: All children enjoying legal capacity (emancipated) has the right to conclude contracts on equal terms, without discrimination based on race, place of origin, colour, social origin, citizenship, belief, sex, age, the marital state

Section 30: Any child aged fifteen years has the right to equal treatment with respect to employment without discrimination based on race, place of origin, color, citizenship, belief, sex, age, marital status, family status or handicap.

Section 31: Any employee under 18 years of age has the right to be free from any harassment in the workplace by the employer or agent thereof or another employee for reasons based on sex, race, place of origin, colour, social origin, citizenship, belief, age, marital status, family status or disability.

Section 32: Any employee under 18 years of age has the right to be free from any harassment at work by his employer or an agent thereof or another employee.

Section 33: Any pupil or student under 18 years of age has the right to be free from any harassment at school or other place of education or professional by administration staff, management and educational support, by teachers, parents of pupils, students or students.

ARTICLE 34: Any employee under 18 years is entitled to equal treatment with respect to membership in a trade union or an association commercial or professional or registration in the exercise of a stand-alone profession, without discrimination based on race, place of origin, colour, social origin, citizenship, belief, sex, age, marital status, family status or a disability.

Section 35: Every child has the right to be safe:

has) solicitations or sexual advances from a person in a position to grant or to deny a benefit or a promotion.

b) Of reprisals or threats of retaliation for having refused to access solicitations or sexual advances if these reprisals or threats come from a person in a position to grant or deny a benefit or a promotion.

Section 36: All children whose filiation is legally established remain equal in rights and duties for parents without discrimination based on origin of filiation or sex.

The enjoyment and the exercise of the prerogatives of the person and property of the minor child are established for the benefit of parents without any discrimination during and after the life of the household.

Section 37: Any child, failing his representative has the right to assert and enforce the rights that recognizes it this code.

Section 38: No person shall infringe a right recognized by this Code or do, directly or indirectly, anything that infringes such right.

No person shall do any act that indicates the intention to infringe a right recognized by this Code or the object would be to encourage such infringement, under penalty of sanctions.

Any direct or indirect infringement of a right recognized by this Code undertake the civil liability of the authors, natural or legal persons, without prejudice to possible criminal prosecution.

Any act likely to lead to the infringement of a right recognized by this Code shall be liable to a fine of 30,000 F to 300,000 F and, for a subsequent offence, to imprisonment for 2 to 6 months.


ARTICLE 39: Is not infringed a right, recognized in this title, to equal without discrimination based on age treatment the fact that the age of eighteen years or more is a requirement, required quality or a consideration for the purpose of the exercise of certain rights individuals.

ARTICLE 40: Is not an infringement of a right, recognized in this title, to equal treatment without discrimination based on citizenship that Malian citizenship is a requirement, required quality or a consideration when the legislation imposes or allows such requirement.

Section 41: Is not an infringement of a right, recognized in this title, to equal treatment without discrimination based on citizenship that Malian citizenship is a requirement, required quality or a consideration taken to promote and develop the participation of citizens Malian cultural, educational, trade union activities or sports.

ARTICLE 42: Is not an infringement of a right of a person recognized by this title that this person is unable, because of disability, to perform the obligations or to meet the essential requirements inherent in the exercise of this right.

ARTICLE 43: Is not an infringement of the right to equal treatment in services and facilities, with or without housing, the fact that a body or a group of religious, philanthropic, educational, social or mutual assistance whose main objective is to serve the interests of children identified by a prohibited discrimination ground, accept that children thus identified as members or participants.

Section 44: Does not constitute an infringement of the right to equal treatment in services and installation without discrimination based on sex restricting these services and facilities to persons of the same sex for reasons of decency and security.

Section 45: Do not constitute an infringement of the right to equal treatment in services, goods and facilities without discrimination based on age, the provisions on the prohibition of the sale and supply of alcohol to children under the age of eighteen years.

ARTICLE 46 : Do not constitute an infringement of the right to equal treatment without discrimination based on age property, the provisions regulating the use of tobacco and relating to the sale or supply of tobacco to anyone who is or appears to be less than 18 years of age.

Section 47: Does not constitute an infringement of the right to equal treatment in services and facilities the fact that a recreation club limited access to these services or facilities or gives preference in regard to membership dues or other fees for reasons based on age, sex, marital.

ARTICLE 48: Does not constitute an infringement of the right to equal treatment in employment is:

has) that an organization or a group of religious, philanthropic, educational, emergency mutual or social whose main objective is to serve the interests of children identified by race, place of origin, colour, social origin, belief, sex, age, marital status or disability employs that identified children or give them preference if this qualification is required as is reasonable and in good faith given the nature of the employment;

b) that employment discrimination based on reasons based on age, sex, marital status, age, sex, marital status of the candidate is a required quality which is required as is reasonable and in good faith account bound to the nature of the employment;

c) that an individual refuses to employ a person under 18 years for reasons based on a prohibited discrimination specified if the main functions related to employment are to provide care medical or personal to an individual or his or her spouse, sick children aged, infirm or ill parent.

ARTICLE 49: Is not an infringement of a right under this title in implementing a special programme to alleviate hardship or an economic disadvantage or to help people or disadvantaged groups enjoy or try to enjoy equal opportunities, or which will promote probably the Elimination of an infringement of rights recognized by the present title.

However, any person on the basis of an interest may seize the Court to rule on the conformity of the special programme relatively to the requirements described in the preceding paragraph.

The tribunal may declare:

- either that the special program, as defined, does not meet the requirements; in this case, it will indicate the changes it deems appropriate to meet the requirements;

- either the special program, as defined, meets the requirements.



ARTICLE 50: Are considered, in particular, difficult situations threatening the health of the child, its development or its physical or moral integrity:

has) the loss of the parents of the child remains without family; support

b) the child collected, abandoned and found;

c) exposure of child neglect and vagrancy;

d) the lack known and continuous education and protection;

e) the poor treatment regular of the child;

f) the exploitation of the child, whether boy or girl;

g) the exposure of the child from abuse;

h) the exposure of the child to begging and economic; operation

i) the exploitation of the child in crimes organized;

j) the exposure of the child in a situation of conflict armed;

k) exposure of children to practices having a negative impact on his health;

l) the inability of parents or of those who have the charge of the child to ensure his protection and his education.

ARTICLE 51: Is considered as "negligence" in danger of mental integrity or psychological or physical child either by his abandonment by his parents, without just cause in a place or a public or private institution, or by the abandonment of the family home by the parents for a long period without providing the necessary amenities to the child, either by the refusal of both parents to receive the child after a judgment on custody, either by the refusal to treat him and ensure his good treatment, or by the emotional rejection serious and/or continuous of the child by its parents.

Section 52: Is considered "collected child" by a public or private institution or by an individual any child whose parents, guardians or any other person responsible for his custody clearly disinterested since more than a year. May be declared abandoned by the judge of children unless a parent has requested within the same timeframe to ensure the load and that the judge found this application in accordance with the interests of the child.

Section 53: Is considered "foundling", the new - born collected by an individual, a public or private institution whose father and mother have been identified.

ARTICLE 54: Is considered as a situation requiring the intervention, the vagrancy of the child remains without follow-up training, because of the refusal of one who is responsible for his education or custody, enter it in an institution recognized by education or training or learning institution or to an educational protection or re-education institution

ARTICLE 55: Is considered as a "notorious education and protection lack" requiring intervention, the habit of letting the child without control or monitoring and waiver to advise and guide, or ensure its position as the child in the street and the child of the street.

Section 56: Is considered "bad usual treatment", requiring intervention, the bid of children to torture, and repeated violations of physical integrity, or detention, or habit of depriving him of food or commit any act of brutality that is likely to affect the balance emotional, psychological or physical child.

ARTICLE 57: Is considered as "sexual exploitation" of the child, whether boy or girl, requiring the intervention, its bid in acts of prostitution, indecent infringement, pornography and paedophilia or for hire or free of charge, directly or indirectly.

Section 58: Is considered as "economic exploitation", requiring the intervention, the exposure of the child to begging, trafficking, or because of the load of work likely to deprive him of his schooling, or that is harmful to his health, development or physical or moral integrity, or employment purposes and/or contrary to the present conditions code.

ARTICLE 59: Is considered "cases of incapacity of the parents, guardian or the person responsible for the custody or protection" requiring intervention, including the change in the behaviour of the child to develop failure control and follow-up, his addiction to leave the home without informing or consult, his absence without warning, or his studies without reason premature abandonment.

Section 60: Is considered "street child" all minor, urban, less than 18 years of age resident who spends all his time on the street, working or not, and which has little or no relationship with his parents, guardian or the person responsible for his care or protection. The street remains the framework exclusive and permanent of this child's life and the source of its livelihood. The street means a place other than a family or a host institution, such as public or private buildings including buildings, course, sidewalks.

Section 61: Is considered "child in the street" any minor aged less than 18 years who spent much of his time in the street working or not and which maintains with his parents, guardian or the person responsible for his custody or its protection.

Section 62: Begging is as exclusive or main activity and that is to appeal to the public charity to procure or means of subsistence. It is a dehumanizing child and opposed to the realization of its rights.

ARTICLE 63: Child trafficking is defined as the process by which a child is moved to the inside or outside a country under conditions that transform the value market for one at least of the people in the presence and regardless of the purpose of the movement. Any act involving the recruitment, transport, receiving stolen goods and the sale of children are considered as an element of trafficking in children.

ARTICLE 64: Sexual abuse of children, requiring intervention, means its bid to sexual contact or by any person in authority or trust, or by any person for which it is in a situation of dependency.

Is considered sexual contact for any referred to above person to commit or to incite the child to the touch, touch or affect a third party directly or with a part of the body or with an object indirectly for sexual purposes.

ARTICLE 65: Within the meaning of this code are called "protective or rehabilitatory educational institutions", the institutions and home and placement for children, institutions of listening, orientation and/or accommodation for children, borstal institutions.


Section 66: A delegate to the protection of the child is named from each High Commissioner region and the district of Bamako.

ARTICLE 67: Delegate to the protection of the child has for mission to intervene in all cases where he proves that the health of the child or his physical or moral integrity is threatened or moral is threatened or exposed to a danger to the environment in which he lives or activities, acts he was doing, or because of the various abuse he suffers, and in particular in difficult situations provided for in article 50 of the present code.

ARTICLE 68: Delegate to the child protection has, to this effect, prerogatives that legally empower it:

has) to listen to the child and his parents about facts reported;

b) to conduct investigations and to take measures appropriate to the child;

c) to take, on the basis of social, surveys the appropriate preventive measures for the child;

d) to prepare a report on the actions it finds against children which he submitted to the judge of the children.

ARTICLE 69: Delegate to the protection of the child has the powers of police officer judicial and, this exclusively, in the discharge of its function. Judicial police powers are exercised under the conditions and limits specified by this code.

ARTICLE 70: The child protection delegate must before entering service, the oath below before the territorially competent court of first instance: "I swear to perform my duties with honour and integrity and to ensure respect for the law and professional secrecy".

Section 71: The child protection officer is appointed by decree issued by Council of Ministers.

Section 72: An order made by the Council of Ministers sets the details of the responsibilities of the delegate to the protection of the child.


Section 73: Any person, including one who is held incommunicado professional, is subject to the duty to report to the delegate to the protection of the child everything that may constitute a threat to the health of the child, its development, its physical or moral integrity within the meaning of the provisions of article 51 of the present code.

The child himself may report to the delegate to the protection of children's status or that of any other child.

ARTICLE 74: Persons are required to assist any child who appears to them to see or to inform the delegate to the protection of the child or to report the existence of a difficult situation which threatened or threatens one of his brothers or any other child referred to in article 51 of this code.

Section 75: No person shall be searched, arrested or prosecuted in the courts for having done in good faith the duty to report provided for in the previous provisions

Section 76: It is prohibited to any person to disclose the identity of those who fulfilled the duty to report except with his consent or in cases provided for by the Act.


ARTICLE 77: The judicial child protection is ensured by the courts for minors.

The juvenile courts are:

- children judge

- the children's Court

- the Special Chamber of the Court of appeal minors

- the Court of Assizes of minors.


Section 78: Children is judge of the situation of the child threatened a written request or not emanate:

- jointly the parents or one of them;

- the guardian or the custodian of the child;

- the Public Ministry;

- delegate to the protection of childhood;

- public services responsible for the child;

- public services responsible for social action;

- organizations defence or protection of the rights of the child;

- of the child;

- public or private institutions individuals who gathered the abandoned child.

The juvenile judge can take office in the cases provided for in article 50 of the code.

ARTICLE 79: The children judge receives the information and reports, ensures the collection of data and convenes every person useful to illuminate the actual situation of the child.

It can assist them in their duties by officers of the public services responsible for the child and social action of its spring.

Section 80: Children, before ruling, the judge may authorize a provisional measure, following a report from the delegate to the protection of the child regarding the need to remove the child from his family to safeguard its interest. This interim measure is revised monthly.

ARTICLE 81: When the children judge entrusts to the delegate to the child protection mission to continue investigations and collection of data on the actual situation of the child and to determine its needs, the latter will be required to present his mission report within a period not to exceed one month, except where the interests of the child requires an extension will be granted by the judge of the children.

ARTICLE 82: The children judge can load the police authorities of the collection of information concerning the conduct and behaviour of the child. It may also order a medical examination or psycho-clinic the child or any method deemed necessary to determine its needs.

Section 83: The children judge sovereignly appreciates the results of the research and reports submitted to.

When the interest of the child so requires, the children judge can take him away from his family and allow provisional decision to submit it to the guardianship, while forcing parents to participate in support of its expenditures pursuant to section 103 of the present code.

The enacted measure is executed notwithstanding appeal or objection.

Section 84: Judge of children ensures the monitoring of the situation of children placed under guardianship with the help of the delegate to the protection of childhood and its services and specialized social organizations.


ARTICLE 85: The judge conducts the hearing of the child and his parents, guardian or custodian.

Il received the comments of the representative of the Crown, the delegate to the protection of children, and in need of counsel. He may decide argument out of the presence of the child, if the interest thereof. In this case, the representative of the child must participate in the hearing.

ARTICLE 86: The children judge may decide for a specified time period one of the following measures:

(a) maintaining the child with his family under parental responsibility;

(b) maintaining the child with his family and empower the delegate to the protection of the child for monitoring of the child and for the support and direction in the direction of the family;

(c) submit the child to medical or psychological control or entrust it to a facility medical or psycho-educational;

(d) place the child under the guardianship or contracting a family or an institution of public or private specialized education, an educational institution of protection or re-education appropriate;

(e) place the child in an appropriate training centre or a school;

(f) in the case of the abandoned declared child delegate parental authority to any person likely to interest the child or an educational institution.

(g) in the case of the foundling, the judge child, advised by public or private institutions and individuals who have collected the child statue on provisional measures of care and protection.


Section 87: Decisions of the judge of the children are likely to use other than those referred to in the article section 92

The right of appeal and opposition belongs the child can exercise it himself or by his legal representative or his Council, the delegate to the protection of children, the parents, guardian or custodian of the child. The appeal is sent to the children's Court within fifteen days of the pronouncement of measures.

The Special Chamber of the Court of appeal minors is competent to hear the appeal against the measures taken by the children's Court. Determination within a period of forty five days from the date of the presentation of the appeal.

The appeal is examined by the Supreme Court following the rules in force.

ARTICLE 88: The measures enacted by the juvenile judge are enforceable notwithstanding appeal or objection.


ARTICLE 89: The children judge is bound to follow the execution of all measures and provisions that he has decided on the child. He will be assisted in this by the territorially competent child protection officer.

ARTICLE 90: The children judge, consider the best interests of the child, may revise the measures and provisions taken from the child. The application for review is presented by the guardian or custodian or the child itself, when it is capable of discernment.

Section 91: The children judge statue on the request for reconsideration within fifteen days of its presentation and following the procedure referred to in article 85 of the code.

ARTICLE 92: The decisions are likely to any way of action.

Section 93: Lists setting institutions empowered to support children and families will be prepared by the Ministers responsible for the child and the action.

ARTICLE 94: The costs of educational assistance measures are, in all cases, the responsibility of the non-indigent parents to which food may be claimed.

When one of them exercising a profession or a job, the mere notice of the decision taken by the judge of the children or the children's Court notified the employer or to the paying agency is attachment.

This notice requires the direct payment to the benefit of the person or institution providing educational, medical assistance or psycho - educational.




ARTICLE 95: Criminal majority is set at 18 years.

ARTICLE 96: The age of the child is determined from the date of the commission of the offence.

ARTICLE 97: In a prosecution under the regime of this title the birth certificate as well as certified copies are faith of the age of the minor.

Registration or the words recorded in the registers or records of a public institution or private licensed fact faith of the age of the minor offender provided that such registration or reference is prior to the commission of the alleged acts.

In the absence of any document, the age can be determined by deduction from the physical appearance or of the statements made by the person concerned or his parents, guardians, custodians, in investigations.

ARTICLE 98: Less than thirteen years old child is presumed irrebuttably have not the capacity to infringe the penal law, this presumption becomes rebuttable for children aged more thirteen years and under 18 years.

When the accused or the accused will be less than 13 years, it will be released or acquitted as having acted without discernment.

When the accused or the accused will be more than 13 years and 18 years of age, he will be acquitted or discharged if it is decided that he acted without discernment.

In the cases provided for in the preceding paragraphs, the minor will be released to his parents or an institution of education specialized public or private to the time that the judgment determines who, however, may exceed its 18 years of age.

ARTICLE 99: The children over age 13 years and 18 years of age, which is charged an offence characterized as violation, offence or crime, are referred to the criminal courts of common law. They are justiciable to the juvenile courts.

ARTICLE 100: This code establishes the mediation which has the effect of ending the prosecution and including timeliness, as prosecution and whose opportunity, such as prosecution, belongs to the public prosecutor and justice of the peace.

Section 101: The constitution of civil party is admitted in the courts for children. Cases, the civil action is brought before:

- the children judge;

- the children's Court;

- the Special Chamber of the Court of appeal minors;

- the Court of Assizes of minors.

Section 102: The territorial jurisdiction of the Court to seize determines by:

- the residence of the parents, guardian or custodian of the minor;

- place of commission of the offence;

- the place where the minor has been found or arrested;

- the place where it was placed either provisional or final.

The Court may decline jurisdiction in favour of another court of the same order, if required in the interest of the child.

Section 103: The courts for minor vote following the case, measures of protection, assistance, monitoring and education which seem appropriate.

They may, when record is committed and the personality of the child appear them require it, decide on the child a criminal sanction.


Sub-section 1: Conditions of deprivation of liberty

ARTICLE 104: As soon as a juvenile is apprehended, he will be informed promptly and in detail of the facts alleged against him, the right to the assistance of a Council, of the right to the presence of a parent or guardian.

Section 105: The Judicial Police officer shall inform the parents, guardian or custodian of the minor immediately or if it is not possible in the shortest time of the facts.

Section 106: Less than 15 years old child can be placed in custody in view.

Section 107: The children aged 15 years or more, against which, have been combined indices serious and concordant conviction of a crime or an offence, may be available to the officer of judicial police with the prior agreement and under the control of the Prosecutor of the Republic or of the judge child.

Considered detention could not exceed 20 hours except extension specifically authorized by the Prosecutor or a judge of the children for a period which may not exceed 10 hours.

The minor will be separated from adults in places of custody.

Section 108: The minor more 13 years of age cannot be held provisionally in a House of judgment by the judge of the children that if this measure seems essential or even if he considers it impossible to take any other provision.

In this case, the minor is detained in a special area for a period which cannot exceed three months if the proceedings relate to a tort and a year when legal proceedings are carried out at a crime. It must inevitably be separated from other inmates during the night.

The minor has the right to receive health care and the assistance of social services, adequate education and protection services.

ARTICLE 109: Any breach of the provisions of articles 104 to 108 exposes its author to administrative sanctions.

Sub-section 2: Conditions of fairness of the trial

Section 110: The minor suspected or accused of criminal offence is presumed innocent until to that his guilt has been legally established.

Section 111: At first appearance, the children judge is required to report to the minor him will be designated a defender of office to the case or he and his parents would not have the possibility to constitute.

At the same time, he will be indicated that it will communicate in confidence with the Council constituted, established or designated.

Section 112: The children judge informed prosecution parents, guardians or known guard to which he will communicate the name of committed defender which can be either a lawyer designated by the Bâtonnier of the order of lawyers or failing any physical or legal person showing interest in the problems of childhood.

Section 113: Any breach of the provisions above results in the nullity of the procedure.

Sub-section 3: Rights and specific interests of the child

Section 114: The minor has the right to be informed of any decision or measures affecting its rights.

ARTICLE 115: No information that could lead to the identification of the minor must be published.

ARTICLE 116: Decisions concerning minors of 13 years are not included in the locker judiciary.

ARTICLE 117: The clerks will hold a special registry not open to the public, which will be listed all decisions concerning minors over 13 years and under 18 years.

ARTICLE 118: These decisions may be disclosed only to the judicial authority and during the minority of those who have been the object.

However, an excerpt from the decision entrusting a minor to a person or to a charitable institution is notified to the person or institution concerned.

ARTICLE 119: The courts for children and all persons required by them shall, to the extent possible, ensure respect for the integrity of the families and the privacy of the child in the constitution of the social record.

ARTICLE 120: The publication of the minutes of the preliminary inquiry, the record of the proceedings, judgments for children in the book, the press, radio, cinema, television or in a few ways that it is prohibited. The publication by the same processes all text or all illustrations concerning the identity and personality of minors is also prohibited.

Violations of these provisions will be punished by a fine of 30,000 to 300,000 Francs and, for repeat offences, imprisonment for two months to two years.

However in case of need and express authorization of the President of the Court, the judgment may be published without the name of the minor can there be indicated by an initial under penalty of sanctions specified in the preceding paragraph.


Section 121: Mediation is a mechanism which aims to conclude a conciliation between the child author of an offence, or his legal representative, with the victim or his legal representative or its successors.

Mediation is designed to stop the effects of criminal proceedings, to ensure the repair of the damage caused to the victim, to put an end to the disorder resulting from the offence and contribute to the reclassification of the author of the offence.

Mediation is including an agreement on the basis of one or more of the following alternatives:


-physical repair;

-return of property stolen;

-work of general interest;

-Express apologies presented in verbal or written to the victim;

-compensation for the damage caused to property.

Section 122: The decision to resort to mediation rests with the Attorney of the Republic.

The child or the victim, or their respective legal representative, may request. In the case of joint application, mediation cannot be denied to individuals.

Mediation is not permitted if the child is being prosecuted for crime, sexual offence or offence of breach of public goods.

Section 123: The mediation request is presented to the Prosecutor of the Republic either by the child or his legal representative

The Prosecutor of the Republic may, in all cases, conduct himself in criminal mediation or delegate all or part of the task to a penal mediator designated, by his care, among the officials in charge of the child or social action or the personalities of civil society whose interest for children and skills are recognized.

His mission, before the criminal Ombudsman will lend, and writing submitted to the Attorney, the oath to run with "honour, probity and neutrality and secrecy with regard to the facts submitted to it in all circumstances".

Section 124: The criminal Ombudsman's mission is to assist the parties in dispute to find a solution accepted by them and which must not be contrary to ordre public or morality. The Penal mediator if necessary control the execution of commitments.

The attempt of criminal mediation must intervene within thirty days of the referral to the Ombudsman. The record noting the agreement and the report of the Ombudsman prepared to this effect are transmitted immediately to the Prosecutor of the Republic which, in the shortest time submits them to the Court for approval.

Penal mediation fails, the Ombudsman address his report to the Attorney of the Republic. The latter sovereignly appreciates the opportunity to prosecute.

Section 125: The Act of mediation, which is binding on everyone, is exempt from registration fees and stamps.



ARTICLE 126: The judges calling the courts for children, be they the Prosecutor's Office or the headquarters, must be specialized in the field of childhood.

Section 127: The juvenile courts are special courts to try the offences for which knowledge attributed them to a specific provision of the Act for the personal quality of their author and the nature of the offences.

Section 128: Under the Act on the criminal minority and institution of juvenile courts, juvenile courts are:

-the judge of children;

-the children's Court;

-the Special Chamber of the Court of appeal minors

- the Court of Assizes of minors.

Sub-section 1: judge of children

ARTICLE 129: The children judge is appointed by Decree of the President of the Republic after assent of the Superior Council of the judiciary on the basis of interest to the issues of childhood and his skills.

Section 130: The territorial jurisdiction of the judge of the children is the same as that of the children's Court to which it exercises its functions.

Sub-section 2: of the children's Court

Section 131: It is established in the jurisdiction of each court of first instance and each Justice of the peace to jurisdiction extended a court for children.

Section 132: The children's Court knows only misdemeanors and violations.

ARTICLE 133: The children's Court is composed:

-of a Chairman appointed under the same conditions as the judge of children;

-of a clerk;

-functions of the Public Ministry are exercised by the Attorney of the Republic or one of its substitutes and by Justice of the peace with extended jurisdiction.

Sub-section 3: Of the Special Chamber of the Court of appeal minors

ARTICLE 134: The first President of the Court of appeal refers by order among the Councillors of the Court of appeal, a Councillor delegated to the protection of the child. He chairs the Special Chamber to consider appeal cases involving minors. He is a member of the Chamber of indictment when minors are involved.

Adviser protection officer is assisted by 2 Councillors of the Court of appeal or two magistrates for instance.

The clerk is chosen from among the staff of the registry of the Court of appeal. The functions of the Public Ministry are exercised by the Attorney General, the General Counsel or general substitutes.

ARTICLE 135: The Special Chamber of the Court of appeal minors knows of the appeal of the decisions by the Court for children.

Sub-section 4: The Court of Assizes of minors

ARTICLE 136: The Court of Assizes of minors meets at the seat of the Court of appeal or in any other place of the jurisdiction.

ARTICLE 137 : It consists of:

-First President of the Court or Councillor delegate for child protection;

-Two advisors designated by order of the first President;

-Two assessors for minor drawn by lot on a list drawn up in each court of appeal.

Section 138: She knows crimes concerning minors.


Sub-section 1: The procedure at the level of the preliminary inquiry

ARTICLE 139: Judicial Police officers may not proceed with the hearing of the suspected child or initiate any proceedings against him after giving notice to the competent prosecutor or the judge of the children.

In all cases, the minor may be heard by the Judicial Police officer in the presence of her sponsor: parent, guardian, custodian or Council.

ARTICLE 140: Officers or agents of the judicial police, the arrest, are required to inform the child of its right to consult a lawyer or a person of his trust and grounds for his arrest.

ARTICLE 141: Before collecting his testimony, the officer or the police officer must indicate the child has the right to do any testimony and that, if he chooses to make a deposition may be opposite the Court judgment.

Section 142: When he chooses to make a deposition, it must also be informed of his right to do that in the presence of his lawyer or the person he has chosen to consult.

ARTICLE 143: In cases where the child is detained, the officers or police officers are required, prior to his appearance before the Prosecutor or the Justice of the peace, to notify parents of the place of custody, of the offence as well as of the date and place of its appearance.

Sub-section 2: The procedure to the phase of the proceedings.

Section 144: . The Prosecutor of the Court in the jurisdiction in which the children's Court has its seat or the peace judge with jurisdiction extended is responsible for the prosecution of crimes, offences and violations committed by the minor.

ARTICLE 145: All crimes, except those resulting in death of man, may be penalised in consideration of the nature of the offence, its gravity, the aggrieved interest, of the personality of the minor and circumstances of the case.

ARTICLE 146: The minor will be the subject of a mandatory information prosecution for crime or offence or contravention.

In any case, it will be subject to a procedure of flagrante delicto, direct quote or immediate appearance.

ARTICLE 147: In the case of offence of which the prosecution is reserved, by the special laws to public Administrations, the Attorney of the Republic or the peace judge with jurisdiction extended, has only capacity for public action on complaint of the administration concerned.

ARTICLE 148: . When the Prosecutor decides to pursue a minor, it addressed to the President of the Tribunal for children an originating address. It means the children judge forthwith. The peace judge seized by order of referral.

ARTICLE 149: When a major and minors are involved in the same matter, the Prosecutor of the Republic continues the major according to the procedure of flagrante delicto or direct quote. It is a special folder or minors and addressed to the President of the Tribunal for children an originating address. It refers to the juvenile judge.

ARTICLE 150: If it appears in an information that minors are involved at the same time than, the Prosecutor of the Republic, at the closing of information, requires the removal of the accused before the competent ordinary court and the juvenile court for children major.

Sub-section 3: Procedure at the level of the children judge

ARTICLE 151: The children judge performs by himself or load a people empowered to this effect, all due diligence and investigations helpful, to achieve the manifestation of truth and knowledge of the personality of the child, as well as appropriate to his rehabilitation and its protection ways.

This effect, the children judge conducts all considering the best interests of the child.

ARTICLE 152: Collects the children judge, by a social inquiry, all the information on the material and moral family situation, personality and background of the child, his school attendance, its attendance, his conduct at school, on the conditions in which he lived or was high and his education.

ARTICLE 153: When there is not a service specially organized to this effect to the Tribunal, it may designate to perform the the so-called investigation, any person who looks like he qualified as an expert, the costs of investigation being then settled as costs of criminal justice

ARTICLE 154: Orders, if necessary, the establishment of a medical record which will be attached to the record social

This folder includes a medical examination, a medical examination of the child.

Section 155: The report must necessarily include notices of specialists and constructive proposals to inform the Court in its decisions and appropriate measures.

By giving their opinion, experts should not be influenced by the gravity of the offence charged to the child.

Section 156: The children judge may, in the interest of the child, make a reasoned order in which it decides, provisional measure education, supervision or custody pursuant to the provisions of articles 104 to 109 of this code.

The education, supervision or custody order is:

-either to return the child to his parents, guardians or the person who had custody or to an educational institution of protection or appropriate rehabilitation, an appropriate special education institution;

-either in an institution medical or psycho-educational;

-be placed under supervised freedom regime.

In any case these measures may not exceed a non-renewable period of two months.

ARTICLE 157: As soon as the complete procedure, children judge will communicate the folder to the Prosecutor of the Republic which shall send its closing within eight days at the latest.

Section 158: If the juvenile judge considers that the facts constitute crime, offence or contravention, or if the author remained unknown, or if there is not sufficient charges against a minor, he said in an order be held to follow.

Minors temporarily placed or detained are released.

Children judge statue at the same time on the return of the seized objects.

Liquid costs and condemns the civil part costs if there is in the issue.

However, the civil party, in good faith, may be discharged from all or part of the cost.

ARTICLE 159: If the juvenile judge considers that the facts constitute an offence, he delivered the referral of the case to the Court for children acting in simple police.

If he considers that the facts constitute an offence, he ordered the removal of the case before the Court for children.

Section 160: If the judge considers that the facts constitute a crime, he ordered that the record of the proceeding and a State of the parts used in belief is communicated by the Prosecutor to the Attorney General at the Court of appeal for the purposes of referral to the Chamber of indictment which must necessarily sitting councillor delegate for the protection of the child who chairs the House Special of the Court of appeal minors.

Section 161: The order for reference of the children judge seizes the children's Court.

Sub-section 4: The procedure at the level of the children's Court

Section 162: The children's court hearings are held in camera. Each case is considered separately outside any other accused.

Only are allowed to attend witnesses, close relatives, guardian or legal representative of the minor, members of the Office of the child, the representatives of the services or institutions concerned with children.

The police of the hearing and the President shall direct the discussions.

The children's Court rule after having heard the child, the witnesses, the parents, guardian or custodian, the Public Ministry and the Council, possibly a representative of the Office of the child or any other person hearing appears useful to the manifestation of the truth.

The judgment is rendered in non-public hearing in the presence of the minor.

It must be motivated.

Section 163: If prevention is established for minors over 13 years and 18 years of age, the child, if he decides not to opt for a criminal conviction, Tribunal, for a specific time period and by reasoned decision, one of the following measures:

- reprimand;

-restoration to his parents, his guardian, the person who had custody, a protection - or appropriate rehabilitation educational institution or institution of appropriate special education;

-placement in a medical or psycho-educational institution;

-placing under the probation;

-work of general interest for minors of 16 years or more.

ARTICLE 164: Placement measures are reviewable at any time by the Tribunal, either office or at the request of the Prosecutor of the Republic, either at the request of the delegate to the probation.

ARTICLE 165: Where the children's Court decides to a conviction against a more minor aged 13 and 18 years of age, the penalty is pronounced cannot rise above half of that to which he could be sentenced if he had more than 18 years

Sub-section 5: The procedure at the level of the Special Chamber for minors

Section 166: The appeal of the decisions of the tribunal for children is considered by the Special Chamber of the Court of appeal responsible for the Affairs of minors within three (3) months of receipt of the file.

Section 167: The procedure is observed before the tribunal for children.

Unit 6: The procedure at the level of the Court of Assizes.

ARTICLE 168: Proceedings before the Court of Assisi of minors are subject to the rules laid down by the code of criminal procedure for the Court of Assizes of common law.

ARTICLE 169: If the juvenile Assize Court decides that the minor over 13 years and under 18 years has acted with discernment, the sentences are pronounced as follows:

-If it is liable to the death penalty or life imprisonment, it may be:

-sentenced to the penalty of 10 to 20 years ' imprisonment;

-If it is liable to the penalty of imprisonment in time, it may be sentenced to be imprisoned for a time equal to one half more than that for which he could be convicted if he was major of 18 years.


Section 170: Are subject to appeal in the forms and time limits provided by the code of criminal procedure:

-the orders of the judge of children before the indictment division.

-The decisions of the Tribunal for children before the Special Chamber of the Court of appeal minors.

ARTICLE 171: Are likely to appeal in the forms and time limits provided by the code of criminal procedure:

-the decisions of the indictment division;

-the decisions of the Special Chamber for minors;

-the judgments of the Court of Assizes of minors.

ARTICLE 172: Remedies may be exercised either by the minor or his legal representative or by his Council.



ARTICLE 173: Probation is a measure of protection of the child.

It is to submit the minor to the control and the effective supervision of a specialist, the probation officer, which is committed by the judge of children or the children's Court.

ARTICLE 174: Monitoring of children placed under supervised freedom regime is ensured by paid permanent delegates and volunteers delegates to probation.

Permanent delegates have the mission to lead and coordinate the action of the Volunteer delegates under the authority of the judge of the children. They have, in addition, the monitoring of children that they personally responsible. Permanent delegates are appointed by the Minister of Justice on the advice of the judge of children among the Volunteer delegates. Volunteer delegates are chosen from among persons of one or the other sex. They are appointed by the judge of the children. In each case, the volunteer delegate is designated by the judgment or order of the judge of the children immediately later.

ARTICLE 175: In all cases where the supervised freedom regime is decided, the child, his parents, guardian, person having custody are notified of the nature and the purpose of this measure and the obligations that it has. Probation officer shall provide a report to the judge hearing the case, for improper conduct of the child, moral danger, systematic barriers to exercise supervision, as well as in the case where a change of placement or custody him seem useful.

ARTICLE 176: An order made by the Council of Ministers determines the terms of appointment and designation of delegates to the supervised release and the rights and obligations relating to the exercise of responsibility.


ARTICLE 177: The children, accompanied by his clerk, judge must visit within its jurisdiction and once a quarter the centres which are placed the juvenile offenders to check including the operation.

It provides a record of visit that he sent to the Prosecutor of the Republic. A copy of the minutes is addressed to the National Director of the Prison Administration and Correctional Education, to the President of the Chamber of indictment and the Minister responsible for centres for the protection of minors.

ARTICLE 178: . The juvenile judge is responsible for overseeing the measures he delivered as well as pronounced by the Court for children and the Special Chamber for minors.

It is bound to follow decisions pronounced against minors, with the collaboration of the services concerned, and by visiting them to realize their State, the degree of acceptance of the measure decided, and order where appropriate medical or psychological examination or social surveys.

ARTICLE 179: Judge of children may, office, either at the request of the Crown or of the child, either of its parents or guardian, or on the report from the probation officer, decide immediately on the various difficulties of execution and any incidental.

Apart from the cases cited, it should review the record of the minor once per semester, to revise the pronounced measure, and then either office, either at the request of the Crown of the minor or his parents, his guardian, the person who has custody, his lawyer or the Director of the institution where it is placed.

However, he cannot change a preventive measure by a body sentence. The contrary is allowed.

ARTICLE 180: The children judge may, at any time, and on the motion of the minor, his parents, his guardian or the custodian, change preventive or criminal measures that have been made, if they were rendered by default or if they became final by expiration of appellate delay.

ARTICLE 181: Are competent to deal with any incident and instance modifier:

(a) the judge sitting in the jurisdiction of the tribunal has held in the first place: when the initial decision emanates from the children's Court, jurisdiction falls to the judge of the children of the domicile of the parents or the current residence of the minor;

(b) on delegation of authority granted by the judge who ruled in the first place, the judge of the children of the home of the parents of a minor, the person, institution, establishment, the Organization to which the minor was entrusted by court, and the judge of the place where the minor is in fact placed or arrested.

ARTICLE 182: This order will be registered and published in the Official Journal.

Bamako, June 5, 2002

The President of the Republic,

Alpha Oumar KONARE

The Prime Minister,

Modibo KEITA,

The Minister of Promotion of the
Woman, child and family,

Mrs. DIARRA Afoussatou THIERO

The Minister of Justice, custody

Abdoulaye o. POUDIOUGOU

Source : Just n ° 18 of June 30, 2002

info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

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