in it category ranks the ase and judges for children of Nanterre
It is estimated that 5 to 15% of the adult population has a personality disorder. While all have an or a few personality traits that would benefit change in personality disorder, some traits are invasive and really rigid. They lead to suffering or really hinder adaptation and functioning in various situations.
The DSM - IV (1) defines 10 specific personality disorders:
(1) The paranoid personality is characterized by one suspicious distrust of others whose intentions are interpreted as malicious.
(2) The schizoid personality disorder is characterized by a detachment of social relations and a restriction of the variety of emotional expressions.
(3) The schizotypal personality is characterized by acute discomfort in close relationships, by perceptual and cognitive distortions and eccentric behaviour.
(3) The anti-social personality (or psychopath) is characterized by a disregard and a breach of the rights of others.
(4) The personality limit (borderline) is characterized by a marked impulsivity and instability of interpersonal relationships, the image itself and the affects.
(5) The histrionic personality is characterized by excessive emotional responses and a quest for attention.
(6) The narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by fantasies or grandiose behavior, a need to be admired and a lack of empathy.
(7) The Avoidant Personality is characterized by a social inhibition, feelings of not being at the height and hypersensitivity to negative judgment of others.
(8) The dependent personality is characterized by a subject and "sticky" behavior related to an excessive need to be supported.
(9) The obsessive compulsive personality disorder is characterized by a concern for the order, perfection and control.
There is also the diagnosis of:
Disorder of the personality not specified
Two other personality disorders are not recognized by the DSM - IV but are under consideration: the depressive personality (mode intrusive cognitions and depressive behaviors, to distinguish the diagnoses of depression as such) and passive-aggressive personality (pervasive mode of negativist attitudes and passive resistance to requests to provide adequate performance).
Understanding personality disorders
What is a personality disorder?
What are disorders of the personality of the leaders are not æsir?
your feedback
I pence in the ** symptom of narcissistic personality
RépondreSupprimer•Surestimation capabilities
** •Exageration
** •Vantardise
** •Pretention
** •Etonne does not receive praise
** •Devalorisation other
** •Fantasmes of success, power, beauty
** •Sentiment of superiority
** •Sentiment of ordinary people's misunderstanding
** Excessive •Besoin of admiration
•Estime of course, very fragile
** •Preoccupe by the opinion of others
** •Besoin constant attention and admiration
** •Sentiment that everything is due
** •Exploitation other
** •Manque of empathy
** •Meprise the needs or feelings of others
** Emotional •Froideur
** •Reagit to criticism by rage or provocation
•Longing other and believes that others envy it
** •Jalousie
** •Arrogance
** •Snobisme
** •Condescendance
•Facilement shot by critical or failure
Social •Repli
•Reticence to take risks when the failure is possible