mardi 26 juillet 2011

Appointment of three assistants to the defender of the rights

Appointment of three assistants to the defender of the rights

The defender of rights, Dominique Baudis, recently announced that it had chosen three assistants to assist it in its functions, including child protection, ethics in the field of security and combating discrimination.

Appointed June 22 - former Mayor of Toulouse - and former President of the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA), has now responsibilities previously assigned to the Ombudsman of the Republic, the defender of children, the National Commission of ethics of security (NSDC) and the high authority against discrimination and for equality (HALDE).

Under the constitutional reform of 2008, the defender of rights may be seized directly by any person considering himself injured in his rights and freedoms by the functioning of the administration. . In the field of the protection of childhood and ethics of safety, it may be informed of the actions of private individuals

The advocate is assisted by three colleges and three assistants.

Defender of rights chairs the colleges who assist him for the exercise of its powers in defence and promotion of the rights of the child, combating discrimination and promoting equality, and ethics in the field of security.

Each Deputy may supplement the defender of the rights to the chairmanship of the meetings of the College which he is Vice President and represent it in its field of competence.


Pursuant to section 11 of the organic law on the rights defender, Dominique Baudis has proposed on 13 July to the Prime Minister, François Fillon, the appointment as assistants the following personalities:

Marie DERAIN, defender of children, Assistant Vice President of the College responsible for the defence and promotion of the rights of the child.

Françoise MOTHES, Assistant, Vice-President of the College for professional ethics in the field of security.

Maryvonne LYAZID, Assistant Vice President of the College for the fight against discrimination and the promotion of equality.


It is interesting to recall the careers of these three assistants that each of them were distinguished for their recognized expertise that they will now alongside Dominique Baudis in their new functions:

Marie Derain:

After having assumed different responsibilities in Scouting, Marie Derain came in 1998, the judicial Protection of youth .for become then services Director for the judicial Protection of youth in the Ministry of Justice, these duties she participated in 2010 to the report of a parliamentary mission on the situation of minors isolated in France.

Françoise Mothes:

A lawyer by training, Françoise Mothes began his career as a lawyer at the bar of Paris before joining the judiciary, in the meantime also exercised responsibilities at the Prison Administration, the national gendarmerie and the police prefecture,

In judicial auditor at the Court of cassation, substitute for the TGI de Créteil, she was successively since 1989, substitute for the TGI Paris, loaded (e) the management of the detention in the Direction of the prison administration, Prosecutor General in the courts of appeal of Amiens and prior to his recent appointment by the defender of rights, she was Attorney of the Republic Deputy to the tribunal de grande instance de Créteil.

Maryvonne Lyazid:

Maryvonne Lyazid, after studying politics in Strasbourg and his passage to the national school of public health, which she is a graduate, became Inspector of health and Social Affairs and subsequently takes the direction of the lower Rhine DDAS

It is then made available to the Council of Europe for 3 years where she responsible for RTD of a project on the role of States in the fight against social exclusion.

In 1999, Bernard Kouchner, then Secretary of State for health, entrusted the Chair of a working group on access to the technical AIDS for persons in loss of autonomy.

She spent six years as President of the foundation of the Hospital of Dr. Albert Schweitzer in Gabon.

It has also been responsible for mission in the cabinet of Dominique Gillot, Secretary of State for the elderly and disabled, from 2000 to 2002 she was Vice-President of the dump of January 31, 2011 to March 2011.

Prior to his duties with the defender of rights, she again chaired the FISAF (National Federation for the Insertion of the deaf and blind in France persons), Federation of 140 associations to fight against the hearing and visual impairment. AND she was also Assistant to the Director General of the Foundation for solidarity savings bank.


The three Vice-Chairpersons, as the defender of rights, have committed to occupy any other function during the six years that will last, normally their mandate. respective.


Several personalities and some media have hailed these appointments in pleasant to emphasize the feminization high level of services of the public defender of rights.

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info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

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