by Xavier collar
Such police officers more occupied to verbalize that stuck the big traders, child social workers ignore the framework of what should be their prerogatives. As a result, the misconduct of child welfare services multiply: martyrs toddlers unprotected hand, undue investments on the other.
Despite a number of cases of sexual abuse of a minor, the profession has yet not the bad press it deserves in France. She continues to encourage vocations in the layers of a people loving social and ignorant transformation just about everything the normal functioning of families. Associations social workers, officials of ESA (child welfare), the PJJ (Judicial Protection of youth) investigators, social workers, various psychologists and other auxiliary of childhood are indeed in an ambiguous relationship with the parents. Expected to provide support, these stakeholders are often in charge of social cases they try to fill gaps, the award of financial assistance and the stick of placement measures.
If some of them carry out their mission with integrity and without a priori, this part is that too minority. The other, either ultra-syndiquée to the extreme left, foolishly is complicit in the first, imposes its educational mink relatives sometimes ill-treated or who deal with situations of delinquency. Lack of parental involvement, it must be that children are educated, even if in this case the provided precepts are questionable.
It is very different when more and more put parents on the spot are not the "problem families" ordinary. Abuse charged depriving them of their natural role are then regularly derived from very different educational principles of those proclaimed in seminars of the child protection associations.
Will be incriminated the facts of deprivation of output or chat on MSN, non-degrading punishments or rewards on school results systems, monitoring of the attendance, the use of a little too extended vocabulary parents,... each item as, according to them, constituting inadmissible school pressure causing stress and an elitist conformism that should suppress. Will be also addressed the positions to take in conflicts between divorced parents which is visibly "coolest" and "progressive" than the other.
It will also address the risks in slanderous denunciations treatments: who is wrong, who is right and is it really important in a situation of school stress (for example) found alarming by the social investigator? The issue does not really arise, what counts is to interfere with the functioning of families.
The Galaxy of social workers is not infallible and when it appears in media just accustomed to their contact, two attitudes host. Either parents, highlights of their clear conscience, are not preparing for what will happen them, ignorant of such multi-purpose social investigators rarely leave without relief. Either parents engage in this exercise in fear and guilt.
The carefree eventually also quickly adopt this second attitude as for a family has nothing to blame its practices to the outbreak of the social worker who judge based on its own criteria psycho-bourdieusiens, it is a little custody. The test will not end without having to drop a few confessions and to a rule self-critical. After all, that has absolutely nothing to be blamed, what parental couple is exemplary, ever, squabbling raise never voice? Or concede some mistakes, parents will be non co-operating, even crazy dangerous and their children will be quickly resolved.
"Who is wrong, who is right and is it really important in a situation of school stress (for example) found alarming by the social investigator?" The issue does not really arise, what counts is to interfere with the functioning of families. »
This threat will quickly soar elsewhere and therefore non-defaulting parents undergoing this type of test are often brought to cooperate in thinking thus limit the damage. Cooperate without ulterior motive is still not the best solution, because there are associations, groups of parents who can help by indicating errors not to do and the ways to defeat small Torquemada of the social.
However, parents are not necessarily desire to return as their third party creates a true state of shock which leads them to doubt themselves and to believe, deep error, in the educational expertise of their inquisitors. Once the foot geared for confidence, they can if overwhelm and thus to give the way to put in place a source able to financing for social workers. The jackpot is the investment to EUR 6 000 per month per head of pipe. But an investment on two is abusive according to the breadcrumb. No matter, this allows to live of many educators and social workers with the complicity of magistrates which entérinent applications for investments and accredit files to load.
The psychological damage to the parents and children are irreversible. But as important as social workers posts are generated and the quartering of the progeny can exclude parents as referents. Children are difficult to recoverable and can be extracted from "bourgeois backgrounds" to become much more malleable to the aberrant ideas of educators.
The destructuring of the family will be also denounced by responsible parents, but most of the time in a clumsy way, thus allowing the social worker to admit that the intention of the intervention is always good even if its effects are (unusually) disastrous.
Among many example, I can cite a psychologist who questioned the clumsiness of a wife to to be entrusted to an intrusive ear. The informant, very active in solidarity so-called associative media, becomes, according to the psychologist expressed, the product of a society that has changed since George Bush's reaction to the attacks of September 11 and Sarkozy retention of security legislation. All elements, according to her, in the meaning of the Suppression of the parents. Biased social workers become victims of the lack of means and a reduction of the credit policy.
This ex post facto explanation seems particularly carrier lessons on how parents are treated and considered. A double goat-emissary appears here: the other parent, history to break the couple; and the Government, history to establish complicity of nature policy with the parent need a hand tense whatsoever.
With a minimum of decline, "extenuating circumstances" of social workers are stupid. They did not wait a safe climate around a new danger nickname, simply implement a "precautionary principle" in their sauce against the influence of the bourgeois family institution. They worry less experience of children provided social and cultural families. Thus, the parents guilty of "school pressure" are no less dangerous than the lunatics end up sinking their offspring in the concrete. They will therefore denounce this trial in danger even though - and need to make this clear - their sole legitimate reason to act, objective and unavoidable reason in any civilized society.
Victims are not innocent for social workers, because their educational mode non-deviant would not sufficiently fulfilling according to their vision of the free child in the collective nursery. These principles are, however not too put forward as they may shock. However, it must also gain understanding from parents, even if dividing roles between social workers flagellateurs and consolants. It must be said in effect that a destructured family becomes a potential ally.
Some workaholics lamenteront hypocritically too expeditious procedure of other perpetrators who did that obey, and now the parents encouraged to express their dissatisfaction or even their disobedience to the Government. Criminals know is to blame for their crimes on those who are supposed to control them. They here act as activators of a syndrome of Stockholm by redirecting the anger of the victims non-families against their cliques, but against an Executive supposed to put an end to practices of abduction to political settlement.
Hat the bastards, as seen from any point of view best parents, whose children for their misfortune was reformatted in future covered by social assistance, manifest for that additional means are provided to social workers. Parents which could not be faulted and against which any correctional procedure cannot succeed, is are found elbow to elbow with which them have slandered that Government take them more as taxpayers to perpetuate the inquisition they suffer! And I say keep it, because supported so, small Torquemada scare even the Government, who dares even to question the mafia of welfare, lest they parents victims to intervene between justice and their executioner!
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